New book from one of our own!!

Congratulations! The website is very professional and great choice of models!! Can't wait for the book to come out. I will be sure to inform all my hair sistas who may not be a part of lhcf!!
Congratulations and I wish you much success!!! I will definitely buy several copies!!

And if is not too much to ask...maybe in the future...would you consider translating the book into different languages?...starting off in Spanish? :grin: pretty please!!
Thanks everyone! :wave:

Congratulations and I wish you much success!!! I will definitely buy several copies!!

And if is not too much to ask...maybe in the future...would you consider translating the book into different languages?...starting off in Spanish? :grin: pretty please!!

YES, of course! There will definitely be Spanish and French versions as well. Its funny b/c I've seen some of my articles already online translated to French :lol: (So for the sista who took the time to do all of that-- God bless ya and I've kept ya in the back of my mind :lol:)
Cool! I just read her articles and they were very informative.

I will definitely support you Sistaslick. I can't wait to buy my copies.
Sistaslick - Also wanted to mention that every time somebody asks me 'What do you do to your hair?', the first thing I do is send them the article you wrote about regimen building. Everyone loves it!
Aw! Thanks guys! :kiss: I will definitely let you all know when its published! It's been years in the making, but it's almost complete-- for real, for real! It's headed to my editor next month (if God says the same), and I know you guys will find that it was worth the wait. :yep: :lol:

If you like the articles, then you'll love the book. It's a full color book with amazing images of hair, and really in depth explanations for things. It's not a pocket guide or a "regimen made into a book" by any means-- it's written almost like a textbook/reference book. :yep: This is something that I've felt has been missing, for us anyway. Something a bit more technical, yet understandable and affordable.

The book is in color, but there will be an option to purchase it in black/white as well to keep costs within affordable ranges for everyone. Color printing fees are astronomical unfortunately. But either way, the interior will translate nicely!

You guys can join my FB fan page for updates on the book's progress and hair tips as well! It's The Science of Black Hair

I'm also on twitter--@ blackhair101

& Thanks Nix :kiss:

This is great...Congrats! I'll definitely be showing my support :thumbsup:
Thanks very much for the heads-up OP!

Congratulations Sistaslick, wishing you much deserved success with all your endeavours! I’m sooo excited about your forthcoming book as your articles have been an exceptional and vital source of information for me. Can’t wait to get my hands on this!
Put me down for 2 copies! :D

I also printed off your articles and gave copies to my cousin, who has just started her hair journey. We thank you soooo much!
I'm soooo excited and I can't wait for it's arrival!!! Her articles are amazing!! Congrats to her and thanks for posting Nix08!!!!

I love to see the success of a young black woman--much success to you, your hair is gorgeous, BTW.
Been waiting for a minute now. I have actually forwarded your info to friends, printed it out for my own reference, and cited it on this board. Proud of you, cuzzo!!!!!! Will definitely purchase your book!
Oh wow! Congratulations on the upcoming release and I wish you MUCH success!!
I would like to donate your book to a library to help people. I cannot wait, Audrey. Thank you so much for your informative posts and articles.