Need Wig/Baggying Help


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

I made a wig using a wig cap and glued track to it. I would like to deep condition with a plastic cap while I wear my wig on top because I think the wig cap is drying my hair out. But when I wear the plastic cap and try to put the wig on, it gets so slippery that my wig will not stay on my head.

How do you all get your wig to stay on your head and with the plastic cap too so that you can still deep condition/baggy under your wig?

Maybe you should try wearing a scarf (Baggy, Scarf & then wig). I wear a silk or satin scarf under my wig and I can put a baggy under there and it would stay in place.
browneyez said it right^^^^^

baggy....scarf or satin wig cap......wig.

btw, you may want to try using a small satin scarf under your wigs. you would do this instead of placing it directly on your head or wearing it with a wig cap.

i bought some small bandana size black silk scarves to wear under my wigs. works like a charm. i moisturize my hair. tie the scarf on. and place the wig over it. now my hair doesn't get dried out and it's not as hot as a baggy.
Thanks everyone!

I don't know if I'm tying my scarf right,but how do you get the wig to fit over the scarf knot? The knot I made is making my wig look bumpy too. Is there a way to tie scarf without the big knot?
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If a the scarf is making a big knot, try a much smaller scarf, a bonnet that has string that runs through the rim or a banded bonnet.

Your scarf sounds too big or maybe the way your hair under neath is lumpy. How is your hair under neath?