Post Transitioners: did your natural hair come back in the pattern before relaxing?


here.... but i'm not here
I was told that your hair pattern doesn't come back the way that it was before relaxing? I barely remember my natural hair before relaxing, but I'm almost positive it wasn't a mixed type of texture.

But is it true that your pattern/texture changes?
Re: Post Transitioners: did your natural hair come back in the pattern before relaxin

Big changes in texture are most likely due to puberty rather than the relaxer. Many people's hair naturally changes between childhood and adulthood (and then again as they start menopause) just because of hormones. So, if you've had your hair relaxed since childhood, there's a chance that it wont look the way you remember.

Also some people report having harder and drier hair when they first transition, because of the relaxer affecting their scalp. It eventually goes away. This is called 'scab hair'. I don't know 100% about it, but there's a lot of info if you google
Re: Post Transitioners: did your natural hair come back in the pattern before relaxin

I didn't transition long and it's been a long time since I even saw my natural hair before now. I can't however, see your hair texture changing due to a temporary chemical process. If that were the case, we wouldn't have to keep retouching our roots when we were relaxing. The hair that grows from my scalp, is the texture it was (I believe, even though it's been a while). I do not believe that topical treatments on your scalp can permanently change your hair texture growing from your scalp.
Re: Post Transitioners: did your natural hair come back in the pattern before relaxin

I think that is not true however it may be true to some people.

For me, my hair was the same. I BC'd without telling my mom and sister. I go months without seeing them. When I saw them, at separate times, they both knew I went natural and my mom said to me "Your hair looks like how it was when you were a baby." My sister said something similar.

I also have a few pictures of me as a child pre-relaxer where my hair looks very similar to today.
Re: Post Transitioners: did your natural hair come back in the pattern before relaxin

Yes and no.
Yes, in certain areas of my head my texture is growing in similar to how it use to be. And by use to be, I'm not talking about puberty, I'm talking early 20s, up to about 24 years old to be exact. In many others of my hair, no -- the texture growing in is not how my hair texture use to be. Even my mom can look at my hair and see that lol. I'm 15.5 months post relaxer. The back and sides are dry, frizzy, wiry, bushy feeling. It's more than just tightly coiled hair, b/c I don't even think I would call it that, the texture of the hair itself just feels incredibly foreign from how it use to be.
Re: Post Transitioners: did your natural hair come back in the pattern before relaxin

I was told that your hair pattern doesn't come back the way that it was before relaxing? I barely remember my natural hair before relaxing, but I'm almost positive it wasn't a mixed type of texture.

But is it true that your pattern/texture changes?

I kinda think this is an unfair comparison because we have access to totally different products. My hair could very well be the same, just less frizzy or curlier because I'm finally using products that do what they claim to do or because my technique changed.
I kinda think this is an unfair comparison because we have access to totally different products. My hair could very well be the same, just less frizzy or curlier because I'm finally using products that do what they claim to do or because my technique changed.

Gotcha. I understand what you're saying. When it comes to products, my mom literally used blue magic grease and water. I know that when she used the water, it would subsequently make my hair coily/curling, but once it dried, I really wouldn't know. I wish I never relaxed to begin with, but ah well.

Thank you everyone for your input.
Re: Post Transitioners: did your natural hair come back in the pattern before relaxin

My hair is exactly the same this go round.

I went natural in 2008 and my hair was much drier and I attribute that to using no lye relaxers and sulfate laden shampoos.

When I relaxed again in 2010, I used a lye relaxer and a non drying shampoo. When I chopped again last year my hair looked and felt as it did when I was a child.
Re: Post Transitioners: did your natural hair come back in the pattern before relaxin

I just shaved to get the scab hair off and to get back to healthier hair. My relaxed and transitioned hair was so fine that it was scary. I had fine hair as a child but it was never this fine. Right now, can't really tell what is going on with my hair because I don't have enough inches yet. I am more interested in if my hair pattern will come back thicker and less finer rather than it being curlier or wavier.

Almond Eyes