Naturals - What is best for retaining length?


Well-Known Member
There is a similar thread but i see that alot of relaxed haired ladies are responding. So..............

What is best for retaining length for naturals?

Daily Co-washing
Braids (without extensions)
Braids (with extensions)

and if you are not co-washing every day how do you maintain the
wash n'go look without re-wetting?

Sorry - i don't know how to insert a poll.
i'd like to know too.
i just deep condition once or twice a week, definitely prepoo each time and keep my hair in a french braid or bun
Daily co washing, my hair is in flat twists and I try to massage daily, plus I put a mixture of castor oil, olive oil, sulhur (natural or in form of Mane N Tail) on my hair, also whenever possible I add aloe vera gel.
There is a similar thread but i see that alot of relaxed haired ladies are responding. So..............

What is best for retaining length for naturals?

Daily Co-washing
Braids (without extensions)
Braids (with extensions)

and if you are not co-washing every day how do you maintain the
wash n'go look without re-wetting?

Sorry - i don't know how to insert a poll.

I generally don't co wash unless I'm washing and going. I try not to wash and go everyday because I don't like my hair being wet that often for long periods of time. Most of the time I'm wearing protective styles where my hair is dry.
I used to wear double strands which definitely retained my length. I co wash about 2 - 3 times a week. I am in the HYH challenge so I wear my hair in a bun, which also has been helping to retain my length.
I did just about all of the above. For me the only thing that helped me retain length was to TEXLAX. I know! I know! Ya'll are gonna push me outta this thread, but I was natural for six years and my hair grew at a snails pace, all of a sudden I texlaxed and I should be able to reach APL soon. I'm so happy with my hair! :yep:
The thing that works best for me is protective styling. I don't wear braids however I do bun (loose) EVERYDAY!
Bunning and other protective styles have worked for me. I think any time you get your hands out of your hair it help to lessen the breakage and retain the length. IMO.
Stopping the constant manipulation of my hair and understanding what products it likes in order to help nourish it. Right now I am getting into the ayurvedic products and changing my hair arsenal to as many natural products as possible.

Baggying, oil treatments, cowashes, and challenges to protect or hide the hair have all helped me get to BSL a place where I have never been before in my life with natural hair.

Watching carefully the rubbing of hair on shoulders, back, purses pulling, clothes in general. Putting on that silk scarf or night cap at night even if I did get into bed at 1 or 2 am.:yep:

Helping others with their hair when I get into a real mood about my hair. There have been times when I could not handle one more week of micro managing my hair so I had to take the focus off of it and deal with something or someone waaay more important before I did something rash. (I am sure you have all been there)

Finding folks who have pictures of the length I want in natural hair and reviewing them often. So that I can see daily that it is possible to get there.

I noticed that a lot of long hair naturals find a routine that works for them and they stay with it. I am constantly researching and looking for long haired naturals to check out what they do and this seems to be the underlying theme for the majority of them.

Understanding that I am so behind on knowing my own natural hair and how to take care of it. Realizing I am learning something about my natural being that I should have learned when I was a little girl, so I have to once in a while remind myself of this.

Oh and the most important, having all of you wonderful people to keep me on this path as well as my goal of hopefully showing others that they too can get and maintain length on natural hair once they know what to do with their hair.
For me, protective styles such as braids and twists have helped me retain length. Also, not allowing my hair to shrink completely and keeping it stretched to lessen tangles. I lose more hair when I let it shrink, combing becomes a battle.

Of course, deep conditioning regularly, and using quality oils (olive, coconut, etc.)and moisturizers (aloe vera gel/or juice, shea butter, honey).
I have been able to retain length as a natural doing the following:

Protective Styling without Extensions
Maintaining Moisture, Moisture, Moisture
No/Low Heat and Low Manipulation Regimen
Deep Conditioning to Keep it Healthy and Happy:grin:

I dont like frequent co-washing because it leads to excess manipulation for me. Its not worth it. I just spritz my hair with my moisture mix as needed between washes.
Thanks for the replies ladies.

Right now my hair is at an awkward length and won't seem to get any longer. It also seems to no longer like twists (without extensions) it acts as if its trying to lock itself up :nono: - then of course undoing them and detangling is a nightmare.

I can't get all my hair into a bun to protect the ends and i hate using extensions.

Cornrows (even without extensions) irritate my very sensitve scalp

Seems like right now all i can do a wash n' go's style.

Relaxing is very tempting at the moment but i won't do it.

Anyone have any suggestions for me?
For me, protective styles such as braids and twists have helped me retain length. Also, not allowing my hair to shrink completely and keeping it stretched to lessen tangles. I lose more hair when I let it shrink, combing becomes a battle.

Of course, deep conditioning regularly, and using quality oils (olive, coconut, etc.)and moisturizers (aloe vera gel/or juice, shea butter, honey).

Hhhmmm...that is VERY interesting! I wonder if that's what has helped me with my tangles and knots....I used to have alot more of them when I first went natural.

But nowadays I feel like my hair is always stretched because I'm wearing it in a bun. And it's been a long time since I've had any problems with tangles or knots.
Co-washing helped me retain length because I did not start protecting until late last year and before I decided to get rid of my crazy layers and hair color, my hair was this length if not longer.

Now all I ever do is try to keep my hands out of it, not for legnth but because it drives me crazy. It does help me retain length more so than having my hair out.
I did just about all of the above. For me the only thing that helped me retain length was to TEXLAX. I know! I know! Ya'll are gonna push me outta this thread, but I was natural for six years and my hair grew at a snails pace, all of a sudden I texlaxed and I should be able to reach APL soon. I'm so happy with my hair! :yep:

:sekret:Texlaxing got my natural hair from collarbone length to shoulder length. It just knotted up and broke off at the ends when it was all natural.
Hhhmmm...that is VERY interesting! I wonder if that's what has helped me with my tangles and knots....I used to have alot more of them when I first went natural.

But nowadays I feel like my hair is always stretched because I'm wearing it in a bun. And it's been a long time since I've had any problems with tangles or knots.

I am trying this right now. Keeping my hair stretched. Just the idea of having to keep my hair stretched to avoid knots pisses me off. I love my curls way more than I like any twistout or braidout. But wearing my hair in it's beautiful shruken glory gives me knots for days. I am starting to rethink keeping my hair natural. If I can't wear my hair the way it is naturally then what's the point. I know.......I'm so OT.
Thanks for the replies ladies.

Right now my hair is at an awkward length and won't seem to get any longer. It also seems to no longer like twists (without extensions) it acts as if its trying to lock itself up :nono: - then of course undoing them and detangling is a nightmare.

I can't get all my hair into a bun to protect the ends and i hate using extensions.

Cornrows (even without extensions) irritate my very sensitve scalp

Seems like right now all i can do a wash n' go's style.

Relaxing is very tempting at the moment but i won't do it.

Anyone have any suggestions for me?

I understand how you feel. I can't do any twist or my hair seems to knot up on me, as if i am starting locs. Have you ever thought of doing your hair in box braids or small individuals without extension. Then you could add hair clips and different things to your hair. Pin the braids up to achieve different styles. Look at her hair journey is so detailed. And she did a box braid hair challenge and at the time her hair seem to be your length. It looked very nice. If not this it may inspire you with some other ideas. I hope this helps.
Thanks Inhair - i'll check out the website.

I'm in a zone right now where i'm constantly moaning about my hair.....:ohwell:
Two strand twist and wash n go has helped me retain length. I just started using Infusium leave-in mixed with Jamaican Black Castor oil and Rosemary EO. I spritz my hair with it every morning, before leaving for work.
Weekly salon visit for wash and deep conditioning (and for laughs/gossip:grin:), occasional protein treatment as needed, no heat, low manipulation, sleeping with silk scarf and wearing high bun 24/7 (re-setting bun once during week if it gets fuzzy). [This has been my regime for last 9 months-- 3 more months to go:look:]
For me, protective styles such as braids and twists have helped me retain length. Also, not allowing my hair to shrink completely and keeping it stretched to lessen tangles. I lose more hair when I let it shrink, combing becomes a battle.

Of course, deep conditioning regularly, and using quality oils (olive, coconut, etc.)and moisturizers (aloe vera gel/or juice, shea butter, honey).

OMG - ain't that the truth. My SO LOVES when I wear a WNG but it always takes me 30 mins and half a bottle of conditioner to detangle afterwards. I always lose large amounts of hair when I let it shrink up.
There is a similar thread but i see that alot of relaxed haired ladies are responding. So..............

What is best for retaining length for naturals?

Daily Co-washing
Braids (without extensions)
Braids (with extensions)

and if you are not co-washing every day how do you maintain the
wash n'go look without re-wetting?

Sorry - i don't know how to insert a poll.

Moisture: Water rinsing, co-rinsing, or co-washing often and not stretching my hair ends out (leaving it coiled retains more moisture for me). I try to DT once a week .

Reducing knots: Comes from finger combing in the shower, applying thick products like butters to my hair strands twice daily (over damp or wet hair) and detangling once or twice a week. My hair easily tangles, so I expect it, and I don't get (too) frustrated about it.

Hair styles: I rarely just "leave my hair out" without a hair accessory like a clip (because it doesn't have a cut and looks a little big) but I'm usually starting off my hair style from a shake and go. I usually only do pony puffs, buns, and twists, so I don't need to have second day hair that looks like first day wash and go. When my hair was shorter, I just co-rinsed daily.

Protective styling: Occasionally leaving in two-strand twists for at least two weeks does wonders for my hair.

I pretty much just follow a routine until I see some part isn't working, and the I adjust it. My hair grows slower than average, I think, but I've retained most of my length--from just below neck length stretched in the back March 05 to just past armpit in the back today.
I think length retention depends on what you do with your hair when its dry. If you're a frequent manipulator - then I'd recommend braids because it can allow your hair to retain moisture and avoid breakage associated with dry hair.
If you're a wash-and-go'er, then I'd recommend leaving it alone.

I wash and go 2-3 times a week. On the in between days, I apply some Organix "Mango Curl Reconstructor" and pull at my curls to reshape my hair (I sleep on my sides and tend to wake up with this mohawk of curls through the middle of my head, so I have to pull 'em down before I step out the house).

Tangles are going to happen if you're washing and going. The thing is to know how to deal with them. I've been using Herbal Essences' Hello Hydration to condition and detangle my hair. I just recently switched to Tresemme's Moisture Rich COnditioner. I've found that anything that does NOT have parabens and contains Stearyl Alcohol and 'Cones tends to make my hair easy to detangle. My relaxed hair LOVED parabens - my natural hair seems to hate them.

The biggest thing: DONT COMB DRY HAIR. No way.

I don't comb it or even finger comb my hair when it is dry. THAT causes severe breakage and damage in addition to making my hair dry.
Thanks for the replies ladies.

Right now my hair is at an awkward length and won't seem to get any longer. It also seems to no longer like twists (without extensions) it acts as if its trying to lock itself up :nono: - then of course undoing them and detangling is a nightmare.

I can't get all my hair into a bun to protect the ends and i hate using extensions.

Cornrows (even without extensions) irritate my very sensitve scalp

Seems like right now all i can do a wash n' go's style.

Relaxing is very tempting at the moment but i won't do it.

Anyone have any suggestions for me?

Ahh yes, you're at one of the valleys of transitioning. Some ladies say that when they went natural it was this "aha experience" and everything has been uphill ever since.

For me: that wasn't the case. There are times when I LOVE my natural hair and there are times when I miss the versatility (and mainly roller sets) of my relaxed hair. What do I do? Go try something different - try something completely new. Like letting go of curly pudding, or trying a new conditioner and creamy leave in, maybe a little henna or lite color play with hues or even a change to your makeup. I know when I went natural I tended to focus so much attention on my hair as the my package and forgetting that this is a total package. If the hair ain't working for me (temporarily) - I'll focus on something else, like shoes!! :)

The point: temporarily change your focus. Do something different to take the focus off your hair and on to something else.

I'd recommend trying some braids - I know you've said that they haven't worked with your sensitive scalp. What problems did you run into? Where the braids to tight? What type of hair did you use (synthetic or human)? And what sprays and conditioning products did you use?

The biggest thing I had to learn with braids were:
- telling the braiders NOT TO TIGHT. And when I say, not to tight I mean not to tight. Because I've had braiders try to talk me into tighter braids "they won't last long" blah blah blah.
- telling the braiders to LEAVE OUT MY BABY HAIR. Every piece of hair on my head does not to be in the braids. So all the little fuzzies that frame my face - leave them alone. I've realized that this reduced the pulling on the sensitive parts of my scalp, reduced the breakouts around the start of the braids and actually made ME a lot more comfortable.
I don't really have a lot of issues with my natural hair I get the tiny knots but I dont' get a lot to concern me. It doesn't really get tangle up. I don't do anything to it either, I am not liking my hair much this month but I will tell you this I think the butter really help a lot. I have less trouble with my hair all around with the butters. I use redpalm butter I am not raving about it I am just saying it really prevents tangles and has lesson the knots considerably. I am not consistently using the butter I just hate to use the same thing every day. I never comb my hair outside of the shower or after it has dried. I am a wash and go thats really all I do I am waiting for my hair to get longer I could start wearing buns I just don't want to be locked into a certain style everyday. But I believe that the butters can protect your ends strongly. I am getting ready to "hide" my hair for the next few months. Never thought I would say it but I am ready to do it, since there are so many haters in my life, I have a point to prove.
I primarily wear a wash and go. Co wash every two days, and shampoo on the weekend. At night I sleep with a bonnet. And in the mornings on non-co wash days I just fluff my hair around a little. Recently, for my wng's I started putting humectress in my hair right before I get out of the shower, then I saturate my hair with pantene mousse. It makes my curls slightly crunchy when they dry. This method has helped keep the curly texture after sleeping on it for a night.
My hair is still growing out. The one thing I have noticed is that the less manipulation, the better.

I was trying to go on a "finger comb challenge", with detangling once every 3 wks. I co-wash every day, and so finger combing in the shower was fine for me. My hair grew so fast, that I started to look crazy. So back to daily detangling while my hair is saturated with conditioner.

If you don't like to co-wash daily, you can still use the low to no manipulation method. My mothers hair is just above APL, and she is all natural. All she does is wash her hair once a week, detangle while it is wet, puts her hair in big ole twists to let it set and dry. The next day she takes the twists out, puts her hair in a big ole puff, and she wears that hair style until she washes again. She will refresh with SSF and pull her hair in the morning, put it back in the puff and keep moving. She does not spend a lot of time on her hair, and it is thick and growing fast! And she simply uses drugstore products.

One other thing. A good multivitamin is key.
I've noticed some good growth since I've started wearing a plastic cap nightly. My hair has so much softness and moisture and my nap is finally thickening up! I will definitely do this through the dry winter...