Not sure this is worth a new thread but...

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
I'm sure you know by now that I'm an extreme PS'er. As such I've locked myself in fuzzy wuzzy box braids for the past two weeks and pushing for 2 more weeks until a wedding event where folks haven't seen my hair in years. Can you say FLAUNT TIME?! Ya'll know what time it is....

Anyway, today, I feel the urge to look cute (and found out about a party tomorrow with the same wedding crowd) but if I go with that, I'll break my 1 month braided up attempt and my SCHEDULED (yes, you heard that right) my scheduled hair styles. Wanna hair them? teehee...

For wedding (July) and the hair show (august) in ATL I’m going to blowdry and take each section and spritzed with water and maybe a lil’ gel for extra hold and retwist or braid and then put a perm rod at the end and roll it. Sleep and take out in the AM. So it’ll be a longer, bigger, softer twist or braid our (whichever I decide to do) different than my usual.

Between july - aug or anytime after the hair show I want to braid the sides and back towards my crown. So the braid starts at the nape and come ups to all meet at the top of my head. Then just twist up the lose hair at the top and pin it down in whichever style. Saw this on CUTE and I'm itching to do this much sooner.

For carnival August I’m doing a Mohawk. Been dying to. Even if it’s out of style now lol. Going to braid the sides in some funky pattern (maybe not too funky if I have to go to work the next work day???) and twist the top and put some tiny perm rods and roll them down really tight so the Mohawk could look shorter and not too much hangin’ on one side.

In September MAYBE will flat iron. I’m still so nervous LOL

See how the summer can go by so darn fast when you go by hairstyles!

So here we are, 4th of July weekend and I wanna look cute but dang, these box braids took two days for me to do!

What to do, what to do....

Here are some pics of me having fun in hairschool doing finger waves on my edges and the last two pics are of my fuzzy not-cute-enough-to-step-to-a-dude-box-braids...
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Well-Known Member
*whispers in your ear...take them out....flaunt it, ya know you wanna....*

I kinda do the same...though my planning revolves around which wig I'm going to wear for what event. Next Sat. my friend is having her housewarming party. I haven't worn my own hair around this group of folks in a while, so I'm debating if I should do a big fluffy braidout, or keep wigging it out of ease. Most likely a wig since I just cornrowed my hair earlier today.

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
Totally non hair related....but in that third pic, would you say I have a 'hooded eye.'
Trying to find out my eye shape and learn to wear make up!


Well-Known Member
Yes, I think you have a hooded eyelid (your lower eyelid is mostly covered by your upper eyelid when your eyes are open). Your hair schedule cracks me up though - but girl, with your hair...shoot, maybe I need to get on a schedule. :)


Well-Known Member
I don't have a hairstyle schedule but I get where you're coming from, I hate when my relaxer due dates don't fit around key events, it usually makes me want to relax early so that I can wear my hair down. I would probably wear it in a braid out if I were u.


Well-Known Member
I really like your wedding and hair show so plan. Maybe later you can bless us with a photo :)

Wish I had more hair I could play with :grin:

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
Hey 20something,

I'm so bad with taking pics of my style. I'm usually in a rush to get ready and do my hair and almost always forget to take a cam! I'll try harder going forward.
I did decide to take my fuzzy box braids out but because they were so small the out hair is krimply rather than wavy or curly...not sure what I can do with that. Might do a big messy bun and blowdry the front for a side sweep bang....we'll see.