
I had a great lunch outing with friends today and Vielka came:grin: It was her first trip out in ages beyond doctor's appointments. I'm so glad she felt well enough to come out. Another friend who was dealing with her preemie baby also came out. He's so chunky now that you would never know he came at like 31 weeks and was soooo tiny. It was a great day!

I had a great lunch outing with friends today and Vielka came:grin: It was her first trip out in ages beyond doctor's appointments. I'm so glad she felt well enough to come out. Another friend who was dealing with her preemie baby also came out. He's so chunky now that you would never know he came at like 31 weeks and was soooo tiny. It was a great day!


You are such a faithful friend and Mommie. How very kind and special of you to come here and share this with us. What a great day for Vielka, your precious princess... :love3:

I give God praise for you and your baby ... your entire family; and for this special day which is only the beginning of many, many more to come.

:woot: Yaaaayyyyyy Vielka :kiss:

Thank you Lord Jesus for this wonderful and happy family whom you have taken into your heart and have richly blessed. Your blessings will continue to flow and Vielka will continue to grow more and more each day.

In your precious name, Jesus... Amen.
I pray for favor in the job search process. I took a few very bold steps this year and I pray God keeps me close. I am scared.
Asking for prayer for my job situation. I have done everything they have ever asked and still no promotion or movement. Been looking but nothing is happening. Trying to hold out but I can barely take care of my family and working like a dog.

I was physically attacked on the street two weeks ago, both my mom and my aunt are in the hospital right now and a supposed "friend" just went off on me for not making time to talk to her. When I told her that I thought that was selfish she called me rude and judgmental but didn't even once ask "how are you doing?" or "are you ok?" I try to look out for her but right now it would've been nice for her to check on me. I feel so hurt right now.

Lord, please give me strength to keep going. Despite how I feel right now, I'm still thankful for all you've brought me through.

Father I ask that you touch her Mom and Aunt right now with your healing touch, Father I also pray for Reminiscing's hurt spirit and that you would cover her under the shadow of your wings let her feel the love and security that only you can give, take away the anxiety and give her peace about our family members in Hospital.

Lord I also ask that you send people her way that are supportive who genuinely have her best interest at heart, new friends who would listen, encourage and pray for her in Jesus name Amen.

Father I ask that you touch her Mom and Aunt right now with your healing touch, Father I also pray for Reminiscing's hurt spirit and that you would cover her under the shadow of your wings let her feel the love and security that only you can give, take away the anxiety and give her peace about our family members in Hospital.

Lord I also ask that you send people her way that are supportive who genuinely have her best interest at heart, new friends who would listen, encourage and pray for her in Jesus name Amen.

Thank you for praying for me!
Asking for prayer for my job situation. I have done everything they have ever asked and still no promotion or movement. Been looking but nothing is happening. Trying to hold out but I can barely take care of my family and working like a dog.

Praying for God to 'favour' you @crlsweetie912, far above and beyond your job. God has much more for you far beyond their limitations. Far more and far, far better; far beyond what you can see, yet it's there and you shall be blessed with the more that God has for you, for sure.

Beyond the stretch of this 'big hug' below...

Oh God that you would bless Crlsweetie, INDEED.... Enlarge her Territory and indeed you shall.


In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
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Father I ask that you touch her Mom and Aunt right now with your healing touch, Father I also pray for Reminiscing's hurt spirit and that you would cover her under the shadow of your wings let her feel the love and security that only you can give, take away the anxiety and give her peace about our family members in Hospital.

Lord I also ask that you send people her way that are supportive who genuinely have her best interest at heart, new friends who would listen, encourage and pray for her in Jesus name Amen.

Thank you Iwanthealthyhair67 for your loving and faithful prayers in this forum. I don't visit the 'Random Thoughts' thread very much and I never would have known about this were it not for your love for the Lord and those who seek prayer.

God bless you, in Jesus' Name, Amen.
Hi @Shimmie and @Iwanthealthyhair67 -

I have an update! My friend called me and we talked about what happened when we both had to time to calmly discuss it. She didn't realize how much stuff was going on in my life so she apologized and went to the hospital with me that night to see my mother. We also hung out on Saturday with some other friends. I think our disagreement actually strengthened our friendship rather than harm it as the enemy intended. The situation even helped me write my weekly devotion this morning. I had a different plan for my topic today but God had a better plan! I love, Love, LOVE when God takes what the devil intended for our harm and turns it around for His good!!!

Here's a link to the devotion I wrote this morning. In the weeks leading up to Easter, I'm focusing on Jesus' 7 last words on the cross.

Thank you so much for your prayers! I probably would've been too blinded by hurt to see God's blessing in this if you didn't pray for me.
Hi @Shimmie and @Iwanthealthyhair67 -

I have an update! My friend called me and we talked about what happened when we both had to time to calmly discuss it. She didn't realize how much stuff was going on in my life so she apologized and went to the hospital with me that night to see my mother. We also hung out on Saturday with some other friends. I think our disagreement actually strengthened our friendship rather than harm it as the enemy intended. The situation even helped me write my weekly devotion this morning. I had a different plan for my topic today but God had a better plan! I love, Love, LOVE when God takes what the devil intended for our harm and turns it around for His good!!!

Here's a link to the devotion I wrote this morning. In the weeks leading up to Easter, I'm focusing on Jesus' 7 last words on the cross.

Thank you so much for your prayers! I probably would've been too blinded by hurt to see God's blessing in this if you didn't pray for me.

Reminiscing :hug2:

Thank you for sharing such a beautiful update. You truly have the heart of God and one of pure Ministry. You are a guiding light to those who share heartbreaks with family and friends as misunderstandings do occur. And with this one, you chose love over all.

God bless you. I am looking forward to leaving work today so that I will be able to read your blog. I know that it will be a blessing to me and all who read it and share with others.

Thanks again for sharing your loving heart with so many. You are truly 'life' to those who live.

@Reminiscing :hug2:

Thank you for sharing such a beautiful update. You truly have the heart of God and one of pure Ministry. You are a guiding light to those who share heartbreaks with family and friends as misunderstandings do occur. And with this one, you chose love over all.

God bless you. I am looking forward to leaving work today so that I will be able to read your blog. I know that it will be a blessing to me and all who read it and share with others.

Thanks again for sharing your loving heart with so many. You are truly 'life' to those who live.


Thanks Shimmie! I learned from the best! You are truly a fine example of a heart of God!
I'm telling you, one right after another! Pray my gum releases this potato chip that lodged up in there and now tastes awful and smells. I'll call my dentist but pray it releases without permanent damage.
^^I experienced something similar with a kernel from a pop corn stuck for days caused me discomfort and a little pain, I didn't stop and until I got it out.

Try swishing with some baking soda and water.
^^I experienced something similar with a kernel from a pop corn stuck for days caused me discomfort and a little pain, I didn't stop and until I got it out.

Try swishing with some baking soda and water.

I think there's a popcorn husk as well. I don't want bone loss. I'm trying the salt but have to up it several times daily. Funny, I remember asking G-d to help me get that thing out. Then, flush...of evil taste! G-d is probably like, "hey, you ask me, I do, now you're complaining again?" Thanks for the tip. Pray it all is removed with no lasting damage.

I pray, too, for those poor families. How awful!!!
I'm telling you, one right after another! Pray my gum releases this potato chip that lodged up in there and now tastes awful and smells. I'll call my dentist but pray it releases without permanent damage.

Hey JB. I'm sorry you are experiencing this. It's very painful and annoying when I've had this happen to me a few times with popcorn.

Try eating some soft bread. I've found that to help me at times when this has happened.

Praying that it releases for you soon.

Please let us remember the families of the passengers of flight #370

Thank you Healthy Hair for posting this and reminding our hearts to 'be still for the hurting families and pray prayers of love and healing over them.

Father God we thank you for full healing of the broken families whose hearts are broken from this tragedy of the missing Flight. Thank you Father for drawing them closer to you, and embracing them with love that surpasses all loves, and healing that surpasses all healings, for indeed you do love and care for them, no matter, yet always.

For this and all, we thank you with hearts bowed in love for you, for hearing all prayers, glorifying you.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
I feel so bad for those families. God please comfort them.

I want to ask for prayer for my job search situation. Lots of leads but nothing solid to speak of. It is beginning to worry me and my faith is dwindling.
Please keep my friend Tim in prayer.

I received a very alarming email from him on yesterday. I believe he may be contemplating suicide. He has had a series of setbacks in the last two years. And I think he has given up hope. I will be calling him to go into prayer for him today. I lost a friend years ago to suicide and it was a terrible loss for those who loved her.

Thanks Ladies!

And God bless you all.
I think there's a popcorn husk as well. I don't want bone loss. I'm trying the salt but have to up it several times daily. Funny, I remember asking G-d to help me get that thing out. Then, flush...of evil taste! G-d is probably like, "hey, you ask me, I do, now you're complaining again?" Thanks for the tip. Pray it all is removed with no lasting damage.

I pray, too, for those poor families. How awful!!!

JaneBond007, how's the mouth did you try the swish I meant peroxide not baking soda .
Please keep my friend Tim in prayer.

I received a very alarming email from him on yesterday. I believe he may be contemplating suicide. He has had a series of setbacks in the last two years. And I think he has given up hope. I will be calling him to go into prayer for him today. I lost a friend years ago to suicide and it was a terrible loss for those who loved her.

Thanks Ladies!

And God bless you all.

I will be praying. pls keep us posted.
@JaneBond007, how's the mouth did you try the swish I meant peroxide not baking soda .

It's a little bit better, but whatever it was pushed so deeply in, it's not all out yet. I have NO pain and the smell is less but I can tell it's still there. I get no foul taste now. That's scary because it's classic gum disease symptoms. :look: I thankfully had a Waterpik which I took out of storage and it has the gum tip. I also have an active rx for chlorhexidene rinse. My previous cleaning was 8 months and I just ran out of time on the insurance thing. Great.:look:

Thanks for asking and thanks all for praying. I'm keeping it clean, irrigated an using clove oil along with the rinses as well as a natural anti-biotic to protect my heart until I can get in for a scaling. I pray it is not the tooth itself.
Please keep my friend Tim in prayer.

I received a very alarming email from him on yesterday. I believe he may be contemplating suicide. He has had a series of setbacks in the last two years. And I think he has given up hope. I will be calling him to go into prayer for him today. I lost a friend years ago to suicide and it was a terrible loss for those who loved her.

Thanks Ladies!

And God bless you all.

Awwwwww Miss Kane :grouphug2:

We surround Tim with hearts filled with loving prayers. We praise God for his discouragement to dissolve and is no longer allowed to evolve into defeat nor the end of his life here on earth.

Life is not over for Tim. God has surely ordained him to win and no matter how 'far' away it looks, God's answered his prayers long before they were shared. We give God glory for Tim's life. We give God glory for strengthening Tim and to hold him and to never let him go.

It's not time, for Tim to leave us; it's not time for his earth presence to be ended. He shall get trough and over this. This is not the end for our dear Tim. We love him and need him to remain and give the Light and Love of his heart to those who look to him.

Stay with us Tim. You are not alone. It's not over for you, Sweetheart. You have still many, many volumes of victories to be won. And win them you shall. :cup: Tim don't you dare give up. Prove the devil a liar and set his tail on fire. Live Sweetheart, Live and give God the total glory. All God wants is for you to live. And LIVE you shall... abundantly.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Father we thank you with all of our hearts for our precious and loving friend, Tim. In Jesus' Name, Amen... Again. Amen.

I feel so bad for those families. God please comfort them.

I want to ask for prayer for my job search situation. Lots of leads but nothing solid to speak of. It is beginning to worry me and my faith is dwindling.

Shiks :kiss:

Make room for your blessings, Baby Girl.

One room? Is that All.... ?

Girl, you betta make more room than that. God is sending you the overflow of what's been delayed. And dearest sweetheart...Shiks...

Be ... not....... Afraid. God promises to keep His promises to you.


Get those rooms ready. Okay?

:up: Okay! :yep:
Awwwwww Miss Kane :grouphug2:

We surround Tim with hearts filled with loving prayers. We praise God for his discouragement to dissolve and is no longer allowed to evolve into defeat nor the end of his life here on earth.

Life is not over for Tim. God has surely ordained him to win and no matter how 'far' away it looks, God's answered his prayers long before they were shared. We give God glory for Tim's life. We give God glory for strengthening Tim and to hold him and to never let him go.

It's not time, for Tim to leave us; it's not time for his earth presence to be ended. He shall get trough and over this. This is not the end for our dear Tim. We love him and need him to remain and give the Light and Love of his heart to those who look to him.

Stay with us Tim. You are not alone. It's not over for you, Sweetheart. You have still many, many volumes of victories to be won. And win them you shall. :cup: Tim don't you dare give up. Prove the devil a liar and set his tail on fire. Live Sweetheart, Live and give God the total glory. All God wants is for you to live. And LIVE you shall... abundantly.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Father we thank you with all of our hearts for our precious and loving friend, Tim. In Jesus' Name, Amen... Again. Amen.


Thanks so much for that prayer and for standing in agreement with me!

Love you ladies!
@ Shimmie. I love you for being so giving. May God bless you abundantly for how much you take care of others.

I am praying for everyone,even when I don't mention you. This fellowship keeps me going.
Moved this from Random Thoughts thread

This is my prayer for you my sisters today ...

Ephesians 3

Paul's Prayer for the Ephesians

14For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, 16That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; 17That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, 18May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; 19And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

20Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, 21Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
Please pray for my country. Terrorists have been storming churches and shooting churchgoers. They say another attack is close after the mall attack in September. Please pray against this madness.
Please pray for my country. Terrorists have been storming churches and shooting churchgoers. They say another attack is close after the mall attack in September. Please pray against this madness.

Our Dear and Precious Sister Shiks...

YES! We will all pray.

Dear Father in the Name of Jesus, we ask for your divine and instant and constant protection over our sister, her family, her loved ones and the citizens of her country. Father send your mighty and protecting angels to rise up against these terrorists and to send them away in flight never again to return to harm anyone, in Jesus' Name.

Father we plead the Divine Blood of Jesus to cover these dear ones who have been frightened, terrorized and hindered from your peace. Let them be able to live a life of peace and joy, which your dear Son, Jesus died and paid for with His Blood. The chastisement of our peace (the penalty for it) was laid upon His shoulders and therefore is it theirs, these dear ones in Nairobi to have and to hold and to fulfill their lives with joy.

Dear Father God, place your hands upon them and hide them as you did Moses in the cleft of the rock. Let the enemies bypass them. Convict those who rise to strike and let them be disabled from doing so. Dear Father, please protect these families, the mothers, the fathers, the children, let them be able to remain joyfully one. Protect the orphans, the widows, the poor and the hungry... fill them with your nurture of protection and human provision in every area of their lives. Give shelter to those without, food, water, hygienic supplies, medical attention and medications, to all and those who have been unable to afford it.

Let the Churches be free to worship, honor and give you praise and glory... keep the terrorists out and far away. Let there be legions of Arch Angels who will rise up and scare and scatter them away. Your Host is the Heavenly Host whom you have assigned to each of them to protect and to give them the freedom to love, honor, worship and obey you... let no evil prevail to stop them.

Father, thank you for protecting our Little Sister Shiks. We love her, we treasure her, we need her and unto you we give continued thanks that Shiks is your beautiful Gift to us and to all who love her which are many.

In Jesus' Name, we bow our hearts and thank you for always,

Amen and Amen.

Shiks... We love you and surround you with our hearts and loving prayers.

:circle: :love3: :grouphug2: :love3: :circle: