My Hair Grows So Uneven!!!


ET / OT Bonafide Member
I know it's normal for hair to grow unevenly or in layers, but some parts of my hair grows 1-2 inches longer than the rest and it's driving me up the wall! :wallbash:

Just so that I would have a fresh start, I trimmed off all the uneven ends about 3 months ago and my hair grew in nicely, but now the uneven ends are are worse than before! Now there are a bunch of strands (I'd say 200 - 250) that are 2 - 3 inches longer than the rest of my hair!

I was wondering if any of you ladies deal with this problem and what I can do (if anything) to fix it. Should I just let it grow out, or cut it again? I don't want to keep cutting off my progress - the ends are healthy, but drastically uneven. Help!!
For years I've been dealing with the right side growing like a weed and the side playing snail. :wallbash: There generally is a one inch difference. I used to cut it to even out. No point. It never caught up. I gave up. At this point, I don't fret over it anymore. Right now my left side is about 1/2 an inch shorter and I just go with it. But that's jus me..... :spinning:
I was thinking about this when I was examining my twists last night. I think it's because when I poo or massage, I concentrate on the rear of my head and because I'm right handed, I massage more strongly on that side. I hardly massage the front because it's kinda awkward. I have less growth in the front and left side. I'm gonna focus on those areas more intensely or just come back and do another session on those areas and see what happens.
I was thinking about this when I was examining my twists last night. I think it's because when I poo or massage, I concentrate on the rear of my head and because I'm right handed, I massage more strongly on that side. I hardly massage the front because it's kinda awkward. I have less growth in the front and left side. I'm gonna focus on those areas more intensely or just come back and do another session on those areas and see what happens.

I think that may be the issue with mysrlf because I've been neglecting certain areas when it comes to scalp massages! :blush: Thanks DivaRox...I'll try concentrating on my sides and crown to see if it'll catch up with those ends.
I think that may be the issue with mysrlf because I've been neglecting certain areas when it comes to scalp massages! :blush: Thanks DivaRox...I'll try concentrating on my sides and crown to see if it'll catch up with those ends.

YW-Which oils do you use for your scalp massages? I'm using the ayurvedics but I also get a great tingle from the rosemary/peppermint combo.
My hair grows uneven also. Like you guys, it was driving me crazy so in Nov I cut off a couple of inches to even it out BUT its starting to go uneven again. I was thinking it may be because I sleep on my right side. But, I wear a silk scarf and sleep on a satin pillow case. And, my scarf does not budge...I don't know, im just going to deal with it.
I was just going to start a thread about center nape is about 5in shorter that my left and right nape....i evened it up in the summer and now the left and right sides are about 6in while the center is practically bald....well not really but i dont know what to do...i refuse to keep cutting off my im at loss right about now:(
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lol it's actually pretty funny ...maybe genetic b/c my mom, sister and I all have "bad" left sides we say . The right side is grows fast and healthy, the other side is a glitch behind! I don't know why and I used to trim it all the time to even it up, but I'm just gonna let it do it's thing now (uneven bob) ha!
I know when we talked about it mom and I both sleep on the "bad" side of our heads ??? IDK what is going on. I try to just give extra TLC to my shorter side :drunk:
lol it's actually pretty funny ...maybe genetic b/c my mom, sister and I all have "bad" left sides we say . The right side is grows fast and healthy, the other side is a glitch behind! I don't know why and I used to trim it all the time to even it up, but I'm just gonna let it do it's thing now (uneven bob) ha!
I know when we talked about it mom and I both sleep on the "bad" side of our heads ??? IDK what is going on. I try to just give extra TLC to my shorter side :drunk:

Im beginning to believe my ma who said its genetic...she said her dad's hairline is the same way....ive been TLC for a whole year and only have very little progress...Oh well im glad for the progress I do have...Atleast little progress is better than none...we'll see what the new year brings...gotta be optimistic!
I know it's normal for hair to grow unevenly or in layers, but some parts of my hair grows 1-2 inches longer than the rest and it's driving me up the wall! :wallbash:

Just so that I would have a fresh start, I trimmed off all the uneven ends about 3 months ago and my hair grew in nicely, but now the uneven ends are are worse than before! Now there are a bunch of strands (I'd say 200 - 250) that are 2 - 3 inches longer than the rest of my hair!

I was wondering if any of you ladies deal with this problem and what I can do (if anything) to fix it. Should I just let it grow out, or cut it again? I don't want to keep cutting off my progress - the ends are healthy, but drastically uneven. Help!!

I am going through this as well :sad:. My left side is so not good. I think it's because of being right handed my right side get more TLC than left side. I also sleep on left side, that could be the problem too. Now I am focused on taking care of that side, I have cut twice in six month :wallbash: to fix this problem, I can't make those scissors happy anymore :nono:
I know it's normal for hair to grow unevenly or in layers, but some parts of my hair grows 1-2 inches longer than the rest and it's driving me up the wall! :wallbash:

Just so that I would have a fresh start, I trimmed off all the uneven ends about 3 months ago and my hair grew in nicely, but now the uneven ends are are worse than before! Now there are a bunch of strands (I'd say 200 - 250) that are 2 - 3 inches longer than the rest of my hair!

I was wondering if any of you ladies deal with this problem and what I can do (if anything) to fix it. Should I just let it grow out, or cut it again? I don't want to keep cutting off my progress - the ends are healthy, but drastically uneven. Help!!

Different lengths, textures and growth patterns (one side poufs up and the other back) on the left and right side of my head.
Yeah i noticed that the back of my hair grows like a weed and the front grows just not as fast. Also back before I texlaxed my hair I noticed the back has a completely different texture (3b-3c) than the rest of my head (4a). I also have noticed that the stylists I have been going to have been "evening out" my progress by cutting a lot off the back which I never even knew they were doing. And i dont even want them to do which is why i'll be trimming my own split ends from now on!!
I know it's normal for hair to grow unevenly or in layers, but some parts of my hair grows 1-2 inches longer than the rest and it's driving me up the wall! :wallbash:

Just so that I would have a fresh start, I trimmed off all the uneven ends about 3 months ago and my hair grew in nicely, but now the uneven ends are are worse than before! Now there are a bunch of strands (I'd say 200 - 250) that are 2 - 3 inches longer than the rest of my hair!

I was wondering if any of you ladies deal with this problem and what I can do (if anything) to fix it. Should I just let it grow out, or cut it again? I don't want to keep cutting off my progress - the ends are healthy, but drastically uneven. Help!!

My hair grows uneven. I used to cut it so it would look even but it would grow back and be uneven again. Now I have just left it alone and when my slower side catches up and it's the length I want then I will cut it even.
My hair grows super uneven too. Like a couple of other people I used to cut it to get it even but as soon as it starts growing out it isn't even anymore.

I don't fight it anymore. I have decided that I will trim once 95% of my hair is at whatever goal length. It's less crazy making that way.

So my next trim will be at full SL.

And to the OP holy wow your wet hair looks kinda like mine. That's exciting and it's very pretty.