New to Vitamins


New Member
Well I am new to vitamins. I currently am taking a multivitamin, biotin, fish oil, msm, and evening primose. I was wondering when the results will start to show.
That's a great question. Some people respond to vitamins within a couple of weeks and others it takes 2-3 months. I guess it just depends on how well you body absorbs the vitamins.
DSD is right Sabie, and it also depends on whether your hair was really lacking those supplements. Maybe it was already growing well and just needed TLC from you. There are people that don't take them and their hair grows like weeds. That's because they probably got all their required nutrition from food. For most of us though, supplements do make a difference, and it does take a few months to see it.

So don't count days and watch the inches. Hair takes soooo long to grow when you do that. Take your mind off seeing results by perfecting how well you care and know your hair. Find the perfect regimen for your hair so that when one thing is out of place you know exactly what needs to be done. You'll be so preoccupied with being a master of your hair that one day you'll wake up to find a hair fairy left you a healthy mane you don't remember owning: long, shiny and full of...