
Well-Known Member
Since my TWA started growing in, my scalp has been tender/sore/itchy. I don't know why. Anyone experience this before? Is this a typical TWA grow-out thing:look:?. I never experienced this with relaxed hair, on second thought, maybe a little with new growth.
I hope this is a sign of something good.
My scalp gets like that whether I am relaxed or natural, I think it may be a growth spurt, I just massage it alot, some use alomond oil or peppermint oil mix, mine is sore now, but it always has been like that for years!!
I'm natural and I'm experiencing all three right now. I know it because I need to wash my hair but I'm just being lazy about it. I also notice more shedding when it's close to my wash day.
My scalp gets like that whether I am relaxed or natural, I think it may be a growth spurt, I just massage it alot, some use alomond oil or peppermint oil mix, mine is sore now, but it always has been like that for years!!
Thanks, I may need to buy these oils.
I'm natural and I'm experiencing all three right now. I know it because I need to wash my hair but I'm just being lazy about it. I also notice more shedding when it's close to my wash day.
Thanks. I have been washing everyday or at least every other day, so I know its not because I need to wash.
This SAME exact thing happened to me. Tender, sore, and itchy.

It magically went away when I didn't wash my scalp for two weeks and laid off the essential oils. (Before that I was washing every 2-3 days and overdoing it with the essential oils.) Now I'm back to washing more frequently and my scalp is fine.
My scalp only gets sore when 1. I get flat twists in and hold it with I just don't get it done too tight or 2. when I am scratching my scalp:nono:.. my fingernails show no mercy at all:perplexed
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I'm natural and I'm experiencing all three right now. I know it because I need to wash my hair but I'm just being lazy about it. I also notice more shedding when it's close to my wash day.

Ditto, when my scalp gets like that, I know its time to clarify:yep:
Itchy = time to wash (or at least rinse well, if it's within two days of my normal wash day)
Tender/sore = growth spurt.

My scalp only gets sore when 1. I get flat twists in and hold it with I just don't get it done to tight or 2. when I am scratching my scalp:nono:.. my fingernails show no mercy at all:perplexed

Definitely sounds like me, for I am only sore if I try to do the twists with rubberbands. But thanks to a few ladies here, I've been using some mini-clips to hold my twists in the front in. Also I tend to do alot of scritching and massaging on my scalp, mainly from feeling some tenderness around on my scalp and to stimulate growth. As of late, I don't have the itchies, I guess cuz I co-wash alot. I dunno.
I wash and condition daily and I noticed the "growing itchies" come more frequently now then when I was relaxed and texlaxed.

At the 2.5" marked, about when I BCed, I had hordes of shedding, but it was all white-bulbed strands so I wasn't concerned.

The second month I didn't relaxe while transition my hair fell out like rain. I still don't know why? Perhaps chemical-shock-detox?

Thankfully my hair is crazy thick and it wasn't noticible. Now it's thick like it was as a kid and hardly sheds.

My scalp gets mini massages everyday when I co-wash and I'm thinking of adding peppermint or tea-tree oil to my co-wash conditioners....


I wonder too, if it's just a matter of my hair being shorter and scalp being in greater contact with wind or more affected by temperature change without my usual blanket of hair and is just getting goosebumps more? :lachen:
My hair tends to get really itchy after a co-wash. I don't understand what's going on with that. In order for me to sooth it, I have to put castor oil on my scalp. Is that normal?
My hair tends to get really itchy after a co-wash. I don't understand what's going on with that. In order for me to sooth it, I have to put castor oil on my scalp. Is that normal?

That's not normal. Maybe you are allergic to the ingredients or they're just irritating your scalp. Look at the ingredients and try to figure out what's causing the reaction.
I had that problem more often when I was relaxed. I don't think it's a natural/twa thing. I usually massage it and it goes away.