Okay, so you've reaches your 'Final Destination,' Now What?


New Member
Hey Ladies,

What do you plan to do after you have reached your desired length? So many ladies here do no heat, protective styles, baggies, buns, and so on so what do you plan to do with your hair once you reach your desired legth?

Will you still do all of the above? Will you give you hair some freedom?

I would sure hate to see those long (or short depending on what your choice) locs not shared with the world. Though, I do understand that you have to take measures to maintain it...
MizaniMami said:
Hey Ladies,

What do you plan to do after you have reached your desired length? So many ladies here do no heat, protective styles, baggies, buns, and so on so what do you plan to do with your hair once you reach your desired legth?

Will you still do all of the above? Will you give you hair some freedom?

I would sure hate to see those long (or short depending on what your choice) locs not shared with the world. Though, I do understand that you have to take measures to maintain it...

I plan on basking in the joy of reaching a long term goal. Its as important to me as graduating from college. My hair will be treated just as it is now but Ill probably throw myself a party. Most of my close friends are on hair journeys as well so hopefully all of us will have soemthign to celebrate :D I will still probably be following the Crown and Glory method but a little improvised. Ill be braiding my own hair and not going as long with the braids. I will trim as usual and my regimine wont change. I still wont do massive heat and I probably wont do protective styles.
i will wear my hair down when i go out in twistouts; and in protective styles (long braid or bun) when i m in the house or at night a long braid to go to sleep with scarf and satin bonnet. NO MORE VITS maybe a multivitamin, i will keep the msm and the foti though. and will wash once a week in 4 braids. cant wait to reach my final destination and i might maxiglide once a month:grin: But long braid a la Sade that s whats up hehe
When i will reach it then i will know what to do I want to see it first:D !
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I thought that I would wear my hair down more often and use heat more often once I reached my goal, but I don't. I think that after you've developed healthy hair habits, they are hard to break.

There is also the knowledge that your hard work can all go down the drain if you get into the practices you once used before your hair started thriving and getting longer. So, that also kind of keeps me on my P's & Q's.
Probably wear it out more.. Like goldensensation said, probably do some things that i've always wanted to do but decided not to: dye it, get bangs, layers.. Oh yeah and shake it in front of people's faces who hated.
This is such a great thread.... Ive often wondered this myself. :lol:

I'll probably treat myself to wearing my hair out more often.... to enjoy the fruits of my labor. But i will still wear protective styles for the most part. I kind of like the idea of wearing buns/clips frequently, and then shocking people by letting my long, luscious locks drop to the floor. :lachen:

Hmmm, I'll probably keep the hair vitamins a part of my diet.... but let go of the gross stuff like mtg which, although incredibly helpful throughout this journey, has also been a major annoyance/hassle.

As far as low heat/combing rarely/covering it with a silk scarf at night.... those are all habits that don't take a lot of work to keep up. So most likely i will continue with that type of low-maintenance regimen.
I never had a specific length in mind. I will continue what I'm doing now, wearing my hair in styles I love and keeping my hair as healthy as possible.
I will mostly likely still being doing the same thing, protective styles and maybe give myself a treat once a month and wear it down, but for the most part in protective styles.
I will still maintain healty habits but since I don't wear my hair out at all now I think I will wear it down every two weeks or so.
Hmm.. Im kinda nearing my final destination. I like my hair at BSL or slightly lower. After that, I have a hard time setting it. So now, Im just trying to keep it conditioned and starting to get it cut more frequently to stay around BSL.

But im def at the point where I can enjoy it now. After conditioning and setting like a monster, I can afford to get a blow out every once in a while. Not every week ( like I was trying to do for the last few weeks) but I can get it done once a month for vacation or a nice dinner. In the meantime, Ill just keep setting and wrapping :)
macherieamour said:
Hmm.. Im kinda nearing my final destination. I like my hair at BSL or slightly lower. After that, I have a hard time setting it. So now, Im just trying to keep it conditioned and starting to get it cut more frequently to stay around BSL.

But im def at the point where I can enjoy it now. After conditioning and setting like a monster, I can afford to get a blow out every once in a while. Not every week ( like I was trying to do for the last few weeks) but I can get it done once a month for vacation or a nice dinner. In the meantime, Ill just keep setting and wrapping :)

OMG, your hair is stunning! It always has been, really, but wow!!!
macherieamour said:
Hmm.. Im kinda nearing my final destination. I like my hair at BSL or slightly lower. After that, I have a hard time setting it. So now, Im just trying to keep it conditioned and starting to get it cut more frequently to stay around BSL.

But im def at the point where I can enjoy it now. After conditioning and setting like a monster, I can afford to get a blow out every once in a while. Not every week ( like I was trying to do for the last few weeks) but I can get it done once a month for vacation or a nice dinner. In the meantime, Ill just keep setting and wrapping :)
Mancheri I like you blow out. Very nice. I agree with you. I think this length looks good and is probably easier to manage than if you were to go longer.