My unplanned purchase changed my scalp oil recipe for the better?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
So, my father and I were in Vons this evening and I was going to get some EVOO and some other oils to make my new batch of MoeGro Oil, but all them were SO expensive for dinky little bottles! I was like forget that! :nono: But then I walked by the black hair care section and saw "African Royal Hot 6" oil (7.99). I ALWAYS see this, but have never picked it up and had no idea what its ingredients were. Anyway, I look at it and my jaw almost drops down to the floor. I take off practically running to catch my dad in line.:bud:
Here are the list of ingredients:

Olive Oil
Canola Oil
Wheat Germ Oil
Sweet Almond Oil
Safflower Oil
Castor Oil
Sesame Oil
Vitamin E
Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Sheep Sorrell
Slippery Elm Bark
Henna :blush:
Burdock Root
Cherry Bark
Black Walnut
Wheat Germ

And since I'm going to use this as part of my base for my MGO I will be mixing it with Vatika Oil. The ingredients for VO are:

Coconut oil
Fruit extracts of Amla
Kapur kachri
Milk :look:
Rosemary oil :blush3:
Lemon oil
TBHQ (t-butyl hydroquinone)

I feel like combining these two will create an unstoppable force. :tantrum: I'm also going to throw in some of my Jojoba oil if I can find it. That means all I have to do is infuse it with Horsetail & Nettle and add some MTG & peppermint essential oil. I have everything except for the peppermint, which I will probably get tomorrow or the day after. I think this is going to be a HUGE improvement over my earlier recipe. Slightly more expensive :perplexed, but probably more effective. I'll make sure to do an update with before and after pictures! :grin:
This is the oil I use to seal my hair with, it is so light and there is only one ingredient that is not natural (although I don't know if the fragrance is natural or not) which is more than can be said of many other hot oils that I've read the ingredients of.

It's also one of my staples, so far I've only managed to lock down 2!
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I felt the same way when I saw the bottle 2 weeks ago...i just don't have room for it in my reggie...holding off on experimenting.