Natural Hair, Extensions and hairstylists - ladies listen in


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

I've lurked on this board for awhile but this is my first post. Many of you are friends in my head you just don't know it :grin: Sorry but this is gonna be long....

Anyway, I am on a HHJ that I started in February. I am transitioning or in a very long stretch depending on what day you ask me. :drunk: My last relaxer was 12/24/09.

Flashforward to today I go to an african hair braiding shop to get cornrows w/extensions cause I'm going to join a braid challenge we're having here. The braider starts to detangle my hair with a little *** comb. Uh uh. I was like I don't use itty bitty combs in my hair I pulled out my wide tooth comb from my handbag. Then she whipped out a blowdryer and wanted to blowdry it she said she can't braid it natural???? I usually have a relaxer no one has ever blowdried my hair to braid it. I don't know but natural ladies, do you have to have your hair blowdried before it's braided w/extensions? I let her do it lightly and I will say it didn't last 8 minutes if that long and the heat was low. I was afraid of her making it too straight. I don't have that much natural hair my new growth is 2 - 2.5 inches long, and my relaxed ends are about 8 inches.

So she goes on to say to me are you trying to wear your hair natural I said I think so, right now I think the plan is to transition but we'll see. She said to me you are like me you have very thick kinky hair, natural hair is not for black women it's not manageable. I was sitting there like WTF??? She said, The hair is too kinky and hard. (I think I'm a 3c/4a mix -- more 4a). She said when she was 13 as soon as she could save enough money she put a relaxer in her hair and she will never again wear it natural. She went on to tell me that she relaxed her daughter's hair at 3 years old cause it was too difficult to manage and her daughter cried the whole time whenever she would do her hair. Yeah, wow I couldn't believe what I was hearing. And she's saying all this while she was working on my hair. OMG. Here's the thing I don't care if the relaxer works for her fine but I couldn't believe that she thought black women should not even consider the possibility and she is a haircare professional omg.

So my question is do you have to have your hair blow dried before it's braided or did she just not want to deal with my hair?
My question is, why did you sit there and be insulted? I would have been out of there in a jiffy! If she would do that to her 3y/o's head, you know she doesn't care a/b yours.
that's the MO for most braiders, they usuially don't want to deal with natural hair.
You dont have to blow you hair defore braiding, i don't and my hair comes out well
everyone is different as far as those african hair shops go. its been a while since ive gone, after a tramatizing experience it may be the last. nevertheless, i usually blowdry it befor i go there so they wouldnt have to. they dont like to show any mercy for anyone with hair. i understand it helps to elongate the amount of hair so that they can braid it as tight as possible to your scalp but all in all its not necessary. if you wouldve told her no blowdrying she probably wouldve taken it out on you by pulling and tuggin and braiding tight to be spiteful.
I lightly blow dry before having my hair braided. I know how to handle my hair in it's natural state, but since other folks act like it's rocket science not to rip thru my hair with a little a$$ comb, I make it easy for me (keeps me from having to call someone for bail money :look:) and them and blow dry before hand.

I've taken my own wide tooth comb to a braider's home before AND still noticed that she would sometimes pick up her small tooth comb and put it in my hair. I'm like WTH?? I'd have to constantly say "can you use my comb, b/c I belive I'm losing more hair with yours" Geeezzz....

I haven't had any problems with reversion from lightly blowdrying so I'm not even bothered by it any more.
@sgmom2 I guess I should have felt insulted I didn't. I felt sorry for her because her hair was just like mine, and I was reeling not because she thought that about me but that she thought it of herself. But that is my last trip cause she clearly isn't in to natural haircare.
I think many people fail to realize that these African braiders are just that: BRAIDERS..they are not cosmetologist. They did not go to school to learn about the makeup of hair stands. They have no knowledge/interest/time to learn about how to safely comb or blow dry your hair. They are there to do one thing, and one thing only: BRAID.

Reading your post OP I could feel my anxiety building. I would've sat there up until the 3y/o relaxer segment. To answer your question, no, you dont need it blowdried. For me, I make sure my hair is nicely combed out (wide tooth of course) before I go to the shop. That way, they can get right to it.
I do my own braids, so no I don't. There are people who just do not know how to deal with curly hair. I can't braid straight hair, so I understand where they're coming from.
Thanks ladies, I was a little worried about the effect of the blowdrying, I didn't think that it really did anything but I'm glad to hear of someone else who has done this before. I'm not the best detangler so I imagine it needed to be sectioned off better so it could be done but I just didn't know about the blowdrying thing.

You know I went to a local natural salon 3 days ago to see it they could style my hair and put it in a protective style, they were like we don't work with natural AND relaxed hair. It has to be 100% natural. Ugghh. I'm not ready to chop, so I really have to teach myself how to braid and teach myself how to do my own hair.
When I get my hair braided I blow dry it to stretch it out a bit. When I first used to get me hair braided, I wouldn't but I got tired, and I'm pretty sure the lady kept getting mad because her combs were no match for me hair. I don't think blow drying is necessary. As long as your hair is combed out, you should be fine.
I will be getting braids tomorrow. I will lightly blow dry and moisturize before I go to the salon. Like the other posters said, I like for my hair to prepped and ready to go beforehand because some people don't know how to gently handle natural hair.

I'm sorry that she was so rude to you. I refuse to spend my money with people who disrespect me. I hope that you never return to her shop.
I think many people fail to realize that these African braiders are just that: BRAIDERS..they are not cosmetologist. They did not go to school to learn about the makeup of hair stands. They have no knowledge/interest/time to learn about how to safely comb or blow dry your hair. They are there to do one thing, and one thing only: BRAID.

Reading your post OP I could feel my anxiety building. I would've sat there up until the 3y/o relaxer segment. To answer your question, no, you dont need it blowdried. For me, I make sure my hair is nicely combed out (wide tooth of course) before I go to the shop. That way, they can get right to it.

I agree 100% with the bolded.
FME (from my experience), blow-dry BEFORE you go to the braiding salon. Or else they WILL do it. Case in point: I blow-dried my hair the night before I got it braided (10 months post relaxer), and my hair was DRY, however the braider thought otherwise (it was a little wavy at the roots), and took it upon herself to blowdry and RAKE my hair. I took that comb and blowdryer from her and told her to BRAID.MY.HAIR. They can get nasty on your hair.
Hi Ladies,

I've lurked on this board for awhile but this is my first post. Many of you are friends in my head you just don't know it :grin: Sorry but this is gonna be long....

Anyway, I am on a HHJ that I started in February. I am transitioning or in a very long stretch depending on what day you ask me. :drunk: My last relaxer was 12/24/09.

Flashforward to today I go to an african hair braiding shop to get cornrows w/extensions cause I'm going to join a braid challenge we're having here. The braider starts to detangle my hair with a little *** comb. Uh uh. I was like I don't use itty bitty combs in my hair I pulled out my wide tooth comb from my handbag. Then she whipped out a blowdryer and wanted to blowdry it she said she can't braid it natural???? I usually have a relaxer no one has ever blowdried my hair to braid it. I don't know but natural ladies, do you have to have your hair blowdried before it's braided w/extensions? I let her do it lightly and I will say it didn't last 8 minutes if that long and the heat was low. I was afraid of her making it too straight. I don't have that much natural hair my new growth is 2 - 2.5 inches long, and my relaxed ends are about 8 inches.

So she goes on to say to me are you trying to wear your hair natural I said I think so, right now I think the plan is to transition but we'll see. She said to me you are like me you have very thick kinky hair, natural hair is not for black women it's not manageable. I was sitting there like WTF??? She said, The hair is too kinky and hard. (I think I'm a 3c/4a mix -- more 4a). She said when she was 13 as soon as she could save enough money she put a relaxer in her hair and she will never again wear it natural. She went on to tell me that she relaxed her daughter's hair at 3 years old cause it was too difficult to manage and her daughter cried the whole time whenever she would do her hair. Yeah, wow I couldn't believe what I was hearing. And she's saying all this while she was working on my hair. OMG. Here's the thing I don't care if the relaxer works for her fine but I couldn't believe that she thought black women should not even consider the possibility and she is a haircare professional omg.

So my question is do you have to have your hair blow dried before it's braided or did she just not want to deal with my hair?

@ the bolded: W.T.F..?

And I suppose when she was born, her hair was a type 1??? She's not being paid to give an opinion on hair--just braid it.:rolleyes:

RIP her daughter's hair--she had ruined it--esp. if she's NOT taking care of it.
@MzK. Her poor daughter, yeah that's a mess right there. I mean has the child's scalp even fully finished forming yet? She's only three. Wow.

Thanks, for the info. I will definitely make sure the night before my hair is properly detangled and sectioned if I ever go to another braid shop.

Lmao lmao lmao you took the dryer and the rake, I know that's right!
Honestly I braid my own and I think it turns out better when the hair has been blown dry. However what she said was inappropriate. That's fine to have an opinion but what she shared was insulting and unprofessional.
OOooo, dang! I might have turned that shop out.
I do my own braids and yes I usually blow dry my hair prior. But I never let anyone else in my head with any appliances or utensils

Where do you live. IF you're in the Philadelphia area, come over and I'll do your hair anytime. :)
I think it may be a personal preference.. i feel like the "nappier" the better w/braiding.I have been braiding for over ten years and i feel like the kinkier the hair the more it kinda "grabs" the braiding hair. Her poor daughter..

N. Rebels
OOooo, dang! I might have turned that shop out.
I do my own braids and yes I usually blow dry my hair prior. But I never let anyone else in my head with any appliances or utensils

Where do you live. IF you're in the Philadelphia area, come over and I'll do your hair anytime. :)
Omg girl I wish, I've been all up and through your fotki, I know you can braid some hair. But nope not in Philly. Thank you for the offer though that's sweet. Lol lol turn the shop out, yeah that would've been a power move. I don't know it was crazy and sad she sounded so ignorant.
I usually blow mine out before I go. But the majority of the customers come in with hair that has just been washed and blown dry. No style to it. Relaxed or natural.

But that lady didn't have to say all that. I would go to another shop. She wouldn't get my money after she offended me.
OOooo, dang! I might have turned that shop out.
I do my own braids and yes I usually blow dry my hair prior. But I never let anyone else in my head with any appliances or utensils

Where do you live. IF you're in the Philadelphia area, come over and I'll do your hair anytime. :)

word? this just for the OP mook? :look:
I always had my hair natural when I was having it braided. It never seemed to be a problem for of the stylists that did my hair so I don't know why it was a problem for her OP. If your hair is straight before they start braiding I think they can achieve a more tight or polished look but it isn't required. I always shampooed and detangled and air dried my hair before I got to the beauty shop though. I noticed that they always used fine toothed combs on my hair too.
I Had the same experience the last time I visited an African braiding shop. She rambles on, how my hair is hard to manage and that she had to blow dry it, I told her that i would not have none of that. This one of the reason i decided that i would not let them braid my hair anymore, i try to do it myself.
Whenever it's time for a takedown, i do my own DC, moisturize, and blow-dry.. this way, i won't be stuck with my head in a washbowl, while my beautician works on a "walk-in", or starts playing with her weave, or goes out to get ribs, OR goes shopping, OR talks on her cell phone, OR starts redoing her make up. (With her face, it takes a while.)
I'm braider is natural and has been braiding my hair since I went natural....simply so my hair will last longer in the braids because it is so thick I go ahead and blow it out/partially air dry so the result is nicer....then I put it in thick braids so she just has to take the braid loose and braid the section she wants...She works from home so its all good. We have a great relationship and she does what I want, making recommendations that I usually go along with. She uses natural products, and she always uses a wide tooth comb.....I am trying to learn how to braids better before she graduates and leaves my city......(praying she doesn't leave!):pray:

ETA: Plus the shops charge too much to braid. They want 120+ for some cornrows when I pay 50 for a better job, plus they charge 300 plus for WL individual extensions which my friend charges me 120 for....she takes her time, and it lasts a long time. She is slow, but neat! She could be working in a shop but she is in the Nursing Program making straight A's....I also don't want to be waiting on folk to take long lunch breaks, talking trash, etc....Its better to find a young lady with skills who is still professional...and I can stretch out and be comfortable at her spoiled...I know:)
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i wish i knew this beforehand. i normally airdry my hair & do my hair at home so i didnt know what to expect when i went to the salon. i went to the hairdressers on to occassions, to get kinky twists & after that a weave & they blowdried my hair. I guess it was pretty hot & now i have some heat damage
My experience w/ african hair braiders is just to blowdry the hair first. I made the mistake of not doing that and the braider had no mercy on my hair and it was painful so now when I do get my hair braided I blowdry. If I'm doing my own braids, it's a complete different story b/c I know how to handle my own hair.
I've never had blowdry my hair prior to braiding, but I've never went to an african hair braiders either.
My question is, why did you sit there and be insulted? I would have been out of there in a jiffy! If she would do that to her 3y/o's head, you know she doesn't care a/b yours.

EXACTLY. I would not let someone that ignorant put their vibrations on MY scalp.