I am not Retaining *sigh*


New Member
I was looking at my pics, and it seems like I just got back to the length of my March update *sigh* I am not retaining my length even though it is growing a lot. and I mean A LOT!! I think I am growing about an inch a month. I might have to keep my hair in braids for about 3 months to end this shoulder length woe.

I am 10 weeks post. My newgrowth is not moisturized very well. It feels wirey. I'm getting frusrated lol. I used MN everyday. I stopped cowashing so much becaue of the mani. I just wash once a week and throw in a cowash every week.

Any suggestions?
Here is my June 12, 2008 update

This is my March 16, 2008 update

once its time for your next relaxer you'll see some progress. since your roller setting your roots arent going to be as straight
youll be armpit length in no time
once its time for your next relaxer you'll see some progress. since your roller setting your roots arent going to be as straight
youll be armpit length in no time

ITA! You'll notice a difference after your next relaxer.:yep:
I was looking at my pics, and it seems like I just got back to the length of my March update *sigh* I am not retaining my length even though it is growing a lot. and I mean A LOT!! I think I am growing about an inch a month. I might have to keep my hair in braids for about 3 months to end this shoulder length woe.

I am 10 weeks post. My newgrowth is not moisturized very well. It feels wirey. I'm getting frusrated lol. I used MN everyday. I stopped cowashing so much becaue of the mani. I just wash once a week and throw in a cowash every week.

Any suggestions?
Just incase you aren't retaining here's some suggestions. They're also good even if you are as I found that I have zero split ends because of doing this: Forget the newgrowth. Yes you should moisturize it, but the ends are where retaining really comes in. the mn could be making your hair drier. Protect your ends with conditioner. I use shescentit.com's avocado conditioner, but you can use whatever. Just pure moisture. Take a little and put it on your ends each day to seal in moisture. I do that whenever I wasn't using moisture block (moisture block locks in the conditioner, so there's no need). I am not talking leave in conditioner, I'm talking pure moisturizing (no protein) conditioner. Put it on your ends like you would some shea butter or other stuff. It's all I need to retain. I read about it somewhere and the girls hair was super long no joke. Since I've been doing that I always retain my length. Knock on wood. Hope it helps you.
Yup, keep moisturizing your ends and def wait until your relax again to compare the pics. You will be very happy, Krazy.
Your hair does look super thick in the June pic. That ng must be kickin' :grin:.