Nutrilite Hair, skin & nails vitamins....


Well-Known Member
You ladies that take the Nutrilite brand of Hair skin and nails vitamins, Do you guys take only the recommended of one pill per day as it says on the bottle? Or do you take more than the recommended dose?

I'm just wondering because if I only have to take one pill per day, this is pretty cool! :woot: With GNC, I had to take 2 pills per day. The less pills I have to swallow per day the better! :D
My brother sells these and he keeps trying to get me to try them. I think I might. Have you had any success? Also how do you like the Design Essentials with Shea Butter?
My brother sells these and he keeps trying to get me to try them. I think I might. Have you had any success? Also how do you like the Design Essentials with Shea Butter?

Hey! In answer to your question, I just bought and have started using the Nutrilite vitamins, so I can't really boast of any long-term success using them. :ohwell: But I'll definitely let the board know if I experience any success with them. I just wanted to know how many doses people were taking, since the bottle said 1 pill per day, but I know many people on this board take more than the recommended daily value of vitamins in order to get the full effect of hair growth that they're desiring.

Oh, and I LOOOOOVE the DE mild relaxer w/shea butter!! :love: I had this relaxer 3 years ago, and my hair thrived with it. It's sooo moisturizing! My friend leaves the relaxer on my hair for a little longer than my old stylist did, so my hair isn't as thick as it was with my old stylist (I think she was texlaxing my hair and didn't know it), but my hair is already SOO much softer and has more body and thickness with the milder relaxer than with any regular strength relaxer I have tried. I think the shea butter in the relaxer really does make a difference. :up: I'd say that it's definitely worth a try. Especially if you have fine hair like me! ;) :up: