Potential Side Effects of Vitamins


New Member

I stumbled upon this when looking up side effects of some supplements I was considering taking. There's lots of conflicting info on the web about the benefits & risks to certain vitamins, medicines, & supplements. I personally think Web MD is a reputable source. I don't necessarily follow what it says all the time but its good to know potential risk factors to some of the things that we are ingesting for our hair.

At the end of the day I want long gorgeous hair but if it means I have to have serious health consequences then I don't think its worth it.

Also, this is a nifty tool to check out some vitamins in your favorite foods & vegetables :)

P.S. This isn't supposed to be a scare tactic or criticizing those who take supplements. You best believe I still take my biotin & hair pills every day... I just think we should be smart when choosing what to put in our bodies :yep:
Thanks! Just type the name of the vitamin you're interested in to se a quick overview, dosage information, side effects, uses, and what other medications may interact negatively with it.
I was told by a worker at vitamin shoppe long time ago that the body only absorbs what it needs and flushes out the rest. I always kept that in mind even though at one point I was taking too many different supplements. Now I keep it simple by taking a once daily multi-vitamin and an iron suplement. Excess vitamin intake can damage the kidneys and liver.
I was told by a worker at vitamin shoppe long time ago that the body only absorbs what it needs and flushes out the rest. I always kept that in mind even though at one point I was taking too many different supplements. Now I keep it simple by taking a once daily multi-vitamin and an iron suplement. Excess vitamin intake can damage the kidneys and liver.

Only if they are water soluble vitamins. If its A,D,E or K I would pay close attention to the amounts that you are taking as these are fat soluble. Not sure if you were aware of this.
I think it's generally a good idea to do periodic liver/kidney detoxes since they work so hard processing our supplements (not to mention other benefits like weight loss. :look:). There are several herbal detox teas on the market specifically for liver and kidneys and, of course, detox diets info can be readily found online (mainly more fruits and veggies and ditch the processed foods for a period).