My friend has long hair and does absolutely nothing!!! What gives???

Yall, PLEASE wash your hair at least once a week. Who would go a month without washing their body? That's what I thought-no one. Is hair growth that crucial that you would risk hair and a scalp full of dirt, oils, sebum, etc?
carpediem628 said:
Her hair is almost waist length and she does nothing!!!! It is strong and beautiful and she eats like a pig, does not exercise, does not take vitamins. What gives?

I asked her the secret and she said washes her hair like once every 3 weeks and she uses GREASE!!! I told her I wash my hair everyday and she laughed and said that's why my hair isn't growing long. My hair is beyond shoulder length but compared to hers, I might as well be bald.

She told me dirt makes hair grow and I told her how ridiculous that statement was, but she just looked at me like the proof was in the pudding. I couldn't even say anything because she has some of the longest healthiest hair I have seen on a black woman.

She told me to give her way a try for a few months and I'm tempted to not wash my hair and to put grease in it.
I believe it's less manipulation also (not dirt) and the grease preserves it.
What kind of hair style does she usually wear?
Confession: When my hair was relaxed I only washed a few times a month. I didn't have dandruff and what not. I didn't grease my scalp a lot. I didn't have a lot of issues. I started self-relaxing in high school. My hair wasn't down my back, but that's because I burnt the stank out of it every day with a Hot and Gold curling iron.

I just did a weave on this woman with healthy, relaxed bsl hair. I asked her how often she washed and she laughed. I said, Hey! When I was relaxed I only washed every couple of weeks. She said she washed it less than that. She also doesn't put grease and what not on her hair.

Basically, it gets washed when she goes to her stylist. Her hair didn't stink, but she did have dandruff. I don't know that more washing would or would not change that.

I think her washing habits are more about not having the now-how or patience to wash and detangle her own hair as opposed to a desire to grow it out.

Plenty said:
I grew my hair long doing this.

I will join the 'don't wash your hair for 2 weeks challenge' if you start it. I know we can but ACV/tea tree oil on our scalp to keep it clean and healthy.

Someone has already started the challenge. It's called the "Dirty Challenge." Just go over there and say you want to try it and you'll get added to the list. I think a lot of us are doing this until December.:)