Oil soaked Scrunchi to the rescue! Now Why didn't I think of this!


New Member
I was checking out the updated pics of Ms Portugal's daughter. In the album I noted that in the comments it said her daughter's hair was held in a bun with an oil soaked scrunchie. I was like now why didn't I think of this?:think:

I have been wearing my hair in a bun 99% of the time this winter and my scrunchies are made out of a velvety feeling cotton material. But it is still cotton. I have never been able to find any made out of other materials. I have noticed that I have had more breakage recently and my hair is feeling drier. But since it wasn't massive I chalked it up to the weather change. Well after I saw that in Ms. P's album I decided to give it a go. This morning I saturated my scrunchie in olive oil (regular old Goya olive oil) and did my usual bun.

Well, I took my bun down after work and my hair is feeling nice and moisturized and I don't see a single hair on my scrunchie so this is definitely a keeper.

I don't mean to put you on blast Ms. Portugal but thanks even though you didn't know you were helping a sister out.

Am I the only one of the forum who wasn't hip to this? Who does this on the regular?
I soak my "no metal" elastic ponytail holders in olive oil. Works like a charm. No breakage. I never thought to do that for my srcunchies though.
Wow, soaking the ponytail holders sounds like a really good idea. But doesn't doing that with a scrunchie, which is much bigger, get kind of messy?
ok... wouldn't tahat make your hair oily?

Even the little ponytail holders?

Maybe it only makes hair that is prone to being oily... oily?
Porsche19 said:
ok... wouldn't tahat make your hair oily?

Even the little ponytail holders?

Maybe it only makes hair that is prone to being oily... oily?

Hmmmm...I don't know if that will be a problem at some point. Today is only the first day I have tried this! But I wear my scrunchie inside my bun to make look fuller. So no one can see it anyway.
Champagne_Wishes said:
I see I might have to do this *lol*. My hair drinks up most oils anyways so I don't this technique will be messy for me.

My hair has been so dry this week. It's been under 20F degrees every day! Nothing else seems to be working. My ends feel oily but it's better than crackling dry. I will do a con wash tomorrow and air dry with silk scarf and keep doing my bun trick. Hopefully, I will make it through this dang cold weather with some hair left.
simplycee said:
I soak my "no metal" elastic ponytail holders in olive oil. Works like a charm. No breakage. I never thought to do that for my srcunchies though.
I do also when I rollerset. Depending on the scrunchie, this could be a great idea. :)
jd_bdfly said:
Wow, soaking the ponytail holders sounds like a really good idea. But doesn't doing that with a scrunchie, which is much bigger, get kind of messy?
Maybe it could get messy if you used larger sized scrunchies.
Seeems like it would be a little messy and a lot oily if you're using scruchies, which I do. Maybe I'll give it a go with the ponytail holder. Thanks for bringing this tip to our attention!
Cool I guess you can soak whatever you create the bun with with oil to minimize damage. Good idea.
This actually happens to me naturally. I put alot of diferent oils in my baggie and my Scrunchi always get soaked with oil. I wash them out my hand all the time.
Falon you can find scrunchies in other materials such as silk or satin. I have the satin ones and get no breakage at all from wearing them. The cotton ones well those are another story. Try tenderheaded.com
michelle3147 said:
Falon you can find scrunchies in other materials such as silk or satin. I have the satin ones and get no breakage at all from wearing them. The cotton ones well those are another story. Try tenderheaded.com

Thanks a bunch. I am ordering like a mad woman. You know I'm a total pj!
Won't you smell like oil or whatever product you soak the scrunchie with all day though?

Falon said:
I was checking out the updated pics of Ms Portugal's daughter. In the album I noted that in the comments it said her daughter's hair was held in a bun with an oil soaked scrunchie. I was like now why didn't I think of this?:think:

I have been wearing my hair in a bun 99% of the time this winter and my scrunchies are made out of a velvety feeling cotton material. But it is still cotton. I have never been able to find any made out of other materials. I have noticed that I have had more breakage recently and my hair is feeling drier. But since it wasn't massive I chalked it up to the weather change. Well after I saw that in Ms. P's album I decided to give it a go. This morning I saturated my scrunchie in olive oil (regular old Goya olive oil) and did my usual bun.

Well, I took my bun down after work and my hair is feeling nice and moisturized and I don't see a single hair on my scrunchie so this is definitely a keeper.

I don't mean to put you on blast Ms. Portugal but thanks even though you didn't know you were helping a sister out.

Am I the only one of the forum who wasn't hip to this? Who does this on the regular?
Keen said:
Won't you smell like oil or whatever product you soak the scrunchie with all day though?

I guess it sounds loopy but it really isn't as bad as it sounds. Olive oil doens't have a noticeable smell to me and the way I wear my bun it isn't visible. Oh well, I guess this won't be an idea that takes off...though I do kind of like it.

Anyway, I will be doing this till I get my order from tenderhead.com. I ordered silk scrunchies that should take care of my issues...along with a denam paddle brush...seamless comb...a real silk scarf and pillow case. :)
I just went on tenderheaded.com - I can't wait to get the stuff I ordered especially the silk scrunchies and scarf.
Falon said:
I guess it sounds loopy but it really isn't as bad as it sounds. Olive oil doens't have a noticeable smell to me and the way I wear my bun it isn't visible. Oh well, I guess this won't be an idea that takes off...though I do kind of like it.

Anyway, I will be doing this till I get my order from tenderhead.com. I ordered silk scrunchies that should take care of my issues...along with a denam paddle brush...seamless comb...a real silk scarf and pillow case. :)
It is a great idea, thank you Falon for sharing it. If one doesn't want olive oil, they can try a different oil that's good for the hair too.

I love ordering from tenderheaded.com! You'll enjoy the silk scarf scrunchies and pillowcase, etc.:)
Falon said:
I was checking out the updated pics of Ms Portugal's daughter. In the album I noted that in the comments it said her daughter's hair was held in a bun with an oil soaked scrunchie. I was like now why didn't I think of this?:think:

I have been wearing my hair in a bun 99% of the time this winter and my scrunchies are made out of a velvety feeling cotton material. But it is still cotton. I have never been able to find any made out of other materials. I have noticed that I have had more breakage recently and my hair is feeling drier. But since it wasn't massive I chalked it up to the weather change. Well after I saw that in Ms. P's album I decided to give it a go. This morning I saturated my scrunchie in olive oil (regular old Goya olive oil) and did my usual bun.

Well, I took my bun down after work and my hair is feeling nice and moisturized and I don't see a single hair on my scrunchie so this is definitely a keeper.

I don't mean to put you on blast Ms. Portugal but thanks even though you didn't know you were helping a sister out.

Am I the only one of the forum who wasn't hip to this? Who does this on the regular?
I started using satin scrunchies because of my worry about what all the other scrunchies will do to my hair. If you live in NYC you can find them at almost any bss -- esp. on 125th St. They are about $1 each and I bought about three black ones and they have been good to my hair.
Your scunchie only smells if you use Spanish Olive Oil by Goya. I now use regular olive oil and it doesn't smell. Plus, I found out that this is a nice alternative to using the baggie method if you have to go out somewhere and you want to wear a bun to protect your ends. I put my hair in a twist bun with the ends tucked and secure it an oil soaked scunchie and my ends get as moisturized and protected as if I used the baggie method. When I get home, I take the scunchie off and do the baggie method.
I do this....started doing it ..not sure why but my scrunchie is always drenched in oils..it's great :)