IMPORTANT!!! Are These Safe to Use?????


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

I'm currently on the road to healthy hair growth by eating healthy, and exercising as well as taking vitamins. However, that's where my concern lies. I went to GNC in the mall yesterday and picked up a couple of vitamins/ I asked the employee which vitamins were good to use, and he suggested I take the multivitamins for woman. However, I don't really trust multivitamins ( I personally think vitamins work better seperately, but I might be wrong.) In the end I bought the following:

Beta-Carotene 15 mcg
Vitamin B-12 1000 mcg
Biotin 2500 mcg
Natural E 200 IU mcg

My first question is: Should I take one vitamin each daily(all four on the same day?) as the label instructs, or should I take them all on different days?

My second question is : Are these vitamins safe to use daily at the given amount of mcg?

Please let me know. I did some reasearch and I noticed that Beta-Carotene and B-12 can increase risk in certain diseases. I don't have any diseases at all, but I don't want to gain any if I take these vitamins. So please, any one who is familiar with taking vitamins, please give me your insight on this.
I take a multivitamin. I take Centrum. This one I notice gives me energy and I feel like they are working. I have tried that GNC ultra nourish that is raved about on here but it does nothing for me. One member on here uses Vitol Ultra did not work for her either. This also can be found in GNC and she said it had excellent result. So once I am finish the Ultra nourish I will try that one.
you might want to take a multivitamin because some vitamins are dependent on another vitamin in order to work. for instance MSM absorbs better when taken with vitamin C. You take additional supplements if you choose, but u should definitely start with a good reputable multi vite.
I don't see why they would not be safe to use, I would follow the manufacturer's directions on the bottle. As the ladies said, a good multivitamin can work as well.