Jars of Clay Frontman comes out in Support of Homosexual 'Marriage'


UK Blak
Friday, April 25, 2014

Jars of Clay Frontman Comes Out in Support of Homosexual ‘Marriage’

April 24, 2014 |*Filed under:*Apostasy,Entertainment,Life & Society,Top Stories*|*By:*Editor*

In a*series of assertive Tweets yesterday, Dan Haseltine of the popular band Jars of Clay took to his Twitter account and came out in support*of homosexual ‘marriage,’ citing that he does not “particularly care about Scripture’s stance on what is ‘wrong.’”

Haseltine,*who is the lead singer of Jars of Clay and*whose band*became famous for its*Christian-themed music,*posted to his Twitter account*on Wednesday: “Not meaning to stir things up BUT… is there a non-speculative or non ‘slippery slope’ reason why gays shouldn’t marry? I don’t hear one.”

“I’m trying to make sense of the conservative argument. But it doesn’t hold up to basic scrutiny. Feels akin to women’s suffrage. I just don’t see a negative effect to allowing gay marriage. No societal breakdown, no war on traditional marriage. Anyone?” he went on to argue.

“I don’t think Scripture ‘clearly’ states much of anything regarding morality,” Haseltine stated.

According to Matthew 19:4-5, Jesus defined marriage in referring back to Genesis 2:24,*”…Have ye not read, that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?’”

Scripture also addresses homosexual behavior*in both the Old and New Testaments,*warning that*immoral sexual activity will*lead to death and eternal*damnation.

Haseltine argued in one post, however: “I think the vast interpretation [of Scripture] has left room for people to deal inhumanly and unlovingly toward others that don’t fit their guidelines.”

“I don’t particularly care about Scriptures stance on what is ‘wrong,’” he stated in another Tweet. “I care more about how it says we should treat people.”

Jars of Clay was formed in Tennessee in the ’90s and is considered*one of the most popular and acclaimed contemporary Christian bands today. In 1995, their self-titled debut album*was a*major*success for the group, reaching beyond Christian radio play to secular audiences.

The group’s*single*Flood*received heavy*secular radio*airplay and reached #12 on the Billboard Modern Rock chart and #37 on the Hot 100 pop chart. It’s debut album has achieved double-platinum sales in the U.S. since its release, while the group has scored 20 top 10 singles on the contemporary Christian singles charts.

However, Haseltine says that some stations have now decided to stop playing the band’s music due to his recent statements, and some fans have erased Jars of Clay from their music library.

“Caught wind that some radio stations have pulled my music and people are deleting my music from their playlists,” he Tweeted on Thursday. “Why?”

“Because you have decided to support a lifestyle God calls an abomination,” one follower responded. “The fallout was inevitable.”
Wow….just wow. More and more Celebrities are beginning to stand by "trends" first as opposed to what scripture demands. Breaks my heart to see the direction our nation is going.
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Wow. Methinks he didn't look too diligently when looking for the Biblical answer.

1. Marriage is an innately heterosexual union between a man and a woman for the purposes of unity and procreation. It is the foundation of the family.

2. In Scripture, God ordains marriage to be a union between a man and woman. Homosexuality is listed as one of the four sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance.

3. Christ asserted the dignity of marriage, quoting the Old Testament, where it says a man ought to leave his mother and father and cling to his wife.

4. A gay person can marry--someone of the opposite sex.

5. Several groups or couplings are already not legally recognized (bigamy, polygamy, fornicators, threeway, incestual unions, underage & adult, etc.) a man/man woman/woman union is simply among those unions that don't fit the definition and ingredients to make a valid marriage.
These ministers of music are in trouble. You have to watch what you stand for. While we are to love the homosexual, we are not supposed to cosign on their sin. There are legalities in the country. That does not mean that we should join their movement. I do not agree that their expression can be holy matrimony. When I first got saved, we had examples of modest dressing. Now strapless dresses and halters are in service. What is creeping into the church? Some of this stuff crept in a long time ago and is in the pulpit and the front row.
I rebuke him and will never listen to Jars of Clay. God help him for any innocent soul he will lead astray through his words.
I understand what he is saying, however, there is a theological problem with it. We should not condone violence against anyone (mental etc.) and we catholics know that it's the act itself (the sodomy) which is the offense - that the person him/herself is not the sin, it's the act of, even though also knowing that it is intrinsically disordered. We don't condemn the individual but once you cross the line, you've committed a mortal sin. How many people can live as brother and sister when you're sexually attracted to them? It's impractical. Even with our hypocritical high heterosexual divorce rate and oow births in the christian communities, it affects our view and doctrine on marriage and the family itself. We're so confused in society, we just don't know where the path is. I like their music despite his statement. Not everyone has knowledge.
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We're so confused in society, we just don't know where the path is.

We definitely live in a confused society. His statement only adds to it. Having love and compassion for a person, even when they sin/fall is a good thing, but him saying that morality or God's laws don't matter is definitely warped thinking.
We definitely live in a confused society. His statement only adds to it.

Having love and compassion for a person, even when they sin/fall is a good thing,

but him saying that morality or God's laws don't matter is definitely warped thinking.

To love someone is to not lead them astray; to protect them from satan's entrapments and the darkness of deception. God's Word nor God's Laws are never without matter, they are forever settled in Heaven (Psalm 119), without them we would perish here on earth and eternally.

I have to check my Christian radio stations to confirm if Jars of Clay is still on their music roster. I am actually going to send them this article via email. They are very good in responding.

I can't help but wonder how the other members of this group feel about this announcement. :nono:
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I don't agree with what he said, obviously he is a bit ignorant/unenlightened. He is a musician not a minister per se, right? Why couldn't his fans etc allow him an opportunity to get it right and recant? Maybe his pastor could've set him straight.

His music getting pulled from radio and being deleted so fast from playlists seem....idk. Is the message in his music not good anymore? Did he blaspheme? No longer a christian? He may just be immature spiritually esp. evident when he asked why his music was being pulled, like he had no clue.

I understand gay marriage is a hot topic but the response from his following seems swiftly unforgiving and un-'slow to anger'. Non-Christians respond quickly with a backlash as SOON as someone says something they dont agree with, our character just seem the same...even to one of our own.
Good morning @Sosa Hello Sweetie! I want to respond to your post. Christian singers are ministers of music. Satan was the minister of music in heaven before iniquity was found in him. Satan was cast down and a third of the angels in heaven who were led astray with him. He does have a space to repent and change his viewpoint. His pastor needs to tell him to come in off the evangelistic field (Musical outreach) until he changes his views and has correction. I am not throwing stones here. I love Jimmy Swaggart. When Rev Swaggart had a fall from grace, the assembly of God asked him off the field. Sometimes these well known ministers of the gospel or music do not have anyone to go to when they are in trouble. I can't remember the name of this young pastor with a television ministry who was in some trouble and found dead in a new York hotel room. He needed some deliverance. Help me out@Shimmie.

The Bible clearly states that homosexuality is an abomination. There is no getting around it. Deliverance from this includes turning away from it. I agree that it a type of bondage that people have trouble breaking away from. They are deceived. I am not making statements like this to beat up on @Sosa. These ministers of music and pastors,evangelists are under some serious hits. The devil is not our friend and is playing for keeps. He wants us dead. and lost. like him.:mob: Know you not that friendship with the world is enmity against God. We have to choose. Choose ye this day, every day, whom ye will serve. Ye cannot serve God & mammon. This includes money, homosexual activism, abortion on demand, and the like. I love everybody. The young man in question is overtaken in a fault. Yes he needs to be restored.:yep:
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Thanks felic1 .

I understand your point. It's just that our response to this 'minister' who said the wrong thing seemed too quick and a bit harsh. Not sure why I felt that way...cuz I'm usually a zero tolerance person myself.

If he had been a secular artist and said the opposite, I would imagine the same response from the other side (boycotting his songs etc.). I was wondering if we should be different. But maybe not.
I don't agree with what he said,

obviously he is a bit ignorant/unenlightened. He is a musician not a minister per se, right? :blush:

Why couldn't his fans etc allow him an opportunity to get it right and recant? Maybe his pastor could've set him straight.

His music getting pulled from radio and being deleted so fast from playlists seem....idk.

Is the message in his music not good anymore?

Did he blaspheme? No longer a christian? He may just be immature spiritually esp. evident when he asked why his music was being pulled, like he had no clue.

I understand gay marriage is a hot topic but the response from his following seems swiftly unforgiving and un-'slow to anger'. Non-Christians respond quickly with a backlash as SOON as someone says something they dont agree with, our character just seem the same...even to one of our own.

Good morning @Sosa Hello Sweetie! I want to respond to your post.

Christian singers are ministers of music. Satan was the minister of music in heaven before iniquity was found in him. Satan was cast down and a third of the angels in heaven who were led astray with him.

He does have a space to repent and change his viewpoint. His pastor needs to tell him to come in off the evangelistic field (Musical outreach) until he changes his views and has correction.

I am not throwing stones here. I love Jimmy Swaggart. When Rev Swaggart had a fall from grace, the assembly of God asked him off the field.

Sometimes these well known ministers of the gospel or music do not have anyone to go to when they are in trouble.

I can't remember the name of this young pastor with a television ministry who was in some trouble and found dead in a new York hotel room. He needed some deliverance. Help me out@Shimmie.

The Bible clearly states that homosexuality is an abomination. There is no getting around it. Deliverance from this includes turning away from it. I agree that it a type of bondage that people have trouble breaking away from. They are deceived. I am not making statements like this to beat up on @Sosa.

These ministers of music and pastors,evangelists are under some serious hits. The devil is not our friend and is playing for keeps. He wants us dead. and lost. like him.:mob:

Know you not that friendship with the world is enmity against God. We have to choose. Choose ye this day, every day, whom ye will serve. Ye cannot serve God & mammon. This includes money, homosexual activism, abortion on demand, and the like. I love everybody.

The young man in question is overtaken in a fault. Yes he needs to be restored.:yep:

felic1... Were you thinking of Zachary Timms who was found dead in the NYC hotel? This was and still is a tragedy. We knew him personally.
Thanks @felic1 .

I understand your point. It's just that our response to this 'minister' who said the wrong thing seemed too quick and a bit harsh. Not sure why I felt that way...cuz I'm usually a zero tolerance person myself.

If he had been a secular artist and said the opposite, I would imagine the same response from the other side (boycotting his songs etc.). I was wondering if we should be different. But maybe not.

Sosa, your compassion is beautiful. felic1 shared a beautiful response and the two of you handled this well...very well. :love2:

The only thing that I can add is that 'we' as Christians have to protect our faith, as no one else will. Pulling the music of this artist from the Christian playlists wasn't done from a lack of love or compassion. It was necessary to protect what we hold dear, which is God's Word.

This artist clearly and directly stated that God's Word is of no substance which is contrary to what we as Christians base our faith upon.

This Artist knows better. All of these years in the Ministry and NOW he chooses to disparage the Word which has sustained him throughout all of these years and has blessed him?

To support him is also supporting that statement which is in full and total opposition to what God has commanded us to do, which is to honour His Word, for it never changes. To deny God's Word is also a direct denial of God for God is His Word.

"Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. (Matthew 24:34-35)

"Thy Word O' God is forever settled in Heaven." (Psalm 119:89)

For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, And do not return there without watering the earth And making it bear and sprout, And furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater;

So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:10-11)
@Shimmie...yes I was referring to Zachary Timms. That was a real tragedy. I wonder how his family is?

Beyond any shadow of any doubt, Pastor Riva (his wife) and children are truly blessed of the Lord. :yep: She has always been a strong woman of God.