How Was Your Worship Today?


formerly nicola.kirwan
How was worship for you today?

For me, it started off badly. The church I go to struggles. The pastor is trying to do something good in the community, but the people just aren't spiritually there. I came early to do pre-service prayer and Scripture reading, but the choir director and pastor insisted that I rehearse with the choir instead to fill out the parts. I sat through choir rehearsal feeling like, "I just want to be reading the Bible and fellowshipping with other believers right now." Then church came and I couldn't pay attention at all during the sermon.

I was bothered, couldn't figure out exactly why, but my mind kept going back to this other church I used to attend that I miss a lot. I actually ended up leaving halfway through the service to drive 45 minutes across the city to my old church. As soon as I got in my car I started talking to the Lord, saying, "I just want to worship You. I want to be in a place where the people gather together to worship You, glorify You, and praise Your name." I felt so light after praying that.

So, I get to my old church in the middle of the sermon. I automatically felt loads lighter. I saw old friends, classmates, my old pastors, it was great. But it all came together when the first communion song was this:

Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You're my God...

It was perfect. It was the answer to the prayer, people standing together praising, bringing their worship. It is a privilege to worship God.

How was your worship today?
Wonderful and comedic. The text was Matt 16:13 - 20. I am what God says I am. I am who God says I am. Stop saying things about people that are not true.

If Jesus had a concern about who people said he is.. we should also. However, what other people say about you does not matter in the end. We should look inwardly at ourselves.


Then I had some comedy today too..... Check my thread. LOL!
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Worship was good. The focus of the sermon was on Mark 10:46-52 and to get up and do something to benefit the world tomorrow. Both choirs were on point. If I can't find a church I like in the area, I'll just attend chapel at school.
Worship was good. The focus of the sermon was on Mark 10:46-52 and to get up and do something to benefit the world tomorrow. Both choirs were on point. If I can't find a church I like in the area, I'll just attend chapel at school.

Where do you live?

I had Matthew, you had Mark. Who had Luke and John?
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Church was amazing today. Pastor's topic for the last few weeks has been spiritual warfare and this week he discussed having the proper weapon for the battle/strongholds you are fighting. The scripture was primarily Joshua and the miracles he performed in the name of God.

We need to learn to move past prayer into action. We must learn to discern the weapon to use.
Greatest battles are with ourselves.

Points he gave:

Successful warfare begins in the mind. Renew your mind...past failures do not define you. You must learn to control your mind.

Research and investigate. Plan practically and find someone you trust who has victory in an area you feel defeated and learn.

Crossing our Jordan. Joshua 3:14 When Joshua crossed the river Jordan, he crossed over on dry land...there was no mud being tracked onto the other side. The point was many times we go through things, but we carry the mud, debris and mess with us instead of letting go.

Death to self is a must. Joshua 5

Get a plan from God. Joshua 5:13 Sit with God and discern his plan for you. Counsel is there to confirm what you should have already received from God.

DO WHAT GOD SAID DO! Joshua 6:2 Often times what God would do won't match what you would do. Requires your trust in Him. You already have the victory. Have men and women of God who will battle with you. WARRIORS for Christ.

Never attempt to make peace with the enemy. Don't empower negative thoughts. Test every word you get. Evaluate...whether it's your pastor, your parents, whomever. Is it in alignment with the word. That means you need to study word to know the difference.

Last but not least...this is a supernatural battle. Joshua 10 God gets the 1st call!!

I know this is was a message I needed to hear today. Just wanted to share.
Ok I will be raw I haven't been to any bodies church in 6 months and today was the 1st time.I went to my best friend/sister church and I was already on the fences about it last night but I told her mom about my incident on the 20th and she was like baby you can't get you I got my stuff together last night and went this morning..its small maybe 15 people..that was a bit akward for me.

The sermon at first was boring it was based on Ecclesiastes 3 1-8 with emphasis on verse 2 about life and death..he didn't get my attention until the middle to the end..I don't like sermons that are too wordy or overly bibical..give me the foundation of you case based on the word then make it plain and practical.

I don't think I will join but will visit..I dont think Im going to join any church but I will do my best to go listen to the word more regularly.
My worship was wonderful. I am continually thanking God for His mercy, offering everything I have to Him, my heart, my mind, my soul, my life...
Sunday worship was great for me!

The sermon title and song was confirmation of what has been taking place in my life.

The sermon title was 'Because of your Faith' based on Romans 4. And the choir song the hymn 'King Jesus is listening to your prayers'.

The song and message went hand and hand. Indeed confirmation.

I shared this because I just want to encourage everyone to keep your faith. No matter what you are going through now, keep your faith. God hears your prayers, and we have a great Intercessor name Jesus who sits on the throne with our Heavenly Father.

A lot of times we don't know what's going on because the Lord is working things out behind the scenes. I pray that everyone will keep their faith in God during adversity, trials, and the unexpected. God is able to do more for us than we can do in our own strength.

Keep your faith. We will be blessed by our faith alone in God.

Isaiah 46:9-11
9 Remember the former things, those of long ago;
I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like me.

10 I make known the end from the beginning,
from ancient times, what is still to come.
I say: My purpose will stand,
and I will do all that I please.
11 From the east I summon a bird of prey;
from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose.
What I have said, that will I bring about;
what I have planned, that will I do.
Where do you live?

I had Matthew, you had Mark. Who had Luke and John?
LOL! :lachen:
P&W was/is always awesome. IMHO, we have an awesome P&W team and auxillaries.:yep:

Ok,we had Matthew too. Matt 18:21-35 with text from Proverbs to support as well. Our pastor spoke on Unforgiveness.
His main points were:
*How dangerous it can be for all
progressive sickness(physically and spiritually)
eventual death (physically and spiritually)

*How it can be a major blessing blocker

*It often does not happen instantly for most but we must start the process with our prayers for the offender

* It does not depend on the offender's actions but is a conscious decision that must be made by the offended.
It was very difficult. But I know God is on the throne and is good always. As long as I hear God, I'll be fine :).