products for roller sets?


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies.

I am trying to build my arsenal to be a rollersetting warrior. The dry is on the way. I have rollers with more coming. I even have some of patience, but what I don't have are products ideas.

I know from reading the rollersetting 2011 and 2012 thread I need just the right amount of a leave in, a setting lotion and maybe a serum.

I'm just not sure where to start. I have a bunch of leave-ins. Should I be using a creamy leave in or a watery one? I normally use a watery one and layer with an oil.

I wanted to trying a setting lotion besides lotta body just because of the ingredients and my fear of improper dilution. Anyone have any recommendations? I was thinking Giovanni's sunset silk setting lotion, but the reviews are mixed.

Also do I need a setting lotion and a foam or just on or the other? Any suggestions? I was thinking Giovanni Natural Mousse Air-Turbo Charged , but again that is just because of previous success with the line.

And what is the serum for. Just your ends? Could I use an oil for my ends since I already have too much? Do I even need it?

I'm new at this but want to be an old pro. Help!
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I personally like a liquid leave in and a setting favorite is vitale mo body thickening setting lotion. I dont use any serum or oil because my hair looks shiny and has tons of body when i remove the rollers