Roller sets


New Member
Hi Ladies,

Hey, can you ladies give me some advice about roller sets? Where do I start? What kind of rollers do I buy? Do I need to get the heated kind? Do I get regular rollers or rods? My hair is growing back from a nine inch cut last year and I think a roller set would look nice at this length. Plus, I don't know what else to do with my hair. My hair is at that in between stage. You know when you cut your hair and it's growing back fast, you can't quite get it in a pony tail and I hate using a flat iron on this length.

Anyway, if you ladies have any photos,tips or tutorials I'd be very grateful. I'm considering buying Remington Tight Curls roller set. I heard that it gives good spiral curls. Thanks in advance.
The only two things I would change about this (it's pretty old), is use Lacio Lacio, Giovanni Direct Leave-in, Garnier Leave-in; turn the rollers in reverse. So, instead of rolling downward, roller backward. You ends should be touching your scalp first, pulling the hair smoothly from the root on back. This technique makes my hair smoother. I guess one day I was trying to do flips/twirls with rollers so my hair wouldn't hurt, and found this technique on accident.:rolleyes:

Sunday, September 2, 2007


I'm sure if we could all pay to have our favorite stylist all to ourselves, answering our every beck and call, we would. Think about it! You would never have to leave the home without that amazing "salon" fresh look. But, when you are 12 weeks past your last relaxer and money is tight, seeking professional assistance is not always feasible. So, how do I make it through with soft, shiny sleek hair that looks like the heavens alone touched it? Here's the perfect example of how to wrap/rollerset your hair to get a soft, moisturized bouncy look. This technique might be harder to do with longer hair, so bare with me.

ToolsRollers and Hold Clips
Bonnet Dryer
Straightening Iron (GHD, Chi, MaxiGlide, FHI)

Prep Step:
Go through your regular wash routine. Please deep condition your hair before you run heat through it. Also, follow up with a protein leave-in, as in Africa's Best Hair Mayonnaise Leave-In. This way, your hair won't break off from the heat or the combing. Make sure to have a mirror close by when you do this.

You're going to look into the mirror. Do you see the section of your hair that is centered? The crown of your head, right? This is the hair that you are going to put into rollers. Make note of that. You're going to grab the roller in your most capable hand (left or right). Take that 1/2 inch chunk and place it on top of the roller.Hold onto it with you index finger and hold the roller with your thumb.

Make sure the ends are laying flat around the perimeter of the roller. Roll Downward until you hit your scalp.

The Hold Hold onto that roller for dear life. You don't want the hair to unravel and you having to start all over again. MAKE SURE YOUR ENDS ARE FLAT against the roller and rolled tightly!

The tricky part; Securing the roller AND hair. Find the thickest part of the hair root the root. Grab the clip in the other hand while you are still holding the other roller and hair in your hand. Gently stick the metal clip through the root of the hair (if you hit resistance, than stop and try again). Now let go. It should still be standing and the hair should be secured tightly on the roller.

See! that wasn't so hard! Now repeat with the hair on the crown of your hair. This will give you fullness and takes less time than rolling the entire head.

Wrapping the hair

(If you are not doing a full rollerset, then try this step first). Which side of your hair is the thickest, left or right? Start with that side. Part your hair down the middle (with a wide-tooth comb) and grab the first inch of hair. Smooth the ends with a paddle brush. Secure with a wrap pin or the metal clips that you use for rollers. Even banana clips with work.

Now, let your hair dry. It shouldn't take any longer than 45 mins. You can also airdry your hair overnight. Wrap foil paper around the iron and its plates to lessen the damage of direct heat. Plug your iron in and turn it to a medium size heat (300-350 Degrees Fahrenheit) and allow to heat Take a quarter size amount of serum and distribute throughout hair. Only straighten roots of hair and do a quick "bump" on ends of hair. Please do not leave the hot iron on hair for any longer than 8 seconds!