Reniece straightened my hair! Lots of pictures!

I can't believe I missed my hair idol's first pro straightening in almost ten years. I gasped and covered my mouth. My co-workers thought something crazy had happened :lol:

Im amazed at Reniece's talent and your hair all at the same time.
i have never seen so many thank yous for one post
this thread has made history lol
and i still love that hair
Sweet Jesus...

Just beautiful! Shrinkage is something else. Thats what I love about natural hair. Its so many things all at once!
I can only repeat what everyone else has said ... gorgeous hair! Both curly and straightened. She did a great job leaving your fullness and body.
Wow! The comparison photo is amazing! Unbelievable even! That's enough to keep me on my natural transition journey. Thanks for the inspiration.

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Imma need a "Reniece-like" stylist out here in Los Angeles, Riverside or San Diego area. Anybody know a stylist on her level out here? If so I might make my way back into a stylist chair.
