How to BC


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I've been transitioning for almost one year and want to do the big chop soon. I was thinking about going to a stylist to make sure the cut is even but I worry that she may not know how to handle the two textures without pulling my hair out.

How have you ladies gone about doing the BC?

Did you self-BC or did you go to a stylist?

Hi Ladies,

I've been transitioning for almost one year and want to do the big chop soon. I was thinking about going to a stylist to make sure the cut is even but I worry that she may not know how to handle the two textures without pulling my hair out.

How have you ladies gone about doing the BC?

Did you self-BC or did you go to a stylist?


I self-BC'd and regretted it. I cut more on my left side than my right so its been growing uneven since then :grin: I'm too stubborn to cut it again. If you can trust the stylist then I say let her do it. If not, ask a friend you trust. I did my sister's BC.
I self BCd. I loaded my hair with conditioner and started cutting. For areas that I was unsure about I left a bit more length on. Then in the following days and weeks I would cut the extra bits off
I put conditioner in my hair, section it off and went to cutting. The back was a little difficult, I did chop a little too much on the right side around the nape area.

But I didn't bother with getting it evenly cut off after my BC. My hair grows weird in different sections.
Do you have a drastic difference between your natural hair & relaxed ends?

One successful way is to put your hair into about 16 twists or braids. Wet it and add conditioner. You should be able to see where the relaxed and natural hair meet and just clip off at that point.

Then the following week you may want to go to a barber or someone to help even you out if you need it.
Thanks for the responses ladies :)

I have 4a/4b hair so I can see tell the difference between the two textures well. I like the idea of sectioning off the hair via braids or twists and then cutting at the line of demarcation.
I DC overnight and in the morning wet the hair and cut a quarted section at a time. That worked for me. I still have some a few straight parts but I trim them as I see them (usually on wet washed hair). Good luck
Don't you pay for a BC! Do it yourself! Get a partner if you have and my mom did mine, then did hers!

Yes, all the exclamation marks are necessary. LOL
It took me two days to fully BC- The first day I cut my hair up to nose length(started at mbl(back) and apl(front). That was on a Wednesday; then over the weekend I cowashed and finished it up. Then, when I saw pieces that were too long or too straight--snip,snip. The goal for me was to be able to have my hair "nap" up when it was dry. If you have alot of straightness you will be able to tell; just clip that hair. Try not to stretch your hair too much as you cut it--that will cause you to cut shorter than necessary; especially if you are doing it to damp/wet hair. Congralutions and good luck with your BC :)
I had my mom do it (she's paralysed on the left arm from a stroke but she got me even all around).

I say if you have a partner save the money. I washed and detangled then added leave in.
I self BC'd. Like most, wet hair, loaded w/conditioner makes it very easy to see where to cut. Make sure your scissors are sharp! You will find straight pieces here and there maybe for days and possibly even months afterwards...but it's not a big deal.
Good luck and enjoy your natural journey.