No more grays! But Indigo concern...


First I want to think the hendigo ladies for the great advice. I did the henna/indigo 2 step process and I FINALLY got rid of the grays!!:grin::grin::grin: And I love the pretty black color I got. It's very natural and not harsh at all. seems like the texture of my hair has changed. It seems to be a lot drier too. Will this go away? Or could it be the indigo I used? Has anyone else experienced a slight texture change with indigo?

My hair was always a little dry with henna but my DC and coconut oil nightly treatments would take care of it in a few days. I've been DCing and saturating my hair with coconut oil every night for almost a week and no change. Also now when I flat iron my hair seem stiffer.:nono:

Anyone else experience this with indigo and any advice?
Glad it worked well for you. IMO: It is far superior and long lasting than any bottled color and the shine is incredible.:grin:

I've never experienced any unusual dryness with Indigo.:perplexed Especially after I rinse for an eternity and then rinse again with Conditioner.

I know between both steps I will prolly use an entire bottle of Suave, VO5, or White Rain.:blush:

After all that intense co-washing, I always follow up with a Moisturizing Deep Conditioning Treatment.:lick:

I have not had a problem with dryness. Are you sure you Rinsed Well? Both Henna & Indigo require heavy & intense rinsing.:nono:

And have you washed since?
I love henna and indigo, too. I haven't had any dryness from using them, but I always DC under the steamer with a deep conditioner mixed with oil afterwards.

Try a creamy moisturizing deep conditioner and then oil your hair, or a really good creamy leave-in. HTH
I love henna and indigo, too. I haven't had any dryness from using them, but I always DC under the steamer with a deep conditioner mixed with oil afterwards.

Try a creamy moisturizing deep conditioner and then oil your hair, or a really good creamy leave-in. HTH

Me too!:grin: Thanks for the tip with the oil Frizzy. May try it this Fall/Winter.:yep:

IA about using the most creamiest, moisturizing-est DC & LI's you have.:yep:
I was thinking maybe I didn't rinse well enough since my hair was rinsing a little gray. I'll do a wash and rewash next time until the water runs clear.

I read somewhere that indigo fades with a lot of washing so I thought the gray water was normal.
