Length Check October 2011


Well-Known Member

WOW so this post is waaayyyy over do. Nowadays i have been forcing myself not to force myself to blog when i don’t feel like it.. ~shrugs~. I give your better content and i get more rest in a day. Do you have any idea how mucyh crap i do during the week? But PLEASE dont let me bore you with the details of my life.

So far, im loving the progress. I just bought a new flat iron (Babyliss Pro) and the results are in. I love this flat iron. I love it so much that i actually took time out of my busy life to reflat iron my hair.

I really need to buy a marker shirt because i am grazing bra strap length but these pics do me no justice soo it seems like im lying about that….im not tho

SEE WHAT I MEAN! These pics make it look like im not even armpit length… ~sigh~ I digress. Gotta buy a new camera, gotta buy a new car, gotta buy a mac, gotta buy every damn thing.. ~kicks over computer~ DAMN THIS EXPENSIVE LIFE! I’m pretty garbage for this because yall deserve better pics and better pics you shall have!
Anyway, check the gallery below ladies.

Hair length: Currently grazing Bra Strap Length

More Pics Here
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Your hair looks really healthy and long! Thanks for sharing!

BTW I know what you mean about not being about to show your true length. That happens to me quite often. That's why I don't even bother to post pics. But you are a brave soul :look: especially with all the craziness going on in the other thread.
Great progress! Hair is looking good, in your natural curls and straight, it is always nice to see your hard work payoff - congratulations! BSL :perplexed
Your hair looks really healthy and long! Thanks for sharing!

BTW I know what you mean about not being about to show your true length. That happens to me quite often. That's why I don't even bother to post pics. But you are a brave soul :look: especially with all the craziness going on in the other thread.
LOL.. wouldnt be the first time i posted a pic.. theres a shortage of pictures around here
Great progress. I agree with the pictures not showing your true length. The last time I pulled my back layers to length check the pictures clearly show 1/2 in from BSL. As soon as i flat ironed it barely looked APL. I'm confused! Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the compliment!

I am the opposite from you. I find that my hair looks longer in photos. It also looks longer from the side when I look in the mirror than it does from the back.

I have been watching your progress and you have great hair!
Its funny you should post this when...*drum roll plz* I just straightened my strands only to discover.....IM AT BRA STRAP LENGTH!!!!!! Yaaay! (Officially 18 inches)

After 2 years of what seemed like non growth I finally made it...thanks to two strand twists weekly DCs and ACV rinses...can I get a round of applause??? lol
Really great progress.. looks very sleek and healthy.. what products did you use to flatiron with and at what temperature?