Presbyterian Church votes to redefine marriage


Well-Known Member
Just saw a news report that the Presbyterian church has voted to redefine marriage, which means that same sex couples will be able to get married in the Presbyterian church! What a travesty! This church has no right to redefine marriage. God defined it when He created man + one woman. What a horrible example the Presbyterian church is setting. I can just see those in the world almost demanding that other denominations follow suit. Of course this doesn't obligate other churches to do so, but the example being set goes against everything God says in His Word.
I read about this yesterday and was disappointed. It reminded me about the predictions in the book of Romans.
I hope this is not offensive to anyone on this board, but this is why I will never leave the Mother church. And since we have this promise from Jesus Christ Himself, "the gates of Hell will never prevail against it," I am 100% confident that the Church will never bow to the world.

THIS is why the Christians must be unified under the mantle of Christ. We can't have man changing doctrine according to his whim, instead of being guided by the Holy Spirit.

Come Lord Jesus!
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Its like the new trend for churches to accept same sex marriage. It will spread, it maybe slow it may take decades, but it will spread.

That why its important to stick to your guns. People will try to force you into believe that you are wrong for not accepting gays. Those tactics dont work on me.
God is separating the 'chaff' from the 'wheat'. Those who are true and those who are fallen from grace.

Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.'" --- Matthew 13:30

The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. ---- Matthew 13:41
It is so unfortunate that the Presbyterian church is doing this, but it is not the only denomination that has turned away from God's Word to lend support to the abominable practice of homosexuality. Many, many religious leaders of various denominations have bowed down to baal by either choosing to be nebulous in their statements or blatantly supportive of this particular sin. I do believe that more of this will happen. I also believe that those who are bloodthirsty to persecute Christians (so they can mock our God in whom they don't believe) will use this awful Presbyterian example as a precedent to legally force other churches to follow suit. Here's the good part: God will not be mocked! Those who mislead God's people, His flock, will answer to God and will be punished. God will always make a way for His people to serve, worship, and obey Him. God will not allow His people to be forced to violate His Word.

Christians need to rely fully on God and refuse to give in to the fear that the world intends to impose. So what if they call us names? So what if they threaten to sue us for not wanting to support same sex marriages/weddings? So what if they tell us the one and only God is not real? Didn't God's Word already warn us of these happenings? I know in real practice that enduring these things is not easy, but God never said it would be. He simply tells us to depend on Him.
Right now, the Old Testament readings at mass are going through the accounts of the prophets in Kings and Chronicles that were always warning the people to turn back to God. Society is basically still rejecting God today. :nono:

We have to remember that we are not at war with people per se, we are at war with the sepent. He has clearly infiltrated the ranks of various churches and it's a serious matter. We have to keep praying and rebuking him and remember that his head has already been crushed! We have the victory in Christ Jesus, no matter what the Episcopalian, Presbyterian, etc churches are doing. Strengthen us Lord and prepare us for battle...