Mint Cream Hair Dressing


I found this recipe on another site: I'm going to try my hand at it after I study it a while. I notice you can add cayenne pepper to the recipe. I was reading a thread about the use of cayenne as a stimulant. It might be worth a try.

Mint Cream Hair Dressing

approximately 16 oz jar
8 oz raw shea butter
4 oz olive oil
4 oz castor oil
2 tbs ginger mint herb tea
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper (optional)
30 drops peppermint essential oil

In a double boiler slowly, gently melt shea butter. While butter is melting, add herb tea to olive oil and heat in double boiler for about 20 minutes - enough time to infuse oil with the essence of the tea. Strain through cheesecloth or a coffee filter and set aside. Combine melted shea butter, infused olive, and castor oil. Stir in peppermint essential oil (and cayenne pepper, if you desire - good scalp stimulant in small quantities) and set aside, allowing to cool. After mixture solidifies, you may use a hand mixer to make it creamier. It's now ready to use! Contributed by Michelle - Virgin Gorda Bath Shop Georgia, USA
Wow, that does sound very interesting. I really don't have the tiem to experiment but I might have to try out this recipe one day, let us know if it works and stimulates growth or anything.

New pics added!
Current hair length: 2 inches past brastrap (blown out and trimmed)
Current summer style: Cornrows (MTG challenge for 6 weeks)
Next relaxer touchup: September 5th, 2005
Hair texture: 4b thick and course strands