I Need Henna Help NOW!!!!


Okay ladies, this is my first henna experiance. I JUST put the henna on my hair 20 minutes ago, but I don't want it to dye my hair, I'm trying to do the conditioner that others have talked about but I don't know how long to leave it on my hair. I didn't put any acids in the mixture to make any dye release and I mixed it and let it sit for about 2 hours before applying it. Here's what I used in my mix:

2 tsp of really raw honey
3 teaspoons of extra virgin coconut oil
coconut milk
amla oil
a little bit of water

I mixed it till it looked like pudding then slapped it on...now I don't know when I should take it out...HEEEEELLLLLPPPPPP!!!!!!
My instructions on my henna packet say leave it in for 30 minutes to condition

This is on the Karishma Henna packet

Good luck!:)
Your probably gonna get some color change since it is regular henna, not cassia, especially since you let it sit for 2 hours. I may not be alot but there probably will be some.

When I did my henna I applied it immediately and only left it on for an hour and the redish brown was very noticible (to me) but only in the light. Let us know how it turns out.
I ended up letting it sit for an hour (because my boyfriend ran to the store and I couldn't get in the shower and rinse with my 2 year old on the loose). Okay..my first impression: my hair feels like staw..I'm not sure if this is the "strength" people say they feel after they use henna. It rinsed out pretty well though, didn't feel gritty at all. I washed it twice then put DPR-11 on for 20 minutes. At first glance my hair still looks the same color...but it was wet. I'll have to wait until it dries before I know if the color changed or not. I have elasta's anti breakage serum on right now and I'm getting ready to rinse. Since I air dry, I won't be able to post any pics until tomorrow. I'll keep everyone posted
deontaer said:
I ended up letting it sit for an hour (because my boyfriend ran to the store and I couldn't get in the shower and rinse with my 2 year old on the loose). Okay..my first impression: my hair feels like staw..I'm not sure if this is the "strength" people say they feel after they use henna. It rinsed out pretty well though, didn't feel gritty at all. I washed it twice then put DPR-11 on for 20 minutes. At first glance my hair still looks the same color...but it was wet. I'll have to wait until it dries before I know if the color changed or not. I have elasta's anti breakage serum on right now and I'm getting ready to rinse. Since I air dry, I won't be able to post any pics until tomorrow. I'll keep everyone posted
No, the "straw" feeling isn't the strength, that's probably from the natural protein henna has or the combo of henna and coconut milk (also protein).
Make sure you deep condition with a good moisturizing conditioner afterwards. :)
Thanks Isis....I had a feeling that's what that might be. I did do a deep moisturizing conditioner...but I think this anti breakage serum is protein too :eek::eek::eek:....I better rinse now and put in more moisture!
Yea the EQ BCS is a protein product. You're probably gonna have protein overload now....:perplexed
Aalize said:
Yea the EQ BCS is a protein product. You're probably gonna have protein overload now....:perplexed

I think your right. I rinsed it than used EQ intense and left that on for awhile and some of my hair still feels like straw. I just mixed some DPR-11 with raw honey and put that on. I'm going to leave it on over night, hopefully this does the trick.