Protein Vs Moisture


Well-Known Member
What signs indicate whether you need a protein treatment or just a good moisturizing deep conditioner. I thought my daughter needed one and I was going to give her one at home since I thought her hair was dry. When I took her to her stylist she said her hair was in good condition but just needed moisture. She had experience slight breakage so that's why I was thinking protein. I'm glad I didn't so an APhogee treatment. When do you ladies know when you need moisture of protein?
I know when I need moisture if my hair is dry, and brittle.

Protein if my curls aren't popping, my hair feels oily, weighed down, and gummy.

I usually go the route of moisturizing dc unless it has signs of needing protein. For me using too much protein is more detremental to my hair than being overmoisturized. A couple of protein treatments and it's fine but too much protein could take weeks to undo.
I'm still learning. To me, the symptoms seem to overlap so it can be confusing. I did a protein treatment recently because moisture treatments were not working at all for some reason. I decided to do a 180 and do a protein instead, and it worked.

I was dealing with:
- total lack of curl definition - I mean, total disappearance.
- hair that felt pretty gross when wet. It somehow felt rough and mushy simultaneously. Just plain weird. And no amount of conditioning was making it soft afterwards. Clarifying made no difference. I clarified multiple times before giving up.
- breakage and shedding
I tend to loose my protein moisture balance when my hair is over moisturized and I can tell because it starts to become chronically dry, frizzy and limp. When my balance is not off but it is time for a protein treatment I tend to have breakage at the ends instead of shedding.

When my hair is in need of a DC I can usually tell because my curls do not spring back and it gets brittle.
