It took me 23 mins to rollerset my hair!!


Hair Coach
And that is wonderful because it normally takes me about an hour.

I found that starting from the back helped me tremendously!!

I used the red rollers with the little metal clips. I washed my hair and used leave in and a little setting lotion.

Since my hair has some texture left I find it harder to get the sleek rollersets I desire.

Does anyone have any advice on getting a sleek smooth rollerset?

Very good! I have to wait until my kids aren't around to really get a good timing...:lol: The little sweetipies.... after polish helps give me a sleek look.

I use Carson-Soft Sheen Mega Htz Hi:Gloss Serum.


what a showoff u r dsd LOLOL.
girl 23 minutes??? that's excellent time. if you were to times that by 2 and that's how long it takes me ... hahahaha. How did you start from the back? that would b torture for me. And ur rollerset will be sleeker if you hold ur hair away from the direction you plan on rolling (ie. if u r rolling under, take the hair section and comb it back - opposite direction - and roll the roller that way... meaning ur set will be tight, hence a sleeker rollerset. mind u, this doesn't always work for me... about 3 times out of 10 LOL)
CaramelHonee said:
what a showoff u r dsd LOLOL.
girl 23 minutes??? that's excellent time. if you were to times that by 2 and that's how long it takes me ... hahahaha. How did you start from the back? that would b torture for me. And ur rollerset will be sleeker if you hold ur hair away from the direction you plan on rolling (ie. if u r rolling under, take the hair section and comb it back - opposite direction - and roll the roller that way... meaning ur set will be tight, hence a sleeker rollerset. mind u, this doesn't always work for me... about 3 times out of 10 LOL)
Well thank you my dear!!

I did the holding my hair away thing. They were pretty tight after I finished rolling but my actual hair seemed a little puffy. Maybe it just wasn't wet enough.

When you do rollersets does your hair have to be dripping soaking wet?

ETA: I just parted my hair and clipped the unused hair up and away.
I used to get the puffiness also, until I stopped misting with water while rollersetting. The water was diluting my setting lotion. I also can't use a Leave-in Conditioner, doesn't work well for my hair. That's just me though.
My hair HAS to be fully wet... not necessarily dripping but wet enuf or my hair will indeed puff up. I usually keep a spray bottle handy and if my hair seems a little dry, i just saturate it with the spray bottle. works for me.
Thank you! I Think that is what my major problem is. My hair was very puffy but I though since the rollers where tight that the tension would help straighten my hair a bit.

I think when I try it again this weekend I will make sure my hair is wet enough and keep a spray bottle with setting lotion and water in it!!

BTW, CH, your hair is amazing in the new pictures! :shocked:

How could I have missed those updates!!
LOL... thanks DSD :kiss:

Also, i don't put ANYTHING in my spray bottle but water... remember, if you keep on spraying ur hair to get it wet, you don't want to overuse the setting lotion. i would advise to just put the setting lotion on ur hair before rollersetting, that way, you have evenly applied the setting lotion and don't have to worry about crunchy hair on the left and soft hair on the rite... lol.
oh and when im all done, i spray one last time for good measure across my entire head.
Okay...something during the set for sleekness, huh?

CaramelHonee said:
LOL... thanks DSD :kiss:

.............. i spray one last time for good measure across my entire head.

Well, mine isn't dripping wet(my hair takes waaaay to long to dry!) I spritz a little moisture mixture I have, during my rolling process if needed, then I hit my entire head one good time like CH mentioned, after all the rollers are in. Then, after drying, smooth it with my polish for extra effects.
Dang, I used to do back to front rollersets and it took me even longer. LOL...I don't know if I'll ever get it under 45 minutes.
What polish do you use? i can't remember ever using anything other than sheen LOL. btw, ur hair looks supershiny in ur avatar that it's blinding (in a good way)...
CaramelHonee said:
What polish do you use? i can't remember ever using anything other than sheen LOL. btw, ur hair looks supershiny in ur avatar that it's blinding (in a good way)...

Me?? I use Mega Hhz Hi:Gloss Serum.

:lol: The flash was pretty blinding itself! I think I can attribute that to my oil mixture and possibly the serum. Ugh...this is why I'm keeping a journal, I would like to repeat successes if I have them...if only I can remember what I did to achieve them.....


What made you start at the back? Is this how you always roll?
CaramelHonee said:
LOL... thanks DSD :kiss:

Also, i don't put ANYTHING in my spray bottle but water... remember, if you keep on spraying ur hair to get it wet, you don't want to overuse the setting lotion. i would advise to just put the setting lotion on ur hair before rollersetting, that way, you have evenly applied the setting lotion and don't have to worry about crunchy hair on the left and soft hair on the rite... lol.
oh and when im all done, i spray one last time for good measure across my entire head.
Thanks! I will remember that!!
onepraying said:
Me?? I use Mega Hhz Hi:Gloss Serum.

:lol: The flash was pretty blinding itself! I think I can attribute that to my oil mixture and possibly the serum. Ugh...this is why I'm keeping a journal, I would like to repeat successes if I have them...if only I can remember what I did to achieve them.....


What made you start at the back? Is this how you always roll?
I just seemed like I was having so much trouble doing it from the front so I reversed. I didn't know what was in store and it def. needs to be perfected but it worked.

I do usually roll from the front.
Does anyone use creamy stuff to get a smooth set? I'm scared to use full strength setting lotion liquid because my hair was so crunchy one time.