Rollerset and 4a/4b Breakage


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

I attempted to rollerset my hair on Sunday Night with lottabody mix (water 3:1 setting lotion) and some leave in. I sat under the dryer for 45mins and went to bed because I had to be up at 5AM. When I took my hair down and comb it out a little with my Magic Star rake I got more breakage than I am use to. So here goes my question do 4a/4b generally get breakage as they are combing down their rollersets? How much is too much? I also noticed today that I did not get any breakage as I put my hair into a bun. I will post pics as soon as I find my memory card exporter
Hi, I'm 4a and I rollerset every weekend. I had breakage under control but after reading some threads on setting lotion and I bought the new lottabody with olive oil and also the mizani setting lotion. I've been seeing breakage while rollersetting that I never had before. In my case, I'm quite sure that it is the setting lotion, as I have a good protein/moisture balance and never had breakage while rollersetting before using my usual combo of Silicon Mix or Lacio lacio leave in and a bit of serum. Maybe you should tweak your regimen for some days and see if the setting lotion is the culprit.
I just purchased Alter Ego Galic treatment conditioner. I haven't used it yet, but plan to this week to see if it would stop my breakage in it's tracks, like the reviews say. It was expensive, but Im confident that it will work.
Try skipping the setting lotion and using lacio lacio (or your fav leave-in) and some serum.
Also, for ladies who love setting lotions Jane Carter wrap and roll foam is awesome and has great ingredients. It doesnt need to be diluted, its only like $8 and lasts a lifetime lol...but seriously one bottle can last months even if you are setting weekly.
I don't use setting lotion for my rollersets so I haven't had any breakage after combing out my set. I use water mixed with a leave in
give up the setting lotion - I too experienced the breakage but I didn't think about the setting lotion. I went back to using crece pelo/lacio lacio.
I had the same issue with breakage, and I stopped using setting lotion and no more breakage. You also may want to make sure your dryer is on low to med and not hot. It takes longer but its worth it. These days I do a 3 phase dry 1 - air dry, 2 - dry on med dryer heat, 3 - then more air dry. Take out rollers BEFORE bed and wrap. Now days I get a great set with water and a drop of lacio lacio in a spray bottle with a little oil on the ends. Good luck!
Thank you soooo much ladies:) I cant wait to try it again this weekend without setting lotion
Sitting under the dryer with rollers in. I used Sebastion Potion 9 and my homemade leave in. I secretly hope I dont like the potion 9 because it is so expensive but after all the RAVEs about it I had to try it out. If I like it wont be too bad because I really didnt use much:)
I get a little breakage but I don't know if it's the setting lotion. When my aunt does it, I have no problems. But if I don't use setting lotion (lottabody) my hair doesn't hold a curl when I wrap it after a day. I love this blue setting foam I have (can't think of the name-salon brand). It's GREAT but it doesn't hold my sets long either.
THANK YOU LADIES. I got maybe 2-3 broken hairs after I combed it down. I could not let my hair dry all the way because I had an appointment with my trainer but it was mostly dry. I actually like the sebastian potion 9 so it is a keeper:) I wanted to try it out before the return policy expired. My hair is in a bun now but it is soft, shiny and sleek(as it is gonna be:) I might continue to rollerset every other week because it is great for stretching out my hair without the blow dryer but I am gonna have to allow at least 2hrs to dry. I also like that it shows my length alittle. GN ladies