I have a Valentine, and his name is God!

I may not have a man to celebrate Valentine's Day with, but God is doing a good job at letting me know he loves me:

-Today: My car needs to be fix and the mechanic said it's going to cost $ 600. Being a college student I kinda gasped at the price. But, I soon found out the broken part was under warranty. I didnt even know! Now, I dont have to pay a dime!

- Today: I usually find a place to live locally in the summer because my drive to work from my parents home can be quite long. I've been slightly stressed and worried about finding a place. Today in the mailroom at school, I found a flyer about a room for rent locally for the summer! The price is great and I love the area it's in. I took a tour of this home and told the student I'd take the room. This home is everything I've been looking for!

I really dont deserve all these great blessings because I'm not where I should be with God. Yes, I am a Christian, but I havent been to church or paid my tithes since the beginning of January 2005. Today God has showed me just how much he loves me and I owe it to him to get myself right. No man could ever show me the love that God has showed me today!

So for those of you who dont have a man to celebrate Valentine's Day with (or even if you do), your secret admirer is looking out for you! Watch for the many ways He says,"I love you" today and everyday!

Happy Valentine's Day!
Girl you know you better peach. Thanks for that word.

I have a Valentine and was a little upset because we don't have the money to do anything today, but I think God for my husband the Man of God that he is. Our 1st Anniversity is in two weeks for maybe times will be better and we will do something then, but if not I will still be grateful and happy
How wonderful!! Thank goodness, He's my valentine too!

Lady R, one day you'll look back on this day and absolutey marvel at how far God brought you. :kiss:
Isn't it awesome how God can be everyone's Valentine at the same time? No man could ever do that...no matter how much they may try!!! :D :D :D
slwe415 said:
Isn't it awesome how God can be everyone's Valentine at the same time? No man could ever do that...no matter how much they may try!!! :D :D :D

LOL! I know that's right! :lol:
I hope this attachment attaches. :eek:) A friend sent this to me, so I want to share it with all of you, my fellow sisters in Christ.


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