Sisters, I'm having surgery tomorrow. Please pray with me that all goes well.

BrandNew.... Most definitely.

Father we bow our hearts and thank you for our sister who will literally awaken from her surgery, 'All Brand New'. There will be no slips nor guesses by the doctors nor with the attendants and nurses on hand. The medication shall be appropriate and there will be no negative reactions nor infections of any kind.

We just give you praise that her need for surgery will not re occur, her healing shall be total and complete in Jesus' Name. Thank you Father for giving her the rest and the pampering that she needs so that she can fully recover and enjoy her summer and all seasons to follow which shall be many.

Father, thank you for blessing our sister and for giving her sweet and total peace. Her vitals will remain calm and normal, for she is embraced by you during this entire time, secure in your arms. Thank you for the Angels which you have set on guard, their wings surround her completely for in you there is no place like love which you are filling her of.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.


Please keep us posted, Brand New. :love2:
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BrandNew.... Most definitely.

Father we bow our hearts and thank you for our sister who will literally awaken from her surgery, 'All Brand New'. There will be no slips nor guesses by the doctors nor with the attendants and nurses on hand. The medication shall be appropriate and there will be no negative reactions nor infections of any kind.

We just give you praise that her need for surgery will not re occur, her healing shall be total and complete in Jesus' Name. Thank you Father for giving her the rest and the pampering that she needs so that she can fully recover and enjoy her summer and all seasons to follow which shall be many.

Father, thank you for blessing our sister and for giving her sweet and total peace. Her vitals will remain calm and normal, for she is embraced by you during this entire time, secure in your arms. Thank you for the Angels which you have set on guard, their wings surround her completely for in you there is no place like love which you are filling her of.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.


Please keep up posted, Brand New. :love2:

:cry2: Thank you SOOOOOO much Shimmie :bighug:
Today's Prayer
God, today, I want to make time to pray for all the people I see on a regular basis: my co-workers (say names), my family (say names), my friends (say names), my neighbors (say names), my church leaders (say names). You know every need they have. I pray that You would give encouragement to the discouraged, good health to the unhealthy, money for the financially needy, peace to the restless, guidance to the lost or searching, and that You would meet any special needs that each of these people may have right now. God, I pray for their spiritual as well as physical needs. Work through me as you see fit to accomplish your plan and meet these needs. Please give me wisdom and guidance to know your will and help me to realize where there is a need to which I can minister. I thank You God, for hearing this prayer and for your answers. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Is Perception Reality?
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2, by Os Hillman
"The Israelites have rejected your covenant, broken down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too" (1 Kings 19:14).

The CEO walked into his manufacturing plant only to observe an employee standing by idly not working. Angrily, he walked over to him, peeled off a $100 bill and gave it to him: "Here, go spend your time elsewhere!" The man looked at the CEO somewhat puzzled, but left with the $100. "How long has that man worked for us?" said the CEO to the employee standing nearby. "Well sir, that man does not work for us; he is only the delivery man."

Perception is not always reality. Elijah was in a crisis. Jezebel wanted to kill him. The nation was falling to Baal worship. From his vantage point - it was all over. He was the only prophet remaining in all the land who had not bent his knee to the idol of Baal. He wanted to die.

Then, the Lord sent His angel to correct Elijah's perception: "Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel - all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and all whose mouths have not kissed him" (1 Kings 19:18). There were seven thousand Elijah knew nothing about! Elijah's perception was not reality.

Whenever things are going poorly, there is a temptation to believe God is not working in the situation. We may even believe our life is over. Everything from our vantage point is dark. We see no future. However, even in these times, God's plan is being orchestrated behind the scenes. He is accomplishing His purposes. But we need a fresh perspective on our situation.

Do you need a reality check on your situation? Ask God to show you the truth. It may be very different than your perception.
Please pray for me to stop hurting. I seek clarity and as much as I feel selfish asking,an earthly reward for loving people so hard and getting hurt.

I have a promise in my heart that I want so desperately to pass. I am so tired of waiting.
Please pray for me to stop hurting. I seek clarity and as much as I feel selfish asking,an earthly reward for loving people so hard and getting hurt.

I have a promise in my heart that I want so desperately to pass. I am so tired of waiting.

Heavenly Father, lift up Shiks. Step into her pain as only You can and give her comfort. Give her peace that passes all understanding. Remove anyone from her life that should not be there, remove all distractions that take her focus off of You. Father, we know that Your timing is not always our timing, but we know that You never break a promise. You are not man that You would lie. You always come right on time. Fulfill the desires of Shik's heart. Restore top her that which the enemy has tried to steal from her. Fill her God. Give her her very identity, and lavish Your love upon her so she has more love to give and can better receive the love that is given to her. Lord, touch the hearts of each one who has hurt our dear sister and heal them. Renew and refresh Shiks and draw her closer to You. Protect her, Lord, as only You can. Amen!
Praise Report:

A few weeks ago, on the prayer call you all prayed for my friends who are sisters. They were being attacked by the enemy via their brother after he gave them custody of his daughter. He falsely accused them of abusing the child so he could get her back. One of the sisters had been placed on administrative leave until the accusations could be investigated. I am so happy to announce that the accusations were proven as false and the woman will be returning to work tomorrow. The case has been closed and they retain custody of the little girl who is being taught to love and serve God.

God is so good!
Praise Report:

A few weeks ago, on the prayer call you all prayed for my friends who are sisters. They were being attacked by the enemy via their brother after he gave them custody of his daughter. He falsely accused them of abusing the child so he could get her back. One of the sisters had been placed on administrative leave until the accusations could be investigated. I am so happy to announce that the accusations were proven as false and the woman will be returning to work tomorrow. The case has been closed and they retain custody of the little girl who is being taught to love and serve God.

God is so good!

Blackpearl1993... Praise God for this awesome testimony :Rose: And you are so right, God is so good! ;amen:
Heavenly Father, lift up Shiks. Step into her pain as only You can and give her comfort. Give her peace that passes all understanding. Remove anyone from her life that should not be there, remove all distractions that take her focus off of You. Father, we know that Your timing is not always our timing, but we know that You never break a promise. You are not man that You would lie. You always come right on time. Fulfill the desires of Shik's heart. Restore top her that which the enemy has tried to steal from her. Fill her God. Give her her very identity, and lavish Your love upon her so she has more love to give and can better receive the love that is given to her. Lord, touch the hearts of each one who has hurt our dear sister and heal them. Renew and refresh Shiks and draw her closer to You. Protect her, Lord, as only You can. Amen!

Blackpearl1993, I am in total agreement with your prayers and add mine prayers as well for Shiks. God has not forsaken His promises for and to her.

In Jesus' Name, the Peace of God prevails and expels all fears and discouragements... Shiks shall see her hearts desire fulfilled. Amen.
Hi All- This may be odd, but this is my first post on this site. I’ve been a silent member for YEARS. Who would have thought I wouldn’t be asking a hair question or commenting on celeb pics as my first post? I do lurk the Christian forum quite often and something lead me here today to ask for prayer.

My husband of just over two years has told me he doesn’t know if he wants to be married anymore. He’s no longer wearing his wedding ring or staying in our home. When he is there to get clothes or shower or see the kids there is a deafening silence. I text him, “I love you” and I get, “thanks”. This has been going on for about three weeks. Not to no fault of my own, as we have been constantly arguing for a while now and he has expressed he can no longer handle the relationship. I don’t want to get long winded, but I’ve changed everything he has problems with and he still doesn’t “know”. The pain is indescribable and I am concerned that it has started to make me question my faith. I do very much believe in God and I thank him every day for our blessings but why wouldn’t he want our marriage to work? I know it is for a purpose, but it is hard to know that and live day to day in pain. I just don’t know how many more tears I can cry or how many more days I can miss work because my thoughts are consumed with saving my marriage. Any scriptures of comfort or advice is welcomed as I’m being pushed to my limit and just ready to walk away from all this pain myself, it’s not easy being married to a man who doesn’t know if they no longer want to be married to you.
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Hi All- This may be odd, but this is my first post on this site. I’ve been a silent member for YEARS. Who would have thought I wouldn’t be asking a hair question or commenting on celeb pics as my first post? I do lurk the Christian forum quite often and something lead me here today to ask for prayer.

My husband of just over two years has told me he doesn’t know if he wants to be married anymore. He’s no longer wearing his wedding ring or staying in our home. When he is there to get clothes or shower or see the kids there is a deafening silence. I text him, “I love you” and I get, “thanks”. This has been going on for about three weeks. Not to no fault of my own, as we have been constantly arguing for a while now and he has expressed he can no longer handle the relationship. I don’t want to get long winded, but I’ve changed everything he has problems with and he still doesn’t “know”.

The pain is indescribable and I am concerned that it has started to make me question my faith. I do very much believe in God and I thank him every day for our blessings but why wouldn’t he want our marriage to work? I know it is for a purpose, but it is hard to know that and live day to day in pain. I just don’t know how many more tears I can cry or how many more days I can miss work because my thoughts are consumed with saving my marriage.

Any scriptures of comfort or advice is welcomed as I’m being pushed to my limit and just ready to walk away from all this pain myself, it’s not easy being married to a man who doesn’t know if they no longer want to be married to you.

HairAffair417 ...


You are free to let go of the pain, totally free. Sometimes we hold the pain as if we 'owe it something'. In other words, as long as we endure the pain, we can get our prayers answered or that someone will believe that the injustice which was done to us is validated.

You are free to let go of the pain. You are free to enjoy the beautiful days ahead in your life. You are free to fix yourself up and look beautiful and radiant and not have a care in this world for after all, Jesus bore all of our cares and nailed them to the Cross.

So what is my point here? Where am I going with this?

Home boy, thinks he has you wrapped around his thumb. Ummmm, no he doesn't. :nono: Let him keep playing his little random games BUT YOU Dear Sister are free from the pain. Let him feel it for a change. After all, he a' man, ain't he?

You DO NOT HAVE TO SUFFER from his heartless treatment upon your heart. You have more than proven your love and devotion and now it is time for you to be free from the pain.

Stop wasting the tears when you need to preserve the rest of the years that God has given to you to enjoy this life. If he wants to play games, let him... let him knock his self out doing so, but YOU will no longer be a victim of his folly. You are a child of God and God has not placed you in any position to be mistreated.

Baby, he's playing games. What you do is to forgive him. Ask God to release you from all pain, all unforgiveness, all anger and all fear from your heart. And to replace ALL of it with the Joy of the Lord.

Get rid of the pain. I'm not saying to get rid of your husband, I'm just saying get rid of the pain. For this is where your husband will begin to wake up when he realizes that you are no longer reacting to his foolishness.

Stay in prayer, stay in faith, but do not stay in pain. You have the option and the choice to do so. And you have God's permission full and free.

And yes, this is indeed a prayer.


So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36


In Jesus' Name, Amen.
I am experiencing a very difficult season right now. I am going through a divorce, my job is stressing me and I feel so alone. Please pray for God to give me strength and peace and for me to stay focused in Him. Thanks in advance!
@HairAffair417 ...


You are free to let go of the pain, totally free. Sometimes we hold the pain as if we 'owe it something'. In other words, as long as we endure the pain, we can get our prayers answered or that someone will believe that the injustice which was done to us is validated.

You are free to let go of the pain. You are free to enjoy the beautiful days ahead in your life. You are free to fix yourself up and look beautiful and radiant and not have a care in this world for after all, Jesus bore all of our cares and nailed them to the Cross.

So what is my point here? Where am I going with this?

Home boy, thinks he has you wrapped around his thumb. Ummmm, no he doesn't. :nono: Let him keep playing his little random games BUT YOU Dear Sister are free from the pain. Let him feel it for a change. After all, he a' man, ain't he?

You DO NOT HAVE TO SUFFER from his heartless treatment upon your heart. You have more than proven your love and devotion and now it is time for you to be free from the pain.

Stop wasting the tears when you need to preserve the rest of the years that God has given to you to enjoy this life. If he wants to play games, let him... let him knock his self out doing so, but YOU will no longer be a victim of his folly. You are a child of God and God has not placed you in any position to be mistreated.

Baby, he's playing games. What you do is to forgive him. Ask God to release you from all pain, all unforgiveness, all anger and all fear from your heart. And to replace ALL of it with the Joy of the Lord.

Get rid of the pain. I'm not saying to get rid of your husband, I'm just saying get rid of the pain. For this is where your husband will begin to wake up when he realizes that you are no longer reacting to his foolishness.

Stay in prayer, stay in faith, but do not stay in pain. You have the option and the choice to do so. And you have God's permission full and free.

And yes, this is indeed a prayer.


So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36


In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Thank you so much. I read this post three or four times and just teared up (again, lol) and you are right I can't live with this pain and enjoy my life. I do pray he comes around as we have two young children, but if he doesn't I can't live like this much longer. I guess I will know my breaking point when/if I get there.

And what you said about holding onto the pain so my prayers get answered and validating the injustice was on point. Wow.
Thank you so much. I read this post three or four times and just teared up (again, lol) and you are right I can't live with this pain and enjoy my life. I do pray he comes around as we have two young children, but if he doesn't I can't live like this much longer. I guess I will know my breaking point when/if I get there.

And what you said about holding onto the pain so my prayers get answered and validating the injustice was on point. Wow.


Now I'm in tears. I'm so happy that you 'understood' what was shared. Take it from one who has 'been there'. If I knew back then what I know now. So much of my life was wasted trying to prove something that did not need proving. If my tear, and my 'hurt' broken heart, hasn't changed the situation or the person's heart or his behaviour or attitude or treatment towards me what more do I owe him?

Not a thing! As long as I'm mourning over his mess, he's the one whose gaining satisfaction, not me.

It wasn't until I stopped trying to prove to him how 'good enough' I was; how much I loved him, that he began to remember that he loved me and our children and didn't want to lose us.

Just call me 'Paula Dean cause my thoughts were, 'N' "Word ... Please :look: :lol:

Anyhoo.... It's time for 'YOU'. Give this man to God and let God take care of him, while you allow God to take care of you. Don't waste another heartache on him, not one. Be happy and stop trying to prove that you are a good woman. YOU ARE A Good Woman -- A Good Wife and a Good Mother and even more, A Good Woman of God and nothing and no one can take that away from you.

Peel that pain away from your heart like a banana peel; throw it behind you and let him be the one to slip on it.

Ain't nobody got time for this mess... :nono:
I am experiencing a very difficult season right now. I am going through a divorce, my job is stressing me and I feel so alone. Please pray for God to give me strength and peace and for me to stay focused in Him. Thanks in advance!

:pray: Praying for you Jphillips :love3:
I would like prayer for my emotions. I've noticed that my emotions are literally all over the place. I can go two weeks and be happy and content with my life. The next two weeks I question my existence. I become sad and depressed. I don't want to talk to anyone and I feel like my best days are behind me. I feel like I have nothing to look forward to in life. Deep in my heart I know that if I let these emotions take over then I will be missing out on some beautiful times with my family. I feel ugly, I feel like my husband no longer desires me because I feel ugly. I look in the mirror and all I see is my shortcomings. It doesn't help that just a few days ago my mother-in-law commented on everything I'm insecure about. I feel guilty for thinking that I need a break and time to myself.
I would like prayer for my emotions. I've noticed that my emotions are literally all over the place. I can go two weeks and be happy and content with my life. The next two weeks I question my existence. I become sad and depressed. I don't want to talk to anyone and I feel like my best days are behind me. I feel like I have nothing to look forward to in life.

Deep in my heart I know that if I let these emotions take over then I will be missing out on some beautiful times with my family. I feel ugly, I feel like my husband no longer desires me because I feel ugly. I look in the mirror and all I see is my shortcomings.

It doesn't help that just a few days ago my mother-in-law commented on everything I'm insecure about. I feel guilty for thinking that I need a break and time to myself.

mrselle ....

The best thing about feelings is that they are not tatoos... They are not permanent inked impressions upon our hearts. Yet the Blood stains of Jesus shall forever be upon us.

Elle, I had to pause and step back for a moment before continuing to write this message.

It's okay to 'walk away' and to leave these feelings behind. It's okay to walk away from the thorn which has been in your flesh ever since you began your new life with Hubby.

Walk away, God won't hold it against you and neither can anyone else. Walk away and enjoy each day knowing that your peace which Jesus paid full price for and WITH RECEIPTS, cannot be taken away.........from you.

Let 'them' get their own peace and stop grabbing from yours. It's a jealous spirit that does not like you having joy. Yet, they cannot take it away.

Loving you in prayer :pray:
mrselle ....

The best thing about feelings is that they are not tatoos... They are not permanent inked impressions upon our hearts. Yet the Blood stains of Jesus shall forever be upon us.

Elle, I had to pause and step back for a moment before continuing to write this message.

It's okay to 'walk away' and to leave these feelings behind. It's okay to walk away from the thorn which has been in your flesh ever since you began your new life with Hubby.

Walk away, God won't hold it against you and neither can anyone else. Walk away and enjoy each day knowing that your peace which Jesus paid full price for and WITH RECEIPTS, cannot be taken away.........from you.

Let 'them' get their own peace and stop grabbing from yours. It's a jealous spirit that does not like you having joy. Yet, they cannot take it away.

Loving you in prayer :pray:

Thank you for this Shimmie. I've wanted to "walk away", but thought that would mean I was giving up. I've noticed that many of the other in-laws don't come around much. I do it because family is important to my husband. I do it because I want my children to know both sides of their family. I don't want them to wake up as an adult and feel like they've been robbed. My husband feels like he was robbed of getting to know his dad's side of the family. He would never verbalize that, but I know that is how he feels. She threatened to not attend our wedding if "they" were there, so they never received invitations to our wedding. But, I think I see what you're saying. Praying for guidance.
Thank you for this Shimmie. I've wanted to "walk away", but thought that would mean I was giving up. I've noticed that many of the other in-laws don't come around much. I do it because family is important to my husband. I do it because I want my children to know both sides of their family. I don't want them to wake up as an adult and feel like they've been robbed. My husband feels like he was robbed of getting to know his dad's side of the family. He would never verbalize that, but I know that is how he feels. She threatened to not attend our wedding if "they" were there, so they never received invitations to our wedding. But, I think I see what you're saying. Praying for guidance.

You haven't failed your husband or your children. Your FIRST and only priority is to be a HAPPY joyful wife and mother. You cannot please who does not want to be pleased to his other family members.

Jesus said, if you go into a 'place' and you are not accepted, to turn around, shake the dust off your feet and move on...

Do not waste life gaining wrinkles from frowns and painful outside relations. Let them keep their own pain, don't pour it out on you.

The Holy Spirit will lead you and strengthen you. Your HOME is first. So are you.

This is for someone on this forum. I'm not sure who it pertains to, but I felt compelled to post:

Strongholds Over Industries
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2, by Os Hillman
"Then the LORD said to Joshua, 'Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you'" (Josh 5:9).

A longtime TGIF subscriber, Bill called and asked for my help. I met him in Lake Tahoe and, over a three-hour lunch, he confided to me some of his struggles in his industry. He said that he'd often been lied to and exploited by others in his business. The Holy Spirit prompted me to say, "That's because the ruling spirit in this industry is mammon and deceit. I believe that God has called you to play a part in cleaning up your industry."

"But how?" he said. "I've got a federal lawsuit on my back. I'm being driven out of business."

"Bill," I said, "God has put you in a season of preparation in order to remove the 'Egypt' from your working life in order to bring His Kingdom into your industry."

God desires to bring His Kingdom into every sphere of life. When Jesus wanted to bring His Kingdom into the corrupt tax system in Jerusalem, the first thing He did was recruit Matthew, the tax collector. He began investing in his life.

The same was true of Zacheus. "Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. When Jesus reached the tree, he looked up and said to him, "Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today." So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly. All the people saw this and began to mutter, "He has gone to be the guest of a 'sinner.'" But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, "Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount" (Luke 19: 2, 6-8). Jesus' presence brought conviction to anyone who was operating in an ungodly manner.

Do you need the presence of Jesus in your industry? Invite Him in today.
This is for someone on this forum. I'm not sure who it pertains to, but I felt compelled to post:

Strongholds Over Industries
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2, by Os Hillman
"Then the LORD said to Joshua, 'Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you'" (Josh 5:9).

A longtime TGIF subscriber, Bill called and asked for my help. I met him in Lake Tahoe and, over a three-hour lunch, he confided to me some of his struggles in his industry. He said that he'd often been lied to and exploited by others in his business. The Holy Spirit prompted me to say, "That's because the ruling spirit in this industry is mammon and deceit. I believe that God has called you to play a part in cleaning up your industry."

"But how?" he said. "I've got a federal lawsuit on my back. I'm being driven out of business."

"Bill," I said, "God has put you in a season of preparation in order to remove the 'Egypt' from your working life in order to bring His Kingdom into your industry."

God desires to bring His Kingdom into every sphere of life. When Jesus wanted to bring His Kingdom into the corrupt tax system in Jerusalem, the first thing He did was recruit Matthew, the tax collector. He began investing in his life.

The same was true of Zacheus. "Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. When Jesus reached the tree, he looked up and said to him, "Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today." So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly. All the people saw this and began to mutter, "He has gone to be the guest of a 'sinner.'" But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, "Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount" (Luke 19: 2, 6-8). Jesus' presence brought conviction to anyone who was operating in an ungodly manner.

Do you need the presence of Jesus in your industry? Invite Him in today.

Blackpearl1993... I read this at my desk earlier this afternoon. The entire atmosphere of the office changed ... from hectic to 'agreeable'. Yes :yep: 'Agreeable'.

The past few months have been 'beyond busy' at work and this word was indeed for me. I was reminded of who is with me each day, even when I felt like climbing onto a tree, just to get away. Yes, it was just that 'disagreeable' in the atmosphere at work.

Thank you for sharing this and I know that it will be a blessing and a deliverance for others, in Jesus' Name. :amen: and :amen:

BlackPearl... This, right here, This Word from God's heart through yours to mine... this is what changed the atmosphere, immediately: :yep:

"Then the LORD said to Joshua, 'Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you'"
----(Josh 5:9).

Today, I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you! And God did just that! He rolled the disagreeable atmosphere away from me this very day.

The Holy Spirit is flowing and there is no stopping to our lives. :Rose:
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Who Should Be In Charge?
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2, by Os Hillman
"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan" (Prov 29:2, NKJV).

We hear a lot these days about being "politically correct." It seems we must be sensitive to every group, no matter how that group might negatively impact our lives or violate ethical or moral laws. When God created the earth, he did not care what people thought of his policies. His policy was THE way!

But his primary motive was not to control but to bless mankind, His creation. His nature was only good. In Jeremiah 9:24 we find God's nature described: "I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight," declares the LORD.

He laid down rules in the Garden of Eden for Adam and Eve to follow. As long as they followed the rules, they would reign over every living creature. They were representing the Creator in all aspects. God's government was being expressed through his creation in humans, nature and animals. He was and is the ultimate righteous ruler.

God's desire was to extend this mandate across the earth through Godly leaders who could represent and legislate his Kingdom in all spheres of life. This is why He said in Deuteronomy 28:13,14: "The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the LORD your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom."

God desires to raise up Godly leaders who can represent His interest on the earth. He has called you and me to be one of His representatives.
@ Iwanthealthyhair67, thank you so much for thinking about me. I have started a new job so, I'm not on LHCF often.
Prayer Warriors,

Please keep these persons in prayer @goddessmaker, @loolalooh, @TraciChanel, @Health&hair28, @Sharpened, @Elnahna, @Marriage material, @ZebraPrintLover, @pebbles, @MSee, @Nice & Wavy and anyone else that you can think of, I'm sure I missed several persons (pray for my memory too).

They have not been posting for a while some are on break and others we just don't know. Lets pray for them however the Spirit leads.

Thank you for posting this Iwanthealthyhair67. You are truly a loving Woman of God and beyond a blessing to everyone you come into contact.

Praying for you as well. :love3:
Just pray for The Martin family please... they have not only lost their son but also lost Justice. I pray against any riots because that is what people want and we shouldn't give in to what people expect. Pray for their healing and strength to continue...

Im really sad
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Thank you, Iwanthealthyhair67. Thank you, ladies.

Depression comes and goes, but I am thankful that somehow, someway (God) provides for me.

Love you all.

@ nicola_k (I can't remember her full screenname, but you ladies know her) has been on my mind too. Please add her to the list.

:bighug: Happy to hear from you.

Still in our hearts and prayers.