Platelet Rich Plasma (prp) For Androgenic Alopecia

@Young 50 - Congratulations! I don't know how I missed your post. I hope your results and satisfaction with the treatment will be as satisfying as mine. My front (at the peak) is starting to experience thinning (due to aging). I'm considering another round of PRP, but I'm also considering having a second hair transplant to increase the density on one side. Not sure if it would be worth it - so the jury is still out.

Please keep us posted on how you progress with the PRP.

@MWilson569 - other than doctors I've mentioned in the Official hair Transplant Thread, I don't know of any doctors in the New York area. Is @Young 50 and @kimsamram doctor, Dr. Rapport in Englewood, NJ not an option?
@Young 50 - Congratulations! I don't know how I missed your post. I hope your results and satisfaction with the treatment will be as satisfying as mine. My front (at the peak) is starting to experience thinning (due to aging). I'm considering another round of PRP, but I'm also considering having a second hair transplant to increase the density on one side. Not sure if it would be worth it - so the jury is still out.

Please keep us posted on how you progress with the PRP.

@MWilson569 - other than doctors I've mentioned in the Official hair Transplant Thread, I don't know of any doctors in the New York area. Is @Young 50 and @kimsamram doctor, Dr. Rapport in Englewood, NJ not an option?

Hello All,

I am having my third treatment of PRP with Dr. Rappaport today. My hairline and temples are showing signs of recovery. I am also taking minoxidil of 7% with progesterone, the Igrow laser light, and Max Hair vitamins. From all my reading it seems to take from 4 - 8 months to see significant results from PRP depending on ones growth cycle. One drawback is that my facial and body hair has increased and darkened. It looks as though I may have to get laser hair removal for facial hair because I do not want to stop minoxidil and lose what I gained on my scalp. I heard that the increase in facial and body hair decreases after awhile. Will talk to Dr. Rappaport today.
@kimsamram - thank you for the testimony and advice. That is a very interesting and important detail about iron levels and it makes so much sense. I hope others undergoing and considering the treatments read your post and prepare accordingly

I may not have experienced low iron symptoms (shortness of breath, fatigue, weakness, tingling, etc.) during the time of my treatments due to my vitamin regimen. Chlorella and spirulina are key members of my regime. Chlorella is an excellent detoxer and cleanser for me. I usually take my vitamins 8-8:30am and by 9:30 I'm in the restroom :sekret: :shhh: :shocked: . Many of the supplements I take have iron so perhaps they sustained my iron levels during my treatments. I also do oil pulling every morning.

In terms of parasites, you are so right. A friend was diagnosed with parasites last year. She was taking various meds already and didn't want to add any additional to treat the parasites, but of course she wanted to eliminate the parasites. A herbalist recommended she do a "good cleansing" and take a pro-biotic after. She reported feeling a "big difference" after her cleansing. (I should add, I've been telling this friend about oil pulling and chlorella for years. SMH)

Have you had your May PRP treatment ? Are your treatments monthly? How many treatments are you planning?

If you don't mind please keep updating the thread with your experience with PRP and Dr. Rapport. I'm sure many will benefit.[/QUOTE

Hello and just to give you a follow up. So unfortunately due to the death of my god daughter during childbirth and the death of her baby I had to suspend all treatment and return to the UK for her funeral. I noticed that my hair grew very uneven so it had it cut in UK in April and then I returned to US. I did not get to the appointment with Rappaport in May as I felt unwell. I felt dizzy and I thought that my iron was low. I had an uneventful summer and my hair was still breaking and growing back uneven after the UK big chop. I had my annual physical in November 2017 and it was discovered that my ferritin has only risen to 12. This was despite the fact that I had taken iron tablets and and beef liver tablets. My physician recommended an iron transfusions. I had two in November 2017. My ferritin is currently at 672 which is really high but the total iron is at 122. Apparently the iron will go down and I will get a recheck of my
Levels in three months. My periods are quite heavy so they know it’s going to go down. For hair growing the ferritin level must be consistently above 70 for at least 3 - 6 months. I was really constipated post transfusion but my hair is growing in thicker and it’s not breaking off when I comb. I also stopped thyroid medications at the recommendation of my endocrinologist. At this point it’s a careful waiting game to see if these changes will assist the growth process. To the lady who wants pictures just go to YouTube and you will see how my hair looked prior to the treatment. I can upload the way it looks now. The last time I cut my hair was in November 2017. I still have some thinning to crown and some dollar size spots to the front and top of my head but it’s not so bad. As it was before.
Happy new year by the way
Happy New Year to all. I have had five treatments with Dr, Rappaport in Old Bridge, NJ. (He has offices in Englewood Cliffs and Jersey City). The process has greatly slowed down the shedding of my hair. in addition, I have been using his Alopeia Topical Solution formula for women which has 7% minoxidil, with progesterone, and Fluocinolone Acetonide . His formula is very effective. I have had hair loss in my temples and hairline which got progressively worse in the past five years and it has greatly improved. I use to put Toppix powder on my thinning hair and temples and have noticed with in the past few weeks I do not have to. My first treatment was May 2017, 2nd June 2017, 3rd July 2017, 4th September 2017,and 5th December 2017. In addition I use a hair multivitamin. I was using the laser IGrow for about a year but I only use it now right after a PRP treatment. I feel confident in Dr, Rappaport's regimen. Hope this has been helpful.
Alopeia Topical Solution formula for women which has 7% minoxidil, with progesterone, and Fluocinolone Acetonide . His formula is very effective.
Congratulations on your progress! I've been using a minoxidil product through my hair guy called Formula 82M, I'm pretty sure it doesn't have the same amount of minoxidil in it. Does your doctor allow out of state purchase of his product? I'd love to try it. TIA!
Congratulations on your progress! I've been using a minoxidil product through my hair guy called Formula 82M, I'm pretty sure it doesn't have the same amount of minoxidil in it. Does your doctor allow out of state purchase of his product? I'd love to try it. TIA!
Hello Tia,
I don't know off hand if Dr. Rappaport ships his formula. He is located in Englewood Cliffs, Jersey City, and Old Bridge., NJ I am sure his staff would be happy to assist you. I wish you much success in your hair goals.
Good morning all
So I had 3 or 4 PRP treatments in 2017 then I had to refocus my finances. What I noticed was that I was really weak over the last few months so I had a physical and my ferritin despite my good intentions was still low. I had been taking ferrasorb, beef liver tablets and eating dark leafy green vegetables and it was not increasing. My periods were quite heavy also. My doctor decided to recommend me for iron transfusions. I received two in November 2017. My ferritin went up from 12 to 667. So it was mad high. Today is March and I will get repeat lab work to see if the value has normalized.
I see a marked difference in my hair growth. The balding patches are filling in, I have much more energy and I don’t feel so sad. Low iron has been linked to depression.
I am currently doing the GHE method and using Virgin Hair fertilizer and have found that this has helped me. I will probably go for another treatment when I get some funds as I feel I have significant iron to use for the treatment.
My advice is get your iron and ferritin levels to a point where you can get the treatment done.
Don’t jeopardize the other health systems for the sake of having longer hair. I feel I was so anxious about it all that I needed time to recognize that treating the iron deficiency was vital to my well being. Having a little more hair is one thing but there is nothing better than feeling well physically.
I will try to upload a picture, when I fully wake up.