Girl AMEN - thanks for your reply. I don't know why my pastor has the views he has, he even went on to say that the church is too quick to accept things (i.e. urban gospel etc.) which is true in some cases, but not all. I just started listening to Tye and only have a few of his songs on my ipod and I love him. I love that song "I want it all back" it gets me all fired up, just like my girl Amerikan said - I feel ready to fight! I don't think that's a bad thing.

Someone told me once that not everyone who goes/is in heaven is all calm and tranquel, they have some firey and passionate people as well!
So don't think you have to be like Mother T to get into heaven :rolleyes: I also agree that we should all have discernment for ourselves and not jump on everything the pastors says. We need to think and discern for ourselves. If Tye's spirit doesn't take you, then oh well. Don't listen to him. Personally his music makes me feel passion for God.

Your pastor probably means well. But I think a lot of people (may or may not be your pastor, please don't take offense) may disapprove of what they don't understand.

I am glad that you will discern whether or not you like him yourself and not base it on what other people say. That really is what's most important.

Really though, check out the new album too. I think you will really like it :grin:
I love Tye Tribbett!

I think a lot of people don't understand him because of his contemporary looks and unique musical style. He doesn't sample like a lot of artists (doesn't take a secular song and make it his own). His sound is really his own and it's great! IMO he is head and shoulders above most contemporary Gospel/Christian artists.

He is actually very much against Christians listening to "secular" music (he calls it dead music) and he talks about it a lot. Actually not that many of his songs have a heavy R&B vibe. I just think a lot of people think that b/c those are the songs of his that get heavy radio play. I actually put him in the same category as Israel (worship), Tye's still is just different than Israels -- they both have their own sound.

But I must say that his songs are really powerful and his new album is especially great with a LOT of worship songs.

Actually, all his albums have lots of worship songs on them. Once you get past the radio cuts that most stations play over and over you might be surprised! His music is really powerful. Have you ever heard his song "Everything to Me" ?

He is really misunderstood IMO. And I really believe his music is really for THIS generation, not the old folks :look:

Have you ever been to one of his concerts? I've been to two. He takes a long time out in the middle of his set to just preach to the kids. He ends up having them come to the altar and confess their sins to the Lord (I've been to Southern Gospel/down home Color Purple churchy concerts and that NEVER happens at most of them).

At his last concert, I ended up having to leave early b/c he started preaching and I had to go to work in the morning :lachen:

I was convicted and I had a good time. Plus you've got to admire a guy who travels with his brother (a band member) and wife (a background singer).

Young people really look up to him and you can tell in person that he feel passionately about his ministry. He is a great example of a Christian family man who loves God. I know people who have left his concerts convicted and determined to change their lives.

I know people who have hung out with him and they say that he is one of the most chill, genuine people/Christians that you would want to meet.

At this last concert (it was at a church), he ran into the crowd while he was ministering and a lot of the young people started taking pictures of him with their camera phones.

He gently rebuked them and said that they should respect the sanctuary b/c it is the Lord's house and not his (Tye's house). He told them all that he would take pictures with whoever wanted to after the service and asked them to respect God's sanctuary. And he really did stay afterwards (as he does a lot) to take pictures with whoever wanted to.

His music is really live, energetic and exciting. He gives one of the best live gospel performances I've ever seen.

Please don't judge a book by its cover (or only the songs that get heavy radio play). Get the CD and decide for yourselves.

this is so eloquently stated. i agree with everything u said. i enjoy tye tribbett's music and "Life" is one of my fav gospel CD's.

the point for me is this....old school gospel isn't gonna save our children, a new generation. they need to undertand that a saved life doesn't mean that life is no longer fun and enjoyable.
Your pastor probably means well. But I think a lot of people (may or may not be your pastor, please don't take offense) may disapprove of what they don't understand.

I am glad that you will discern whether or not you like him yourself and not base it on what other people say. That really is what's most important.

Really though, check out the new album too. I think you will really like it :grin:
Whew, I had to read the thread before I responded.
(I am soon to be 35!)
His new album is called "stand out".
Keep yourself holy,
Be not conformed to this world,
Renew your soul.
Don't be hot or cold.
I really like him and if I can't be fired up for God, then I need to sit down. My pastor puts it like this, if I was out in the world doing my best to be the best party animal I could be, when can't I put that same fire and energy into being Godly and Holy?
Everybody isn't the same, I have NEVER heard or seen anything about Tye Tribbett suggesting that he was or had been gay, but haven't we all BEEN something in our lives? THANK GOD for forgiveness. All sins are just that SINS! Everybody has a past.
just my thoughts. .02
this is so eloquently stated. i agree with everything u said. i enjoy tye tribbett's music and "Life" is one of my fav gospel CD's.

the point for me is this....old school gospel isn't gonna save our children, a new generation. they need to undertand that a saved life doesn't mean that life is no longer fun and enjoyable.
Girl we posted at the same time.
I am LOVING his new CD!
Better to hear my kids saying "I got the V-I-C-T-O-R-Y" than talking about sk**&
Right? My daughter loves him too. I have to get his new CD.
Girl, I didn't even know it was out. I was sleeping on it. I got it off of Itunes and we have been jamming to it every since!
My favorite is "Hold On" but the title cut is the BOMB too!:grin:
I have Tye Tribbett's "Victory" album and it has blessed me so much. But though I enjoy his music, I really like listening to him preach the Word of God.

As he said in his TBN interview, Heaven and Earth and beats (music styles) will pass away, but the Word of God shall stand. He also mentions in his interview that he believes his specific calling is to the young people. So it makes sense to me that his music will have a style that will appeal more to the younger generation.

Tye has made very strong statements regarding the negative effect secular music can have on young people. He points out how important it is to watch what we let into our spirits.

He actually takes a stand against the sin of homosexuality. However, he believes that a man is not a homosexual but a man with the spirit of homosexuality. He also believes that God can deliver any man or woman from homosexual behavior. I don't know the details of Tye's personal life so I don't know if homosexuality is something that he ever struggled with. But my personal opinion is that that he loves God with his whole heart, strives to remain holy, and is working to fulfill the high calling on his life.

Tye is indeed different but thank God for uniqueness! Like him, I'm a radical praiser. And the looks of disgust I've gotten from members at my church because of my praise could have been enough to sit me down and shut me up permanently if I didn't remember that it was GOD that saved my soul, it is GOD that loves me unconditionally, and it is GOD that is worthy of all of my praise. Like Jeremiah, I had to stop looking at people's faces and concentrate on God and His goodness.

Another thing I like about Tye is that he speaks very heavily on life and death being in the POWER of the tongue. So yes, it's good to clap your hands, it's good to dance for the Lord, it's good to lift up your hands, it's good to bow down - All of these things are important parts of praise and worship and I engage in all of these things heavily. But what I've found really gets my spirit moving is opening my mouth, and SHOUTING praises to the Lord. One of the things God revealed to me was that I needed to shout more during my praise time. And if you listen to Tye's sermons, he really emphasizes the importance of shouting unto God.

Thank you OP for posting this because it lets me know that I need to pray for him and his ministry, that he stay in the perfect will of God no matter what is said about him. I never realized until now just how many people dislike him.
Last edited:
I think your pastor still has an old school mentality. Some people think that if its not praise and worship or and old hymn then is not "anointed" by God. I disagree.

Tye's music is reaching the masses. I know people that have never set foot in a church who have heard his music and others like him who suddenly became to question Christianity and salvation who eventually became saved.

I mean 2nd Samuel Ch 6 talks about praising God with all manner of instruments. 1st Chronicles Ch 13 speaks of David dancing and praising God with all his might and once again with all manner of instruments (i.e cymbals, trumpets, etc.). Psalms 150 says to let everything that have breath praise the Lord.

I just think that Tye and others like him are praising God the way they know how.


ETA: I downloaded his new CD on itunes and I have to say that I love it. Its a little out there but I still love it nonetheless.
this is so eloquently stated. i agree with everything u said. i enjoy tye tribbett's music and "Life" is one of my fav gospel CD's.

the point for me is this....old school gospel isn't gonna save our children, a new generation. they need to undertand that a saved life doesn't mean that life is no longer fun and enjoyable.


Well, maybe it should be clear about what is meant by "old school gospel"....

Because some of this "new-fangled" gospel ain't gonna get you to Jesus when there's an emergency....

I like some of my gospel music to bump... but not all of it 24/7/365.... A couple of Tye's songs got a nice beat to it and there's a worship song on one of his earlier records that's kinda nice.... I'll have to browse for the name....

I've been saved since I was 20 years old.... And I know that being saved can be fun and it's definitely not boring.... but when it's time to get down to it... what can help usher you into the Holy of Holies.... the list of "gospel" music gets very short. Israel and New Breed is at the top of my list.

Like I said before, I have some criticisms about a lot of today's gospel sound... it's too commercial... using worldly tricks because that's supposedly what "attracts the young people".... that's a cop-out.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is powerful enough and attractive enough on its own.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is powerful enough and attractive enough on its own.

ITA, this is definitely true. But you know this now because you are saved. Many people don't know anything about the power of GOD. If a song with a nice "beat" or a catchy tune gets them through the church doors to come to know GOD and his power than I say so be it.

You made another point about music ushering you into the holy of holies. I agree with your sentiments but I want to share that Tye Tribbett's Victory album played a big part in helping me get through the separation from my husband last year and our subsequent divorce. I mean Israel played a part too but Tye made me feel strong and undefeated.

I also agree that a lot of the stuff we hear is commercial. But you have to look past all that and find the "ministry" in the music. Tye Tribbett, radical and all, definitely ministered to me when I needed it most.

I Want it All Back
Bless the Lord
Hallelujah to Your Name
Who Else but God
No Other Choice
Still Have Joy
Everything will be Alright

Mostly all of that CD spoke to me. I felt like every song helped me through my struggle.

Just my thoughts.
ITA, this is definitely true. But you know this now because you are saved. Many people don't know anything about the power of GOD. If a song with a nice "beat" or a catchy tune gets them through the church doors to come to know GOD and his power than I say so be it.

:nono:Nah... I been in church my whole life... grew up in the grand ole/d COGIC.... My daddy played drums and my mama sang in the choir. I'm used to my gospel having some bump in it.

Let me be clear. I grew up in church. Gave my life over to the Lord FOR MYSELF at age 20. My parents weren't restrictive in the type of music we could listen to... but we knew better than to listen to the raunchy stuff. My brother's a musician and he turned me on to Prince.... I even went to a Prince concert.... but I get/got convicted... and that was BEFORE I received the Holy Spirit....

Why? Because THERE IS a DIFFERENCE between music coming from a HOLY vessel and an UNHOLY vessel. There's a DIFFERENCE between whether the music has a SACRED anointing on it versus a WORLDLY anointing on it. There's a DIFFERENCE in whether the ears listening to such music has a HOLY FILTER or an UNHOLY FILTER (or vascillating in between the two, 'cause nobody's perfect in this flesh).

We joke about people dancing to the Clark Sisters' "You Brought the Sunshine" as it was being played in the club. Why was it being played in the club? It had a good beat... it also had a message. It also actually NAMED JESUS in the song.... People who weren't saved dancing to that song in the club got some level of conviction...not necessarily to dancing to the song...but to the fact that JESUS CHRIST is real and He wants to be the one you dance to instead of the empty fulfillment in the club.

I don't know what "music" drew somebody into the church doors.... Hopefully it was the MESSAGE in the music (Debra Killings (a neo-soul type gospel artist) has a song by that title, I believe).

You made another point about music ushering you into the holy of holies. I agree with your sentiments but I want to share that Tye Tribbett's Victory album played a big part in helping me get through the separation from my husband last year and our subsequent divorce. I mean Israel played a part too but Tye made me feel strong and undefeated.

I hear what you're saying and I agree that the different sounds can soothe and empower us in various ways. Absolutely.... but at the same time, there are some of us who have a one-track music mind in that we think the bumpin' gospel is all there is... but there's so much more...

I also agree that a lot of the stuff we hear is commercial. But you have to look past all that and find the "ministry" in the music. Tye Tribbett, radical and all, definitely ministered to me when I needed it most.

:nono:Nah...again, this is where I think we miss it... making people "work" to find the message. That doesn't work in any kind of marketing.... the message has to be UP FRONT. The world does this very well.... Even the enemy is sly and seductive.... he may not tell you the WHOLE story...but he tells enough UP FRONT to get you hooked.... But then we want to bury the Name of Jesus Christ in the back of a chorus or simplify His name to a PRONOUN.


I Want it All Back
Bless the Lord
Hallelujah to Your Name
Who Else but God
No Other Choice
Still Have Joy
Everything will be Alright

Mostly all of that CD spoke to me. I felt like every song helped me through my struggle.

Just my thoughts.

My responses in blue. I appreciate your response and the dialogue here.
Your pastor probably means well. But I think a lot of people (may or may not be your pastor, please don't take offense) may disapprove of what they don't understand.

I am glad that you will discern whether or not you like him yourself and not base it on what other people say. That really is what's most important.

Really though, check out the new album too. I think you will really like it :grin:

I totally understand, no offence taken. Typical "elders" will more than likely never accept the music our generation listens to.
this is so eloquently stated. i agree with everything u said. i enjoy tye tribbett's music and "Life" is one of my fav gospel CD's.

the point for me is this....old school gospel isn't gonna save our children, a new generation. they need to undertand that a saved life doesn't mean that life is no longer fun and enjoyable.

My responses in blue. I appreciate your response and the dialogue here.
Amen and Amen. People talking about they need to change it up to bring in the young folks.
CHANGE WHAT UP? Hello?! Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. I don't serve a God that needs to switch up and follow the trends of THIS world to draw people. PLEASE. Mimicing the world to lure young folks in and hope that the "word" keeps em? Are you serious? THE WORD is life. No choir with a fast beat that reminds them of the latest club song is gonna do it. No pastor jumping around like he is in a rave is gonna do it.

THE HOLY SPIRIT brings conviction. GOD WILL NEVER CHANGE. It's so sad that people don't realize the works of the enemy right in their faces. By saying the ways of old won't work in today's generation is like a slap in the face to me because it's like saying "Well, God. Yeah, I know you got all power in your hand. And that the world is yours and the fullness there of. But um. Sorry, ain't working now. Young kids need something different. What worked then aint working now. Sorry God."

There is NOTHING wrong with upbeat praise music and music with TRUE anointing. But there is hardly anything like the good old gospel songs that had the power and conviction that spoke of God and his mercy more than the mention of simply "He" and the beat to have people dance like it's the latest radio jam. The word, the word is what convicts. And yeah, people come to church and get convicted for reasons where they may not have come in for. But to say we NEED to change it up for the young people? Come on. That's an insult to me as a young person and a bigger one to God.
this is so eloquently stated. i agree with everything u said. i enjoy tye tribbett's music and "Life" is one of my fav gospel CD's.
the point for me is this....old school gospel isn't gonna save our children, a new generation. they need to undertand that a saved life doesn't mean that life is no longer fun and enjoyable.

yeah, music can be fun too with a serious message, they need to know that.

Whew, I had to read the thread before I responded.
(I am soon to be 35!)
His new album is called "stand out".
Keep yourself holy,
Be not conformed to this world,
Renew your soul.
Don't be hot or cold.
I really like him and if I can't be fired up for God, then I need to sit down. My pastor puts it like this, if I was out in the world doing my best to be the best party animal I could be, when can't I put that same fire and energy into being Godly and Holy?
Everybody isn't the same, I have NEVER heard or seen anything about Tye Tribbett suggesting that he was or had been gay, but haven't we all BEEN something in our lives? THANK GOD for forgiveness. All sins are just that SINS! Everybody has a past.
just my thoughts. .02

His music also helps me feel fired up. it's exciting but really so much more than that!

I have Tye Tribbett's "Victory" album and it has blessed me so much. But though I enjoy his music, I really like listening to him preach the Word of God.
As he said in his TBN interview, Heaven and Earth and beats (music styles) will pass away, but the Word of God shall stand. He also mentions in his interview that he believes his specific calling is to the young people. So it makes sense to me that his music will have a style that will appeal more to the younger generation.

Thank you OP for posting this because it lets me know that I need to pray for him and his ministry, that he stay in the perfect will of God no matter what is said about him. I never realized until now just how many people dislike him.

I also didn't realize so many disagreed. Many Christians sometimes have to agree to disagree. But I have seen for my own eyes people changed by his music so I'm confident with my viewpoint on the whole thing.

I think your pastor still has an old school mentality. Some people think that if its not praise and worship or and old hymn then is not "anointed" by God. I disagree.
Tye's music is reaching the masses. I know people that have never set foot in a church who have heard his music and others like him who suddenly became to question Christianity and salvation who eventually became saved.

I mean 2nd Samuel Ch 6 talks about praising God with all manner of instruments. 1st Chronicles Ch 13 speaks of David dancing and praising God with all his might and once again with all manner of instruments (i.e cymbals, trumpets, etc.). Psalms 150 says to let everything that have breath praise the Lord.

I just think that Tye and others like him are praising God the way they know how.

ETA: I downloaded his new CD on itunes and I have to say that I love it. Its a little out there but I still love it nonetheless.

His music is different. But I love it. Chasing After You is my favorite song off the new album, it almost brings tears to my eyes and really quiets my spirit.

Well, maybe it should be clear about what is meant by "old school gospel"....

Because some of this "new-fangled" gospel ain't gonna get you to Jesus when there's an emergency....

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is powerful enough and attractive enough on its own.

We won't always agree on the method. But if all Christians can evangelize the way God puts in their heart, we will reach tons of people! It's all about reaching the people and ministering to them.

I respect your opinion. I highly suggest listening to the new album. I've picked up worship songs on all of his albums with the last one having a lot on their. Try it, you might be surprised!

ITA, this is definitely true. But you know this now because you are saved. Many people don't know anything about the power of GOD. If a song with a nice "beat" or a catchy tune gets them through the church doors to come to know GOD and his power than I say so be it.
You made another point about music ushering you into the holy of holies. I agree with your sentiments but I want to share that Tye Tribbett's Victory album played a big part in helping me get through the separation from my husband last year and our subsequent divorce. I mean Israel played a part too but Tye made me feel strong and undefeated.

I also agree that a lot of the stuff we hear is commercial. But you have to look past all that and find the "ministry" in the music. Tye Tribbett, radical and all, definitely ministered to me when I needed it most.

I Want it All Back
Bless the Lord
Hallelujah to Your Name
Who Else but God
No Other Choice
Still Have Joy
Everything will be Alright

Mostly all of that CD spoke to me. I felt like every song helped me through my struggle.

Just my thoughts.

His music also helped me to be strong and feel determined in my heart. I feel there is a certain strength to his music.

Amen and Amen. People talking about they need to change it up to bring in the young folks.
CHANGE WHAT UP? Hello?! Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. I don't serve a God that needs to switch up and follow the trends of THIS world to draw people. PLEASE. Mimicing the world to lure young folks in and hope that the "word" keeps em? Are you serious? THE WORD is life. No choir with a fast beat that reminds them of the latest club song is gonna do it. No pastor jumping around like he is in a rave is gonna do it...The word, the word is what convicts. And yeah, people come to church and get convicted for reasons where they may not have come in for. But to say we NEED to change it up for the young people? Come on. That's an insult to me as a young person and a bigger one to God.

Jesus Christ is the same. But the reality is that every generation has it's own sound.

The hymns of yesteryear were condemned when they first came out. The artist who started Gospel music were condemned when they first came out. People today condemn contemporary gospel music, yet "their" music sounds like the secular music that was out during that time.

That's what makes me upset sometimes and I think people don't understand that. I go to older churches that are very set in their ways and a lot of the music sounds like blues music. That would have been condemned in the past, but now it is accepted as the good old way.

Tye simply has a sound for this generation. And a lot of people may not agree with it b/c it's probably not for them to enjoy or really meant for them.

Bottom line, as Christians we should agree to disagree on some things and realize that everything reaches someone! Whether old school or new school music, someone is blessed by it! :grin:
I asked God to give Tye Tribbett the grace and the Holy Ghost strength to keep doing what sayeth the Lord despite what others say about him. For it's not by Tye's might nor by Tye's power, but it's by God's Spirit that Tye is able to help build up God's kingdom and save souls for Christ. I also fervently prayed to God that He place more anointing on Tye's ministry than ever before. It wasn't until an hour later when I was driving in my car that it hit me that Tye’s ministry is called "Greater Anointing"! Wow! God is so good!

Jesus Christ is the same. But the reality is that every generation has it's own sound.

The hymns of yesteryear were condemned when they first came out. The artist who started Gospel music were condemned when they first came out. People today condemn contemporary gospel music, yet "their" music sounds like the secular music that was out during that time.

That's what makes me upset sometimes and I think people don't understand that. I go to older churches that are very set in their ways and a lot of the music sounds like blues music. That would have been condemned in the past, but now it is accepted as the good old way.

Tye simply has a sound for this generation. And a lot of people may not agree with it b/c it's probably not for them to enjoy or really meant for them.

Bottom line, as Christians we should agree to disagree on some things and realize that everything reaches someone! Whether old school or new school music, someone is blessed by it! :grin:

Check this – On Bishop G.E. Patterson’s “Singing the Old Time Way - Vol. 2” album (which I own and have played out!), there is a song called “I Know The Lord Will Make A Way (Yes He Will)”. For me, the song had a strong blues feel to it. I did some research on this song and found out that this song is generally classified under a genre called Gospel Blues. Now isn’t it interesting that a song considered “old-time” is rooted in a musical form that was called “sin music” or “devil’s music”?

You expressed in this post what I've been prayerfully reflecting on these past couple days. I did an in-depth study on the history of black music when I was in college and this post brought back to memory my research on Thomas Dorsey. Thomas Dorsey is called by many the “Father of Gospel Music”. It is said that he coined this new form of praise music in the 1930s. He was shunned by many a Christian because of this new style. It was called "devil's music" by them and rejected because he blended sacred hymns with the rhythmic flavor of “secular” blues and jazz.

Even some of the Negro spirituals that are near and dear to the hearts of seasoned saints had rhythms that were inspired at some level by the slaves’ African music roots. The slaves did not come to America as Christians. They had their own religious/spiritual rituals. Many of them did accept the Christian faith (thank the Lord!) but their music style from their homelands was still in their hearts.

I thank God that He is a creative God who uses many methods to bring people to Him. He is not limited to a box that we as Christians sometimes try to put Him in. When He calls people to a ministry, He gives them the same Spirit, but He does not give them the same exact gifts. The gifts He gives to His children are unique and He guides His children as He sees fit, not as how anyone else sees fit.

There are some old school folks in my church that believe that you should not be clapping your hands loudly, shouting, or dancing. You should be quiet all of the time. In fact, a few of them have a belief that the piano should be the only instrument allowed in the church.

Now me, I’m a shouter, a clapper, and a dancer. But I’m also one who will bow down in God’s presence with a spirit of quiet as the Lord leads me. I love traditional hymns and I also love contemporary praise songs. As long as the message is clear as a cloudless day – that Jesus is Lord and that all power belongs to God Almighty, then I’m with it. When I led praise and worship on youth Sundays, I led more contemporary songs but I would incorporate some great traditional songs. I may be young (23 going on 24), but I will sing “Wade in the Water” down-home, a capella style as the Spirit moves.

God gives lyrics and melody to people today just like He did yesterday. There are anointed songs of today that are just as powerful as anointed songs of yesterday.

God is such an awesome God and it’s wonderful to reflect on how He used people back in the day with certain styles to proclaim the Word of God and to see with my own eyes how He is using people of today with their own styles to do the exact same thing – Proclaim the Word of God.
I dont care too much for people's religious point of views of how you are supposed to worship God. Let Tye do his thing. God is blessing him and his heart appears sincere. As the bible says, man looks on the outside but GOD (I love that) looks at the heart.
I dont care too much for people's religious point of views of how you are supposed to worship God. Let Tye do his thing. God is blessing him and his heart appears sincere. As the bible says, man looks on the outside but GOD (I love that) looks at the heart.

Let's be clear. This is not about a religious point of view about how one is supposed to worship God. Starting from the OP's post, I took this conversation to be more from the GOSPEL MUSIC perspective, not about one's individual choices in worship. However, let's explore that:

Once a person/musical artist PUBLISHES their music and makes it available for people to listen to/purchase, doesn't that also open up their "approach" to discussion/conversation/criticism, at least from a musical perspective? Doesn't it make sense to consider that that what they put on a CD they also do in private? Hmmmm.... that opens up a HUGE can of worms....

I noted very clearly upthread my criticisms about today's commercialized gospel music.... What I said was that there's something PROFOUNDLY DISTURBING when the world does gospel better than some self-identified gospel artists...excuse me... gospel ENTERTAINERS?:look:
We won't always agree on the method. But if all Christians can evangelize the way God puts in their heart, we will reach tons of people! It's all about reaching the people and ministering to them.

I respect your opinion. I highly suggest listening to the new album. I've picked up worship songs on all of his albums with the last one having a lot on their. Try it, you might be surprised!

Here's my response to one of my church family about this topic and she was saying something similar to what you said:

Short answer: the gospel of Jesus Christ does not need to be "tricked up" to attract the world. The gospel is strong and powerful enough to stand on its own.

Longer answer: From a musical/artistic perspective, I can certainly understand how musicians, singers, etc., vibe from "good music", a well-put together, well-produced song, lyric, etc.

Like I said, some of the gospel songs that have been sampled, or "redeemed", as you cleverly say, are quite interesting, intriguing. For example, the way Karen and Kierra Sheard "redeemed" Jill Scott's "You Love Me". Nice twist. However, reading up on the history/origin of that song, it would be known that Jill INITIALLY wrote that song in honor of (her) God (hopefully she means the Lord Jesus Christ).

That's my point about this "redemption" of songs. If a musician wants to "redeem" a song (and do it in a CLEVER) way because they vibe and thrive off of the artistic aspect, cool beans! But to justify such usage because it is a way to "attract" the world.... I just sincerely believe there's something not right (almost like wizardly) about that.

Let's explore the usage of "Amazing Grace" as an example of what I think may be different parts of the conversation: content versus format. The CONTENT of Amazing Grace is what it is. The FORMAT of how the song is expressed is where I think the content gets diminished. So one may want to "trick up" Amazing Grace... sure, for creativity, taking creative risks... I think that's fine. But once the creativity diminishes or becomes bigger than the content/message, I just sincerely believe there's something not right about that.

It's similar to what we see in literature, for example. Shakespeare. The movie Romeo and Juliet. There are SEVERAL versions/interpretations of this play out there. Some attempt to portray it EXACTLY like it would have taken place during Shakespeare's time. Others attempt to put a more "contemporary" spin on it, like the movie version with Leonardo DiCaprio. Some of us may even have preferences on which version we like/gravitate to. But we both should agree that the INTEGRITY or the SPIRIT of the work should be of utmost importance.

The Bible says "30The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise." (Proverbs 11:30 KJV). The Message version of this scripture says "A good life is a fruit-bearing tree; a violent life destroys souls." (I'm sorta not sure how they got that exactly, but I'll work with it!)

The Bible also says not to add or take away from the Word (Revelation 22:18-19). And when we try to "trick out" the gospel (esp. as a justification to win souls), that's some dangerous space to be in....
Bottom line, as Christians we should agree to disagree on some things and realize that everything reaches someone! Whether old school or new school music, someone is blessed by it! :grin:

I agree with the sentiments expressed here. Especially the bolded.
Right. :yep::yep: And who determines whether a particular style/genre of music is anointed or not? :perplexed

We all do.

1 John 4:1 "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."

The Message version gets a little "gangsta" with it:

"My dear friends, don't believe everything you hear. Carefully weigh and examine what people tell you. Not everyone who talks about God comes from God. There are a lot of lying preachers loose in the world."

Well, maybe it should be clear about what is meant by "old school gospel"....

Because some of this "new-fangled" gospel ain't gonna get you to Jesus when there's an emergency....

I like some of my gospel music to bump... but not all of it 24/7/365.... A couple of Tye's songs got a nice beat to it and there's a worship song on one of his earlier records that's kinda nice.... I'll have to browse for the name....

I've been saved since I was 20 years old.... And I know that being saved can be fun and it's definitely not boring.... but when it's time to get down to it... what can help usher you into the Holy of Holies.... the list of "gospel" music gets very short. Israel and New Breed is at the top of my list.

Like I said before, I have some criticisms about a lot of today's gospel sound... it's too commercial... using worldly tricks because that's supposedly what "attracts the young people".... that's a cop-out.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is powerful enough and attractive enough on its own.

I love Israel and New Breed!!! When I need to worship that's who I go to also! :grin: Deeper Level is constantly playing around here!

I've been noticing this too. FYI I'm 20 and have been a Christian for almost 2 years and I enjoy a lot of different styles of Christian music. Like I said earlier Tye Tribbett's song 'victory' was one of my favorites. I also enjoy artists like J Moss and Canton Jones for my "non worship" clean music. However a few days ago, I was listening to a Christian station on XM radio and some of the things that I heard made me think that I was listening to the regular radio station. And that made me really uncomfortable. I felt like the things that they were singing/rapping about were not sinful but weren't Godly, (IMO) so how do they fit into the gospel station?

And then it dawned on me. The problem a lot of Christians are having with artists that have a "secular/wordly" sound is that they don't know where to "put them." Because what is considered gospel music? You see Christians have always stood out even in music. But now a blend is starting to happen. In essence Christian artists are adding wordly influence into seemingly Christian music. To me it seems almost like a compromise with the world. Why are we compromising with the world? :perplexed I honestly believe that there are other ways to "win the world" without camoflauging ourselves to blend into the world. It's a fine line that many Christians are stepping over.

Here is one of his songs I personally love "Victory"

WOOOOwww...I say a yes to your question. I think anyone can glorify God. And Tye Tribbett, the devil's child??? It funny how people are so quick to throw stones...sad. I don't know what kind of experience your pastor has had with Tye Tribbett, but I was blessed to attend a concert at a youth conference a few weeks ago and that man has the true anointing of God...And I know anointing when i see it. It hurts to see people who dont even try to understand and then bash what the younger generation is trying to do. Tye worships how he knows how, just like the older generation does the same. I say worship is worship And God understands that. I don't think its for us to judge...And no offense was meant to your pastor if it sounds that way. woooahhhh....that got me a lil fired up, but im good now lol. God Bless!
I love Tye Tribbett!

I think a lot of people don't understand him because of his contemporary looks and unique musical style. He doesn't sample like a lot of artists (doesn't take a secular song and make it his own). His sound is really his own and it's great! IMO he is head and shoulders above most contemporary Gospel/Christian artists.

He is actually very much against Christians listening to "secular" music (he calls it dead music) and he talks about it a lot. Actually not that many of his songs have a heavy R&B vibe. I just think a lot of people think that b/c those are the songs of his that get heavy radio play. I actually put him in the same category as Israel (worship), Tye's still is just different than Israels -- they both have their own sound.

But I must say that his songs are really powerful and his new album is especially great with a LOT of worship songs.

Actually, all his albums have lots of worship songs on them. Once you get past the radio cuts that most stations play over and over you might be surprised! His music is really powerful. Have you ever heard his song "Everything to Me" ?

He is really misunderstood IMO. And I really believe his music is really for THIS generation, not the old folks :look:

Have you ever been to one of his concerts? I've been to two. He takes a long time out in the middle of his set to just preach to the kids. He ends up having them come to the altar and confess their sins to the Lord (I've been to Southern Gospel/down home Color Purple churchy concerts and that NEVER happens at most of them).

At his last concert, I ended up having to leave early b/c he started preaching and I had to go to work in the morning :lachen:

I was convicted and I had a good time. Plus you've got to admire a guy who travels with his brother (a band member) and wife (a background singer).

Young people really look up to him and you can tell in person that he feel passionately about his ministry. He is a great example of a Christian family man who loves God. I know people who have left his concerts convicted and determined to change their lives.

I know people who have hung out with him and they say that he is one of the most chill, genuine people/Christians that you would want to meet.

At this last concert (it was at a church), he ran into the crowd while he was ministering and a lot of the young people started taking pictures of him with their camera phones.

He gently rebuked them and said that they should respect the sanctuary b/c it is the Lord's house and not his (Tye's house). He told them all that he would take pictures with whoever wanted to after the service and asked them to respect God's sanctuary. And he really did stay afterwards (as he does a lot) to take pictures with whoever wanted to.

His music is really live, energetic and exciting. He gives one of the best live gospel performances I've ever seen.

Please don't judge a book by its cover (or only the songs that get heavy radio play). Get the CD and decide for yourselves.
I dont even know of this person,but I FULLY agree with your post! People are so quick to judge and its not their place to do so! :nono:

Here is one of his songs I personally love "Victory"

I wouldn't go so far to say that he is the devil child, because I do bump some of his tracks, but I will say, and I hope this doesn't get me into trouble, but ... I know David danced, and the angels are always singing and merry and musical...but I don't think that all that screaming at the top of his lungs and throwing himself around is Godly at all. I'm not saying everything has to be calm and boring, we can most definitely get excited about God. I really respect what someone else said about Tye telling those kids not to defile God's sanctuary by taking pictures of him. That was really cool, but in the same breath, I think there should be some sort of reverence in the music. I started getting into some Christian hip hop lately, and I really had to stop and put things in perspective. I don't listen to it on the Sabbath, because to be honest, it is really not worship quality. I keep it for during the week. Its the same as any other hip hop, except there are some bible name drops every once in a while, and theres no "shake your booty/whoop that trick/etc..." I do listen to some of Tye's more calm stuff during the Sabbath though like "It's time now", "Taste and see", "Mighty Long Way"..etc. His live stuff, since it can get a little hectic sometimes, I save for during the week.
I wouldn't go so far to say that he is the devil child, because I do bump some of his tracks, but I will say, and I hope this doesn't get me into trouble, but ... I know David danced, and the angels are always singing and merry and musical...but I don't think that all that screaming at the top of his lungs and throwing himself around is Godly at all. I'm not saying everything has to be calm and boring, we can most definitely get excited about God. I really respect what someone else said about Tye telling those kids not to defile God's sanctuary by taking pictures of him. That was really cool, but in the same breath, I think there should be some sort of reverence in the music. I started getting into some Christian hip hop lately, and I really had to stop and put things in perspective. I don't listen to it on the Sabbath, because to be honest, it is really not worship quality. I keep it for during the week. Its the same as any other hip hop, except there are some bible name drops every once in a while, and theres no "shake your booty/whoop that trick/etc..." I do listen to some of Tye's more calm stuff during the Sabbath though like "It's time now", "Taste and see", "Mighty Long Way"..etc. His live stuff, since it can get a little hectic sometimes, I save for during the week.
Umm you do know David danced so hard he danced out of his clothes right? His wife told him he was in the streets looking foolish even though it was for GOD... I aint know Tye had so many wives... This thread is full of them. :ohwell:

Lemme throw out my music and pull out my old negro spiritual book... Are any of those too wordly? Someone let me know.
Umm you do know David danced so hard he danced out of his clothes right? His wife told him he was in the streets looking foolish even though it was for GOD... I aint know Tye had so many wives... This thread is full of them. :ohwell:

Lemme throw out my music and pull out my old negro spiritual book... Are any of those too wordly? Someone let me know.

Breathe in and breathe out honey!

David didn't mind looking "foolish" in front of some folks because his praise was not for men but for God.

I encourage all to read 2 Samuel 6 which tells the story that beautifulisaunderstatment was talking about above. I just want to point out a few verses.

v14 And David danced before the LORD with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod.

v15 So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the LORD with shouting, and with the sound of the trumpet.

v16 And as the ark of the LORD came into the city of David, Michal Saul's daughter looked through a window, and saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD; and she despised him in her heart.

v20 Then David returned to bless his household. And Michal the daughter of Saul came out to meet David, and said, How glorious was the king of Israel to day, who uncovered himself to day in the eyes of the handmaids of his servants, as one of the vain fellows shamelessly uncovereth himself!

v21 And David said unto Michal, It was before the LORD, which chose me before thy father, and before all his house, to appoint me ruler over the people of the LORD, over Israel: therefore will I play (celebrate) before the LORD.

So dancing (even wildly) and shouting are acceptable forms of expressing your love for the Lord. We as Christians have to be extremely careful when we want to comment on how someone is praising God. It is God that knows exactly where that person's heart is. Let's say, I see a man in church jumping and dancing wildly in praise and I think he looks absolutely foolish. I make up in my mind that I'm going to interrupt his praise, pull him over to the side and tell him how inappropriate and unnecessary his method of praise is and that he needs to calm it down and show some respect for the other people in God's house. I could only imagine the conviction I'd feel in my spirit if right before I'm about to confront the man, God opens up my spiritual eyes and I see angels all around this man dancing and jumping and having a praise party right along with him!

beautifulisaunderstatment, one of the key lessons that God taught me is that not every Christian is going to accept your praise, even if the praise is 100% sincere and God and His angels are loving every moment of it! So I say embrace the negro spiritual but also embrace other Holy Spirit annointed songs whether they are in a style of yesterday or in a style of today. As long as you know in your heart that your worship is pleasing God, then it does not matter what any human being says, even if that human being is a well-meaning Christian. People pleasing at the expense of God pleasing can break your spirit. I truly believe that there are many God-loving people who don't fulfill their divine calling not because of what the world did or said but because they listened to Christians tell them that their ministry was all wrong and that their methods of worship were all wrong instead of listening to what God told them to do.
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Breathe in and breathe out honey!

David didn't mind looking "foolish" in front of some folks because his praise was not for men but for God.

I encourage all to read 2 Samuel 6 which tells the story that beautifulisaunderstatment was talking about above. I just want to point out a few verses.

v14 And David danced before the LORD with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod.

v15 So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the LORD with shouting, and with the sound of the trumpet.

v16 And as the ark of the LORD came into the city of David, Michal Saul's daughter looked through a window, and saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD; and she despised him in her heart.

v20 Then David returned to bless his household. And Michal the daughter of Saul came out to meet David, and said, How glorious was the king of Israel to day, who uncovered himself to day in the eyes of the handmaids of his servants, as one of the vain fellows shamelessly uncovereth himself!

v21 And David said unto Michal, It was before the LORD, which chose me before thy father, and before all his house, to appoint me ruler over the people of the LORD, over Israel: therefore will I play (celebrate) before the LORD.

So dancing (even wildly) and shouting are acceptable forms of expressing your love for the Lord. We as Christians have to be extremely careful when we want to comment on how someone is praising God. It is God that knows exactly where that person's heart is. Let's say, I see a man in church jumping and dancing wildly in praise and I think he looks absolutely foolish. I make up in my mind that I'm going to interrupt his praise, pull him over to the side and tell him how inappropriate and unnecessary his method of praise is and that he needs to calm it down and show some respect for the other people in God's house. I could only imagine the conviction I'd feel in my spirit if right before I'm about to confront the man, God opens up my spiritual eyes and I see angels all around this man dancing and jumping and having a praise party right along with him!

beautifulisaunderstatment, one of the key lessons that God taught me is that not every Christian is going to accept your praise, even if the praise is 100% sincere and God and His angels are loving every moment of it! So I say embrace the negro spiritual but also embrace other Holy Spirit annointed songs whether they are in a style of yesterday or in a style of today. As long as you know in your heart that your worship is pleasing God, then it does not matter what any human being says, even if that human being is a well-meaning Christian. People pleasing at the expense of God pleasing can break your spirit. I truly believe that there are many God-loving people who don't fulfill their divine calling not because of what the world did or said but because they listened to Christians tell them that their ministry was all wrong and that their methods of worship were all wrong instead of listening to what God told them to do.
Absolutely WONDERFUL post.