Mane 'n Tail


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Mane \'n Tail

Hey everyone. I just have a question about this brand. In my magazine Mane 'n Tail has an advertising that says that using their product can achieve longer and thicker hair. I was wondering has anyone used their product with good results?

This is what their website stated:

Q. Does Mane‘n Tail Shampoo and/or Conditioner make hair grow or grow faster?

This is our number one asked question! We have had many people contact us with reports of hair growth and faster growing hair.
Our answer is that when hair is naturally strong it does not break or create split ends, which hinders most people from achieving their goal of longer, stronger, healthier more fuller looking hair.

Mane‘n Tail products were originally developed for horses. Horses' hair is three times thicker than people hair. people started using the products to achieve the beautiful results they saw with their own horses' manes and tails. This is where the legend of Mane‘n Tail products comes from, by nourishing, conditioning and fortifying the hair and scalp to aid healthier hair growth. Mane‘n Tail shampoo and conditioner maintains and helps to achieve longer, stronger, healthier more fuller looking hair. The results can be seen and felt after the first application.
Re: Mane \'n Tail

My niece (hair is 3a/b) told me about Mane & Tail which I've been using for about a month. I haven't seen her in a while, but she said it's what she had been using and her boyfriend, who hadn't seen her in a few months (in military) commented on how much her hair had grown in such a little time. That's when I started using it. I love the smell, and it conditions well too!!
Re: Mane \'n Tail

Well, Mane 'N Tail has a great business going, but their products are not going to produce faster growth. Read between the lines and they have said that. The stuff is supposed to simply prevent breakage, etc. so that your hair can achieve its longest potential. Nothing new. Plenty of product which are made for humans which can give the same notice.

But, I have to say, as someone who rides horses and has owned them, I wouldn't put that crap on a horse's mane, tail or anywhere else. The shampoo is way too harsh for a horse and the conditioner is gummy, thick, even for them. As a human being, I didn't care for shampoo or conditioner. The shampoo was harsh; and the conditioner eventually left my hair like sludge, a grease pool.

If you are looking for some horse and people friendly products, you might want to check out Eqyss products. A lot horses and people love them. They are enriching to the hair. Can't say I cared for the shampoo, but they may just be me. I like my shampoos extremely gentle. But, some of their conditioners are lovely.


P.S. Horses generally have great nutrition
Lots of grains and fiber-rich vegetables. Horses love their oats, carrots and apples. People should take notice
Re: Mane \'n Tail

My mom used to shampoo my hair with Mane 'n Tail when I was younger. My hair was long when I was younger and it grew as well. It could be the reason why my hair grew long
Re: Mane \'n Tail

y hair was really thick when i used it but to me it took out my relaxer... i do not know if it was the water in Va but y hair was never straight.
Re: Mane \'n Tail

I used it for about a year, my hair did thicken ALOT. The conditioner was really great and softened new growth well, as a leave in it gave me smooth shiny hair, but too much is really drying to the hair.
Re: Mane \'n Tail

My mom used to use it on me too...I was like, "Why she puttin' horse stuff on my hair?" lol.
Re: Mane \'n Tail

I use Mane 'n Tail shampoo occasionally, but their conditioner (which can be used to deep condition or as a leave-in) is one of my staple products. I like to alternate the shampoo occasionally with others because I think it does a good job of removing buidup. The conditioner for sure thickens the hair and makes it stronger.
Re: Mane \'n Tail

I've used it before and it was OK... didn't make my hair grow or even really decrease breakage....I bought a bottle and stopped using the product after the bottle was done. I wasn't impressed
Re: Mane \'n Tail

<font color="purple">I've used the shampoo and the conditioner in the 90's. I really disliked the shampoo. Like one mentioned, it left my hair dried out because of the harshness and it wasn't moisturizing at all. The conditioner I used made my hair strong. Plus my hair grew in month's time. It was okay. Next time, I'll dilute it with distilled water and mix it with olive oil for a moisturizing leave in spray. This I'll put on my sister's natural hair for a good moisturizer. Toodles </font>
Re: Mane \'n Tail

I had a neighbor (younger then me) who use to use this. I use to doobie wrap her hair after every wash n set. Her hair was in bad shape when she first started using these products and was about neck length. I didn't see her for about a year (i moved) and her hair was DOWN HER BACK AND HEALTHY! At least tapping her bra. I did use it from time to time but as usual, consistency is NOT my thing
Re: Mane \'n Tail

I've been using it since January. I use the shampoo and the conditioner. I love the conditioner, I'm not too crazy about the shampoo it makes my hair dry after washing-
My hair was breaking and really look lifeless. The first time I used it, I observe that my hair was noticeably thicker and fuller.