Request Mental Health Sub Forum

People are going to post in vulnerable states no matter if it is a thread somewhere else or in a place where perhaps their words would actually be noticed and someone can respond. We're not stupid. We know what we post cannot disappear, would be seen by whoever paid to see it, and can and will be used against us. This whole "but you're putting vulnerable people out in the open" does not fly with me, and I guess I am alone in this. It strikes me as just more shaming of people who are mentally ill, which is unfortunate. Doubly so considering this is a meeting place of mostly black women, a group that traditionally has had a toxic "you can't be weak" and "pretend it doesn't exist" attitude about mental health. It sucks to see this perpetuated, but I knew how conservative this place was when I signed up, so I should not be surprised.

I also don't get this liability issue. We are not health professionals trying to give out advice or trying to pose as health professionals. If there can be boards where everyone agrees the space is not held responsible for the actions of a member in this context, then I don't see why LHCF is somehow exempt. Are all these places getting sued and I haven't heard of it? If so, if I try something I read in the hair forum and I end up being harmed, can I sue the boards? I have modded a couple boards dedicated to mental health, so I know it is hard to see someone in a certain state and know you cannot help. But I also know that feeling is trumped many times over by how often I have been there to help people.

As I said, I guess I am alone in this, so it cannot be helped.

I do not think you are alone in your thoughts