Is it in your genes.....?


I'm new to this forum and you ladies are such an inspiration to me! I have fine hair and would love to see it thicker. Have any of you had any luck at thickening your hair?
B-5 is supposed to make the hair thicker. I have very fine hair though and have not tried B-5 but just plain taking care of the hair hasn't made my hair thicker (unfortunately)...getting my hair cut blunt though has given the appearance of such.
Hi, do you mean your individual hairs are fine or the density in a certain area? If its the latter, I heard carrot juice can work wonders. There are other vitamins, but I'm not a vit. pro... and I'd recommend coming up with a not too extensive regimine that works for your lifestyle. As in mine might not work for someone with an actual semi- busy life :grin: . I started by writing a list of specific short and long term goals, what works and doesn't work now, and techniques I think could work for me and why. It sounds basic, but I was floundering around trying this and that until after 2 or 3 years, I just started a real regimine and my hair likes it and its showing with less hair breakage, more growth. Don't let anyone put you down, but try to start off realistically. You can always PM me, if you have any questions, even 'dumb' ones. So, good luck to you and sorry for rambling :look: .
I'm not sure what product you can use to make your hair thicker, but welcome to the forum anyways Chrisandter. :wave:
biotin and MSM have helped me reduce rate of shedding. my hair is a little thicker but no, my hair strands did not get thicker
I don't know about anyone else but whenever I use products with keratin protein in it my hair seems thicker. I have thick hair naturally though. One time in particular was a couple weeks after I'd gotten a relaxer and wanted my hair back to it's pre-touchup thickness, I sprayed surge onto my hair and I could immediately see a difference in thickness once it dried . It no longer layed flat to my head, it had body and appeared fuller. Abba nourishing has hydrolyzed human hair keratin in it too and I noticed that whenever i use this to rollerset my hair it seems thicker also. Using Abba is like adding hair to my head. This is what works for me.

I know what definitely helped for me was switching from a regular strength relaxer to a mild/texturizer relaxer strength. It did WONDERS for my fine type 4a/b hair! Not only that, but stretching my relaxers from 6-8 weeks to 12-14 weeks has done my hair justice. Fine hair just runs in my family, and when my hair was relaxed bone straight every time I got a relaxer, my hair was just getting so thin.

I didn't know about the carrots/carrot juice. I'll definitely have to look into that especially if it makes your hair thicker. Carrots are just vitamin A right?? So, if I took vitamin A tablets daily do you guys think that would have the same effect as eating tons of carrots a day??
I have very fine hair, and I have come to the realization that I will never have thick hair roots to ends. Of course the new growth is thick, but once my hair is retouched, my hair resumes its fine appearance. It isn't thin, but the texture is fine. Its uniform roots to ends. I think it does run in the genes.
I have natural thick hair that tends to tangle up to the extreme if I'm not careful, that's why I braid it up and leave it alone as much as possible. I have 3 older sisters with thick,dense hair and it runs in the family..down to my neices and cousins. One of my older sister has long, waist length hair that is absolutely gorgeous. For some reason, the girls... on my moms side... hair grows extremely fast and naturally thick, so I guess I'm blessed. So, I think your hair texture/thickness and your hair length (the maximum it can grow) is determined by your genes.

Last relaxer touch-up: May 16th, 2005
Next relaxer touch-up: July 23rd, 2005
Current hair length: 1 inch past bra strap (when blow out straight)
Ultimate hair goal: 5 inches past bra strap length by Dec. 2005
Hair texture: 4b thick and course strands pics coming in July!
I have naturally fine hair (so does my mother) and have been successful with taking Pantothenic Acid - Vitamin B5 - to make it thicker. My hair is about 50% thicker, permanently, after taking 1000mgs. a day for about a year and half beginning in 2000.

Every once and a while I'll pop a few of them, purporting to begin taking it again, but I never follow through because I don't have much incentive anymore. My hair is quite thick.