Product Junkie vs Hair Pampering

I wianted to get your thoughts on this one.. I get great results with my product staples, I know they work well and will stick with what works. However, when someone recommends a hair product I enjoy going out and trying something new and consider it a treat for my hair. I dont personally feel like a product junkie -- Am I in denial or something? Does anyone else just enjoy buying new products to treat your hair to something different?
My whole thing is: if I don't try how will I know. For example, for so long I thought the best conditioner I could ever find for my hair was Elucence MB. Then I tried Super 10 en 1 and my world changed.

On the other hand I used DRC 28 for years and had growth. I stopped and experimented with other protein treatments and my hair went NO WHERE. I quickly learned DRC fortifies my hair and my hair will never snap or break with DRC-28.

So, buy and try!
Nay, you're not a junkie.

A junkie:

Buys products that people haven't even raved about (god bless em', because how else would we get most of our product reviews :lol: )

Drops into the bss and either buys muh more than they planned on buying, or don't even have a plan... they buy on impulse.

Has numerous products that have the same use, like having 10 different conditioner, 5 leave ins and 10 kinds of gel.

Has products that they haven't tried, or only tried (and liked) once, but haven't used it again because they have so many other products to try.

Yes, I used to be a JUNKIE... even worse, I was a POOR JUNKIE... I don't know where I got the moneyto buy all of those products! I had nexxus, keracare, biolage, dudleys... pratically all the cheapie brands too. I would scrounge up money for a bottle of condotioner :lol:

Thankfully, those days are in the past. I am now the cheapie queen. I have a speadsheet of what produtcs I buy and how often to buy them and I MEASURE out how much I use. I even put any excess conditioner (usually around a teaspoon or two :lol: ) BACK in the bottle. I ain't playing...
bajanplums1 said:
My whole thing is: if I don't try how will I know. For example, for so long I thought the best conditioner I could ever find for my hair was Elucence MB. Then I tried Super 10 en 1 and my world changed.

On the other hand I used DRC 28 for years and had growth. I stopped and experimented with other protein treatments and my hair went NO WHERE. I quickly learned DRC fortifies my hair and my hair will never snap or break with DRC-28.

So, buy and try!

If you don't mind me asking, what is DRC-28 :confused: . My hair loves protein treatments as long as I follow up with moisture treatment.
Porsche19 said:
Nay, you're not a junkie.

A junkie:

Buys products that people haven't even raved about (god bless em', because how else would we get most of our product reviews :lol: )

Drops into the bss and either buys muh more than they planned on buying, or don't even have a plan... they buy on impulse.

Has numerous products that have the same use, like having 10 different conditioner, 5 leave ins and 10 kinds of gel.

Has products that they haven't tried, or only tried (and liked) once, but haven't used it again because they have so many other products to try.

Yes, I used to be a JUNKIE... even worse, I was a POOR JUNKIE... I don't know where I got the moneyto buy all of those products! I had nexxus, keracare, biolage, dudleys... pratically all the cheapie brands too. I would scrounge up money for a bottle of condotioner :lol:

Thankfully, those days are in the past. I am now the cheapie queen. I have a speadsheet of what produtcs I buy and how often to buy them and I MEASURE out how much I use. I even put any excess conditioner (usually around a teaspoon or two :lol: ) BACK in the bottle. I ain't playing...

Dang Porsche19- I got some of the PJ tendencies (i got like 5 conditioners :look: )-but I'm not that bad. Also after joining the challenge I have gotten a little better. I don't think there is anything wrong with trying out something new once in a while. For example- I bought the sole and cinnamon conditioner and I LOVE IT. I just think once in a while is fine and try not to go overboard. Nothing is worse than wasting hard earned dough on products that don't work (I should know). But hey u live u learn.
I'd say I'm a little of both.
I luv cheapie products... in fact, cheapies are my products of choice, but as my hair gets longer/thicker, it's needing more conditioning than what cheapies can provide.

I also enjoy trying out new products...yeah to pamper my hair, but also to see all of the different things my natural hair can do (with products).
SerenityBreeze said:
I wianted to get your thoughts on this one.. I get great results with my product staples, I know they work well and will stick with what works. However, when someone recommends a hair product I enjoy going out and trying something new and consider it a treat for my hair. I dont personally feel like a product junkie -- Am I in denial or something? Does anyone else just enjoy buying new products to treat your hair to something different?

:lol: Girl I do the same thing. My only problem is not finishing the old treat before buying a new treat! I used to feel like a product junkie, but lately, I think I've been just "treating" myself to a little pampering. :)
I don't think you're in denial. I enjoy buying new stuff too. I mean, you may think your staples are great, but if you never try anything else occasionally then you may miss out on BETTER staples...
Experiment on, my sista, experiment on! :lol:
SerenityBreeze said:
I wianted to get your thoughts on this one.. I get great results with my product staples, I know they work well and will stick with what works. However, when someone recommends a hair product I enjoy going out and trying something new and consider it a treat for my hair. I dont personally feel like a product junkie -- Am I in denial or something? Does anyone else just enjoy buying new products to treat your hair to something different?

I think most of us just like trying new hair products and if someone were to ask, they'd find out that many of us liked trying out different hair products even before LHCF. I know I did!
Porsche19 said:
Nay, you're not a junkie.

A junkie:

Buys products that people haven't even raved about (god bless em', because how else would we get most of our product reviews :lol: )

Drops into the bss and either buys muh more than they planned on buying, or don't even have a plan... they buy on impulse.

Has numerous products that have the same use, like having 10 different conditioner, 5 leave ins and 10 kinds of gel.

Has products that they haven't tried, or only tried (and liked) once, but haven't used it again because they have so many other products to try.

Yes, I used to be a JUNKIE... even worse, I was a POOR JUNKIE... I don't know where I got the moneyto buy all of those products! I had nexxus, keracare, biolage, dudleys... pratically all the cheapie brands too. I would scrounge up money for a bottle of condotioner :lol:

Thankfully, those days are in the past. I am now the cheapie queen. I have a speadsheet of what produtcs I buy and how often to buy them and I MEASURE out how much I use. I even put any excess conditioner (usually around a teaspoon or two :lol: ) BACK in the bottle. I ain't playing...

Yup! I'm a PJ...:look: The above fits my description.. But I truly plan to change all that come the new year 2006.:) I've narrowed down my products of choice to down to three of, shampoo, conditioner, leave In, Oils, I'm really cutting back;) Just wish I can find one really Good Hair Butter (homemade or bought) I have too many pomades and greases to even mention. :sekret:
I wish I could say I was just treating myself but I know it's more.
bajanplums1 said:
My whole thing is: if I don't try how will I know. For example, for so long I thought the best conditioner I could ever find for my hair was Elucence MB. Then I tried Super 10 en 1 and my world changed.

On the other hand I used DRC 28 for years and had growth. I stopped and experimented with other protein treatments and my hair went NO WHERE. I quickly learned DRC fortifies my hair and my hair will never snap or break with DRC-28.

So, buy and try!

What is DRC, and where is it sold?

Thank You Ladies for all of your responses, I feel much better now! :yep:

Dudley's DRC 28 is one of the Heaviest Protiens out there. It is very expensvie . Approx, $50 a bottle on the black market and can go as high as $75.

I say black market because Dudly ONLY sells this to licenced comotologists (sp). It works incredibly well on hair that is breaking, shedding or weak. Consider it to be a very intense reconstructor.

A treatment at the salon runs you about $20. There was another post on this earlier this week..If you do a search, I think someone may have posted a link where someone is selling it online.