Lack of nape and edges make hair look thin.


New Member
Any1 have any suggestions. Weave caused this problem on the edges and shaving and wearing wool scarves caused the nape area to become alomst gone. I am sl and when my hair is let down it looks good but there is that gap when I put my hands threw the back. I am tyring to ps n not do relaxers on these areas for about 6 months to help is grow back.

I am not upset I just want to knw what I can do to grow my nape back. I can not braid because it is to short. I use mtg n don't b bald n keep it moisturized is there any thing else. I am not going to use the scarves or wear collard shirts.:wallbash:

It is funny beacuse on my left side I have edges but my right side is thin.:nono:
The bets thing to grow those areas back is to not put any tension on those areas and to not relax for a while, which I'm glad you decided not to do.

How long did you leave the weave in for?

Have you tried massaging those areas? I saw fotki of someone who grew their edges back with MTG, which I could remember whose it was.

My temples thinned and I am massaging them every night with an essential oil mix.