Please help me wrap my hair!


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies, I am mostly a lurker but I need help! I cannot for the life of me get my hair to stay wrapped after I flat iron. I am natural and I use heat about once every month or two. After I flat iron I either pin curl or wear a big bun on top of my head and wrap with a satin scarf so usually I have some type of wave or curl to my hair when I wear it straight...however, I'd really like to wear it pin straight sometimes after I flat iron but my hair always falls as I'm wrapping it. My hair is layered and the longest layer is at BSL so I know I need to use pins, I've tried long bobby pins, duck bill clips, big plastic clips, I put some oil on my ends before wrapping to give it some weight but it just constantly falls, its almost too silky or something. I just flat ironed and spent about 45 minutes in the mirror trying to wrap my hair. My scalp is now a little sore so I just gave up and put it in a neat pinned up bun....:sad: I didn't seem to have soo much trouble wrapping my hair when I was relaxed! I have watched every wrap and cross wrap tutorial on youtube!

I would greatly appreciate any other tips on how to get my hair to stay while I'm wrapping it...I've tried pinning as I go but I have to take the pins back out as I get to the ends because my hair is getting longer....HELP ME!!! TIA
Start wrapping from the top and work your way down. Once you get it smooth, use a smaller tooth comb or boar bristle brush to tighten it and make it stay wrapped. You may have to smooth it around a few times but that should do it.

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