Removing Glue from Hair


New Member
I got two tracks bonded into my hair with glue over a week and a half ago by a professional. I used oil to remove the tracks and then shampooed with both clarifying shampoo AND a conditioning shampoo at least 3 times. Nevertheless, there is still a lot of glue residue in my hair. How do I get rid of it? I am washing my hair again tomorrow morning. Any tips are appreciated! My hair is a sticky mess in the back. :confused:
I had them in my hair before, and what i did was to use the oil to get out as much as you possibly can, and then use Proclaim shampoo from Sally's. It's specifally made to remove bonded tracks. This usually worked for me. The trick is to get out as much as you initially can with the oil.
I just asked a similar question earlier today. The answers were : hairspray, conditioner oil sheen and oil. I'm gonna try some evoo tomorrow, hopefully it'll help. Keep us updated.