I love my braids but...


New Member
I miss my daily scalp massages! Has anyone been able to successfully do scalp massages while wearing pinch plait braid extensions (and not mess up your hairdo); I tried and nearly knocked my braids loose, I don't know if there's a special technique to do or what, any advice is welcome
I do massages all the time and I wear micros. I am not sure what "pinch plait braid extensions" are (the pinch part, that is) but since my fingers are placed on my scalp in-between the single braid extensions I wear, my braids don't get affected at all. Perhaps if you explain how you do your massages, I might be able to help. I know some people do massages by tugging at their hair. I prefer to firmly press my fingers on my scalp and move it in circular motions...working harder in any place where my scalp feels stiff/unyielding...doing different parts of my head at a time.
I just put braids in my hair yesterday, and I will continue to do my scalp massages using my electric scalp massager. My regime is as follows: I will oil my scalp with alma oil and use the electric massager for about ten minutes as pre-shampoo treatment. I will then wash, using CON diluted in a cup of water to wash my scalp and braids. Afterwards, I will squeeze the excess water out of my braids and then add vatika oil to my braids and then sit under my hair steamer for about 20 minutes. I will then spray my scalp with this hair strengthener that I ordered, and then spray my braids with african royale braid spray. I will do this whole routine once a week. I also spray my braids every PM and then put on my satin cap. I use my scalp massager every AM/PM for about 2 minutes. I just run it across my braids lifting them up so as not to manipulate them that much. Since i do my own braids, if i have to take some out and redo, i will. Braids are a great way to get your hair to grow, but I think i have been using the wrong hair for a long time (toyokolon). I want to start getting my hair trimmed every time i take my braids out (which i have not been doing). I noticed some breakage around my hairline and in the crown of my head, that i need to address. I find that braids are a great alternative to leaving your hair alone so it can recover. Combing and brushing my hair probably caused some damage because it can be so unruly, I'm not that alarmed over the breakage, but I'm afraid when i go to get it trimmed, how much will they really trim, just the thought scares me. I learned from this hairboard that tokoloyon hair is not good because it cuts our hair. I'm just wondering if bit by bit my hair was being attacked. Anyhow, I started using the kankanlon and in another 4 months, hopefully I will have the courage to go get my hair trimmed. In the meantime I will work effortlessly in trying to encourage strong healthy hair by being diligent with my routine and changing my eating habits for the better. I hope this helps you.
Thanks for the info ladies....I have regular individual braid extensions that I do myself, I heard someone refer to them as "pinch plaits" if they are about as thick as half of a #2 pencil (sorry if not making sense) and some hair is left loose at the end of the braid. If my hair isn't braided then I massage my scalp by cupping my head in my hands and massaging in a circular motion all over my scalp, 5 minutes rotating from the top of my head to the base of my scalp, then 5 minutes from the base of my scalp to the top of my head. I tried to do this while my hair was braided but I could feel the braids pulling at my scalp, and I wasn't even doing it that hard