Questions about Spiritual Gifts?

Hi everyone!

I have been lurking in this fourm quite a bit and thought that I would go ahead and jump in and hopefully get some insight into a few things I was wondering about. I was reading the thread about "seeing spirits leaving someone" and a few members talked about their spiritual gifts. I didnt want to take over that thread but I wanted to discuss this further.

I have been told by someone that I had the gift of discernment. The person that told me this was someone that I felt very compelled by God to talk to about some things that had been happening in my life. I was basically at a breaking point where I felt that I could trust no one and everyone was against me. Im a shy person so I usually dont talk to people I do not know well but this person was a new hairdresser that I had seen a few times before and she hadd alwasy talked about the lord around me.
I told her about what was going on in my life and she counciled me said that she would for me.

We develped a good relationship and she continued to keep me in her prayers and would call and check up on me. Later on (a few months) she said that she had a dream about me in which there were a lot of different people coming to me from everywhere telling me things and in the dream I was very conflicted and I was going around in circles trying to listen to everyone. She said that in the dream she came up to me and whispered in my ear. "ReeceNicole you have the gift of discernment you know the truth"

That was the first time that I had heard about spiritual gifts and it kind of scared me and awed me because that was exactly what was happening in my life at the time and always seemed to happen in the past. Its like my whole life I have always found myself having difficulty with friends. The best way to describe it, would be that it is often easy for me to "figure people out" I get very strong feelings about others that causes me to want to draw close to them or steer clear. Sometimes its seems like the people who I feel the most negative feelings for are drawn to me and mines :perplexed Honestly this has caused me a lot of conflict because I have often let others convince me that I was wrong or that I was being judgemental whenever I just felt that someone is "not right" about someone. Sometimes I have even doubted my own gift and this has caused me a lot of pain when I trusted people who I KNEW I shouldnt have :wallbash:.

What I am currently working on is trusting my gift. Praying for those who I know are "not right" and not just avoiding them. I know that God made me the way I am for a reason and maybe I have had so many issues because I havent quite figured out what to do with my gift yet.

So basically to make a long story short. :drunk: I wanted to know about yall. Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? If so how did you discover it? Have you had any problems or issues because of your gift? and how are you using it?
Hi ReeceNicole...your story sounds similar to mine. I was told by a co-worker a few years back that I had the spirit of discerment. I didn't know what exactly she meant but she pointed me to:
1st Corinthian 10:10 He gives one person the power to perform miracles, and another the ability to prophesy. He gives someone else the ability to discern whether a message is from the Spirit of God or from another spirit.

I began to dive deeper into the Word and I got a better understanding of my life and my gift. I always thought that I was different and could not understand why I could sense things that others could not.

One definition of spiritual discernment is:
calling on the Holy Spirit to lead or give direction on a matter. It is how the Spirit shows the church or its people what God wants them to do and be.

I am not going to make this long (cause it's time for me to leave work :yep:)but the key to trusting your gift is to first trust God. Develop your relationship with Him and ask Him to lead you in everything that you do.
Every gift that he gives to us is not for our OWN personal use but to be used for His Glory.
I found a really wonderful website regarding this subject - We can discuss further when I log back on tonight.
I think I'm still trying to figure out my spiritual gifts. I know that I have the spirit of discernment. I can remember being able to discern things as far back as five years old. Of course I didn't know what to call it then...I didn't learn what it was until I was in my 20's. For example, when I was five years old I knew that my dad was having an affair...I don't know how I knew, but I knew. At five years old I don't think I fully understood what it was or how damaging it could be and was to my parents marriage, but I knew what was going on. I can read people pretty well. I know when someone is talking about me and I know what they are saying. It's weird, I can't really explain it. For example, I just changed jobs. I still keep in touch with some of my old co-workers. I had lunch with some of them the other day. Two of them in particular, I was really close to these two...I knew...I know that they have been talking about me and I have a general idea of what they have been saying. No one has said to me, "Hey, they are saying this about you...". I just know.

My prayer partner says I have a prophetic annointing. It was stronger when she and I prayed together every morning...she also has the gift of prophecy.

I'm not really sure how to grow in my gift(s), nor am I sure what to do with them.
Reece and Mrselle - I am going to bump a thread from last year and it contains a link to a website that will help you to discover what your gifts are. I found the links to be VERY helpful. I think it will be helpful in your quest and provide spiritual enlightenment.
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