Proverbs 31 Woman: Married women come on in!


New Member
What does it mean to be a Proverbs 31 woman to you? How do you attempt to affirm these ideals in your marriage and in your life daily?

For quick reference:

I'd love to start a Proverbs 31 Challenge where we sisters support and encourage each other through daily journaling and bible study to be better wives, mother, and/or daughters in the eyes of God.

Being a Proverbs 31 woman means, to me, working hard and bringing prosperity and happiness to my husband. It means finding joy in God's word and seeking his will instead of my own in my daily life. What about you?

I've become a better home maker, but I still have to battle my sloth and procrastination. I'd also like to work on complimenting and positively affirming the DH more.

What ways do you think you could improve? What kinds of goals would you have for this kind of challenge? Maybe we can each write our daily prayers and goals here in the morning as well as write 5 things we love/apppreciate about the DH.

Here's a great resource I've been using;

Can't wait to here from you ladies~!
Actually it begins 'before' marriage and continues as it is actively put into practice when a woman becomes 'his' wife.

All Singles reading...take note; for "Preparation is Key." :yep: ;)

Married Ladies, if it helps, I'll post more Romance tips in the 'Wives Only' thread to help with your "Proverbs 31 CELEBRATION". :yay: You each have my support all the way. Marriages need support from all of us.

Okay...I'm backing out of this thread for the wives to come in and join you. I'll be cheering for each of you. :yay: Keep checking the Romance threads, I'm dedicating my next Romance post to each of you for this occasion. :yep: It's entitled, "Sharing with Him, the Alphabet of Love" :look: It's a fun one...I promise. ;)

Again...Singles please take note..."Preparation is Key".
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Shimmie said:
Actually it begins 'before' marriage and continues as it is actively put into practice when a woman becomes 'his' wife.

All Singles reading...take note; for "Preparation is Key." :yep: ;)

Married Ladies, if it helps, I'll post more Romance tips in the 'Wives Only' thread to help with your "Proverbs 31 CELEBRATION". :yay: You each have my support all the way. Marriages need support from all of us.

Okay...I'm backing out of this thread for the wives to come in and join you. I'll be cheering for each of you. :yay: Keep checking the Romance threads, I'm dedicating my next Romance post to each of you for this occasion. :yep: It's entitled, "Sharing with Him, the Alphabet of Love" :look: It's a fun one...I promise. ;)

Again...Singles please take note..."Preparation is Key".

Heck NO! You better get your informative tail right back in this thread! I only said "wives" because I've seen many a Christian women board fall apart when non-married women speak on topics such as this. I just didn't want that fire storm here, but please, if it won't cause a problem I want ALL my sisters in on this to help and learn from each other.

You're right, it IS about preparation, but you have to admit that many of the ideas that the Lord puts forth for women are not considered PC enough for today's society, so many girls are not receiving this kind of education from their mothers or their churches. I certainly wish I had this kind of thing growing up.

I wish I could change the original topic headline, but please continue coming and putting in your input as well as joining in and helping set up the challenge if you have the time.
I am definately in on this one too. I love the idea of this challenge.

To me, being a Proverbs 31 woman means a lady who gets her beauty and grace from relying fully on the word of God, and not what society thinks, or even what she feels. It means loving and respecting and submitting to the man of the house. It means taking care of the homefront domestically, emotionally, and spiritually under the God given authority of the husband, the priest of the house. (and if he is not functioning as the priest, then by God's grace she humbly fulfills that position)

It is understanding that her beauty is not from outward adornments (like hair!) but on the inward parts that God sees and that emanate outward.

It is true that the single ladies need to prepare from now. For in Proverbs 31:12 it says "She will do him good and not evil ALL THE DAYS OF HER LIFE" This is not just referring to after she is married to him, but while she is single. She needs to live her life, that even her reputation will be a pure gift to him. The ways she takes care of her body, her relationship currently in the Lord, will all do him good or evil (when there is a lack) when they finally do meet.

But yes, I need this challenge, this encouragement. I feel housework is endless, and most of the time, I don't want to do it. I need practical encouragement and tips to be more like the Proverbs 31 woman.

I can't wait for more...:)
Excellent! I'm so glad there are other ladies here who are trying to live up to God's vision of what a woman should be. This is a very difficult journey and I didn't want to take it alone.

I think it would be great if we could actually break this up into a 22-23 week challenge, with each week spent on reflection of the couplet for that week. For example, our first study will be on Prov 31:10;

10 A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies

We'd then discuss what this means to us, other instances in the Bible where mention of a noble wife can be found (Ru 3:11 for example) or even how we've strived that week to become more in line with this verse. While I know every woman doesn't the time to check in daily, daily posting will enable us to continue encouraging each other.

We could even set up little group goals, things we will ALL try to do to better ourselves as wives, mothers, sisters and daughters.

What do you think? We could always use more ideas. And when would you guys like to start. Perhaps at the top of Monday? To give you a chance to mentally and emotionally prepare?

Feel free to drop me a PM if you don't agree with anything I've said here. I know Protestants and Catholics may have different views on what the scripture means and I am more than willing to try to incorporate things from the Catechism if anyone wishes.

What do you ladies
gloomgeisha said:
Excellent! I'm so glad there are other ladies here who are trying to live up to God's vision of what a woman should be. This is a very difficult journey and I didn't want to take it alone.

I think it would be great if we could actually break this up into a 22-23 week challenge, with each week spent on reflection of the couplet for that week. For example, our first study will be on Prov 31:10;

10 A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies

We'd then discuss what this means to us, other instances in the Bible where mention of a noble wife can be found (Ru 3:11 for example) or even how we've strived that week to become more in line with this verse. While I know every woman doesn't the time to check in daily, daily posting will enable us to continue encouraging each other.

We could even set up little group goals, things we will ALL try to do to better ourselves as wives, mothers, sisters and daughters.

What do you think? We could always use more ideas. And when would you guys like to start. Perhaps at the top of Monday? To give you a chance to mentally and emotionally prepare?

Feel free to drop me a PM if you don't agree with anything I've said here. I know Protestants and Catholics may have different views on what the scripture means and I am more than willing to try to incorporate things from the Catechism if anyone wishes.

Count me in! A couple of scriptures at Proverbs 31 was quoted at my wedding. Just let me know when!:)
Sounds like a plan.

I feel very good about trying to improve myself spiritually. I want to be a better wife and inspire my husband to strengthen his faith. I want to make my husband feel confident and happy. I want to keep myself and my household healthy and fit. I want to physically prepare my body to be a mother. I want to live so that people will know that I am a Christian. I know I am very early in my journey so please pray that I will stick with this.

Thanks for the thread:)

Oh yeah, A good deal of this is difficult for me because of the type of scripture that you had in the email. Honestly there are many parts that I do not understand and it makes me dizzy and I lose interest...I think this is what has held me back from reading my Bible and becoming a better Christian. I will pray and ask God to help me Focus and receive his word.

Thanks again
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Here is my first installment re: Proverbs 31:10

I am so excited about this:grin:

noble character- hmmm nobility means related to a king or of high esteem. Did you notice how Princess Diana's sons acted in her funeral procession? They quietly walked behind their mother's coffin with hands behind their back. Why? Because they are nobility. They carry themselves differently than us ghetto people who would be screaming, kicking, yelling, fainting. I bet they wanted to do all the ghetto stuff and more, but because nobility doesn't act like that, they didn't.

So i think a woman of noble character, acts differently though society, friends, her personal emotions may say otherwise. She carries herself differently, makes choices differently, her character exudes that she is from a line of nobility.

Well she needs to know what line of Nobility she belongs to.. Jesus Christ her Brother is King!!

I think the verse starts out in a rhetorical question because, it IS hard to find a woman who is not dictated by her emotions, societal pressures, etc., but fully on God and His standards.

Rubies... she is very precious, because rubies are a very precious stone, and in the Bible, wisdom is always associated with rubies i noticed (i looked it up in an exhaustive concordance)

For instance, it says: for the price of wisdom is above rubies (Job 28:18)

That means if wisdom and a woman of noble character are both above rubies, then women of noble character are full of wisdom (follow my reasoning?)

And if so, in Proverbs 9:10 says The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

So the woman also fears the Lord God.

Where I struggle in my life with this verse is where I am not living like nobility. :( I get caught up in sometimes worrying about stuff, or I frivolously spend time doing nonesense and not spending time in prayer and studying his Word, or even keeping up with household duties. Basically I let how I FEEL dictate my actions... But it shouldn't be so

So help me out ladies... I need your support to act like nobility... practical steps.
Proverbs 31 Study Group

Part One: God's call for "nobility."

Understanding the Verse;

Prov 31:10
1.A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies

1.What does this verse mean to you?
2.What qualities do you think God considers “noble”?
3.Find two other verses that mention one/ a few of these noble qualities.
4.Explain how these verses relate to our selected passage and what these verses can teach you about attaining or exercising these qualities.

Link this Verse to Life;

5.Which of these qualities do you think you struggle with the most?
6.Name a few ways that you can better exercise these qualities in the secular world and with your husband/significant other.

Bring this Verse to Life;

Reflect on everything that you have read and written. Attempt to spend this week focusing on this message and implementing its message in your daily interactions. Please feel free to check in daily and post when you feel you're sticking to your goal as well as when you've slipped up. We need daily encouragement so don't be shy.

All “assignments” should be posted by Saturday. The next verse lesson will be posted the following Monday. This allows for everyone to move at the same pace and stay motivated.

Part One Due Date: Oct 21st
Thanks for participating!
My spirit was so touched when I read your reply.

The Word of God tells us that, "Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor of The Lord." Proverbs 18:22

Please note that it says Whosoever finds a wife...which means you have to already be one before you are found.

So, ladies, we don't have to chase after men. Afterall, have you ever so a flower run after a bumble bee begging it to pollenate it? Of course not, it's just not natural.

What God has for you, it is for you!

I'm joining this challenge. I'm sure my DH will benefit greatly.

I'll be posting for more advice on how not just to read about the Prov. 31 wife, but how to become her as well.

Blessings to you all.
ritzbitz78 said:
Here is my first installment re: Proverbs 31:10

I am so excited about this:grin:

noble character- hmmm nobility means related to a king or of high esteem. Did you notice how Princess Diana's sons acted in her funeral procession? They quietly walked behind their mother's coffin with hands behind their back. Why? Because they are nobility. They carry themselves differently than us ghetto people who would be screaming, kicking, yelling, fainting. I bet they wanted to do all the ghetto stuff and more, but because nobility doesn't act like that, they didn't.

So i think a woman of noble character, acts differently though society, friends, her personal emotions may say otherwise. She carries herself differently, makes choices differently, her character exudes that she is from a line of nobility.

Well she needs to know what line of Nobility she belongs to.. Jesus Christ her Brother is King!!

I think the verse starts out in a rhetorical question because, it IS hard to find a woman who is not dictated by her emotions, societal pressures, etc., but fully on God and His standards.

Rubies... she is very precious, because rubies are a very precious stone, and in the Bible, wisdom is always associated with rubies i noticed (i looked it up in an exhaustive concordance)

For instance, it says: for the price of wisdom is above rubies (Job 28:18)

That means if wisdom and a woman of noble character are both above rubies, then women of noble character are full of wisdom (follow my reasoning?)

And if so, in Proverbs 9:10 says The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

So the woman also fears the Lord God.

Where I struggle in my life with this verse is where I am not living like nobility. :( I get caught up in sometimes worrying about stuff, or I frivolously spend time doing nonesense and not spending time in prayer and studying his Word, or even keeping up with household duties. Basically I let how I FEEL dictate my actions... But it shouldn't be so

So help me out ladies... I need your support to act like nobility... practical steps.
Hey sisters,

It's Sunday, so I'm not expecting any posts today AT ALL. :angel:, but I'd just like everyone to get mentally and sprititually prepared for this week to come. Take time to focus on our verse and think of ways to implement it into your life. Ask God for guidance, spend some time with your prayer journal if you have one. Write down what you'd like to get out of this week and ask for the wisdom and grace to bring this into fruition.

But remember- We HAVE to take ACTION, words are nothing if we don't make moves on them. I hope everyone has a restful day.

Drop me a note if you have any questions. My day of rest was yesterday, so I am all ears and eyes. :yep:
Don't leave me out.

I am currently involved in a wonderful ministry called "Apples of Gold". It helps the younger woman (including me) learn to be faithful to God and her husband, children, and home. More mature women serve as mentors. We are served a wonderful meal each week and we learn how to cook the meals. But more importantly, we learn what God says about being kind to others and loving our husbands--even in sex.

I've learned alot, even though I thought I already knew it all:lol: .And I am learning to love my husband unconditionally, as Christ loves us. It has enriched our marriage and God has blessed us with more peace with the kids.

I'd love to further my journey by joining this group.
sithembile said:
I'm in, my bf and I are going to be engaged soon so I really need to start preparing myself.

Congrats Girl, I know you have been praying and waiting for a long time. God is truly good
I love this passage. One thing I've always found interesting about these verses is that the Bible is describing a woman who provides for her household both spiritually and materially.

16: She considers a field and buys it; From her profits she plants a vineyard.

Basic financial principle, invest then reinvest! She's a business woman on top of everything else she does! Because she relies on God, she is able to bring success to her family in every way.