Mobile Applications update


Crazy Greek
Staff member

A quick update with regards to our mobile applications.

I had very little luck in getting the developers of the mobile application to assume ownership of bugs in the software and fix them. I have asked numerous times for the 'Thank you' addition but 8 months later we have nothing.

To that effect I found a different provider that has also a proven record in the industry and will be able to provide us with the same application so as you can access LHCF on the go :)

The work has already started and I will be providing regular updates as we go along.

The new application will include a lot of features that are not present currently, it will have automatic bug fixes for problems you are experiencing and it will have the Thank you modification :) (We will work on the blogs after we release the version).

There are two options and at the moment we do not know which one will be taken. One is for us to create a brand new application whereas the user (you) will need to uninstall the old one and install the new one. The other is to replace the one you already have through an update. At the moment I am waiting for some additional information and the developers and I will decide on which option to follow. I will of course keep you up to date with any developments.

As far as the BB application is concerned, the developers told me that they have it in their todo for 2012. I don't know when it will be available but the deal includes a BB app so as soon as it is available you will have it.

Thank you again for your continued support and stay tuned :)
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