How to read the bible


New Member
I was at a gathering, and we were talking about religion, and one person said to start reading the bible with Romans, because from that book alone, you will get to know Jesus.

I always thought you just went from page 1 to the end :perplexed

How do you approach the bible?

Where does one start?
I had this question too. I heard that reading from the beginning to end isn't the best because it is not in chronological order. There are some websites that have different Bible reading plans ie New christians, christians that have rededicated their lives etc. I'm not exactly sure how to approach it because I am still trying to learn myself but I think its up to the person how they want to approach reading the Bible.
Dear sister,

How we read God's Word is a personal choice.....
but you really can only read it one page at a time...:grin:

Stay blessed!

I was at a gathering, and we were talking about religion, and one person said to start reading the bible with Romans, because from that book alone, you will get to know Jesus.

I always thought you just went from page 1 to the end :perplexed

How do you approach the bible?

Where does one start?
I've started reading the Bible again. I've never read it in its entirety, but I know when I was reading through it before, my Pastor started us at the beginning and we went through quite a bit of the Old Testament before skipping ahead to the new. I'm doing that again, as I've got the Bible on CD and I listen to it in the car on the way to work. But the old Testment is so long! I feel like I need get into the New Testament. It's like it's calling me. I have a Bible that has different reading plans. One 30-day plan for new Christians, one plan specifically reading about Jesus and a 90-day plan that gives a "tour" of the Bible, I guess hitting the most popular/significant stories and what's considered most important for Christians. I'll probably choose the longest option, but I'll try to take less than 90 days to do it.