Microbraids...Love 'Em or Hate 'Em?

I look the look of micro braids, but the chance for damage is too great. I lost my back section wearing micros. My hair is still recovering. :perplexed

I have one girlfirend who can wear them back to back for 4-6 months at a time, BUT most people have suffered hair loss.
I love micros. First got them in November of last year and I would have my entire head rebraided every 6 weeks. I did this continously without a break until the end of August 2005. The only reason I did not like them is because it was expensive ($180 to braid then $60 to have them taken out each time :( ). It was worth it to me because I gained approximately 6 inches of new growth in 10 months and it did not thin my edges.
I love micros. But I only wear them only about once or twice a year and the rest of the time I opt for bigger sized braids. I do that mostly because I dont have the patience to do the micros. I do my own hair.