Read this before you buy anything else!!!

great thread! i'm still learning and very happy to have all this fabulous and very informative info in one place,

u ladies ROCK!!!:yep::yep:
All I can say is :wow:

This would've been really helpful when I first joined. It woulda saved a looooot of time and money :yep:
Excellent, i had to bookmark this page, the info is priceless. Thanks Gymfreak and Artemis it's a wealth of info and i'm sure that with all this info, i'll still get some things wrong:sad:
I'm so impressed-What a wonderful thread. Great job ladies. I get most of my "save and refer to later info" from you two anyway-especially the ceramide and vitamin threads you two started:grin:
This is a thread that all new members need to see when they first join.I wish i had this then.
All the basics and main points are highlighted.All the steps will def. save them a lot of time with breaking down what they need,in order to get it right faster.Very nice ladies:yep:
Two thumbs up!!
Excellent thread; concise, comprehensive and very informative. This should definitely be a sticky
I'm so excited about all the vital information I needed to begin my hair journey:grin: I'm a newbie and was a little overwhelmed in the beginning about all the different products, techniques, etc...LHCF have been recommending. I also felt like I was beginning to turn into a PJ...Thanks for lookin out ladies! I recommend this as a sticky.
You all really have done a bang up job with these primers. Sistaslick, I looked at some of your AC articles and they are excellent as well. What great resources we have! I need to spend some more time over here; we've got new secrets to work with since I first joined up.
You ladies rock! I just copied and pasted all this into a Word document. I'll be using it myself and passing it along to people when they ask how to grow long hair. :grin:
Wow this was great!! I am a newbie and had a million and one questions. Majority of my questions were pretty much answered all in that one post. Thank you soo much for that post!! It was great! I am over here talking to the ladies at work about hair :grin::grin:
I just wanted to say that this should be a MUST READ!! for all newbies because it really helped me understand hair and now I am going around preaching to people about hair :lachen: Reading this is definitely going to help me on my journey to long, healthy hair!! THANKS SOO MUCH!! Now I don't have to depend on my Dominican hair dresser to tell me about my hair (which she doesn't) I will know what to do myself.

THANKS AGAIN!! I Am going to invest in some new hair care products.
I just saw this!!!:blush: Wow cousins! You two truly broke it down tag team style!! LOVE IT!!!:yep::yep:

Wonderfully informative! If only something like this was around when many of us joined!!!:ohwell:
